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Dissidia Collection

I just realized that the Dissidia Anniversary Collection is the Starter Set for Beyond Destiny. This whole time I thought that this was going to be just like the previous collection. But it is not. It’s just a Custom Starter Set, with an added 20 cards or so.

Yes, we haven’t seen any of the cards yet, but they did give us the numbers for the cards. And, they all start with 21.

21-125S – Onion Knight
21-126S – Cloud
21-127S – Firion
21-128S – Shantotto
21-129S – Terra
21-130S – Noctis
21-131S – Warrior of Light
21-132S – Cecil
21-133S – Tidus
21-134S – Bartz

And, let’s not forget the Full Art Premium Framed (that’s their own words) Y’shtola.

21-036H – Y’shtola

I wonder if it’s going to be a different kind of Foil, like they mentioned that Estinien would be?

Is this going to be a new way that Square Enix will be doing the Starter Sets, or will it be a one off? Maybe, a once a year Premium Set.

I do like that, the cards that they are reprinting in this collection, aren’t just reprints, but they are getting new artwork as well. Probably won’t cut into the prices of the original cards by that much.

And, the storage box is always nice. I mean who doesn’t need more storage to hold their cards? I know I do. I got cards lying around everywhere, but that’s a different story all together.

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Irregular Scheduled Programming

Just finished updating the site, with From Nightmares singles.

Hey, it only took us a month. Not too bad. Could have been worse. I just noticed I never posted the Rebellion’s Call singles. So, if you need some of those just send me a message. You can contact us through the contact page.

We’re still going through all the singles and adding more to the count for them. I believe we left off on Opus VI. Ice was the last element we sorted. I remember the stack of cards on my desk as I was opening From Nightmares Booster Boxes.

I ended up putting them all in a card tray and forgetting about them until the time would come to bring them back and slowly getting through the pile once again. And then one more time, because we bought a couple of collections, so we have to go through them.

Other than that, stay tuned for our irregular posts.

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From Nightmares – The Shadow Figures?

19-103H – Tidus EX

Tidus looks mad, that Yuna didn’t get the same art treatment by Amano this set.

As a card he seems pretty decent. For 4CP you can send a Forward back to your opponent’s deck. At the very bottom of the deck that is. Which is a decent way to get some reprieve from that Forward.

And as long as you have 20 cards in your Break Zone, you can play Tidus onto the field straight from the Break Zone.

You’ll be able to play Tidus,return a Forward, attack or block, and then replay Tidus from the Break Zone to send another Forward back to the bottom of the deck.

It sounds good in my head, let’s see if it plays out.

19-104H – Madeen

Very cheap Summon to play. And it’s a good one. At least I like it. You might not, but this is my opinion.

For 1 whole Crystal Point, you can remove a Forward from the game.

Although you’ll need a Light Forward on the field to cast it, it still is a good card to have in your deck if you do have a Light Forward. If you don’t, then there is no reason to play this card.


19-105H – Ark

Free Summon?

You guessed it.

But, you do need to have a 9CP Dark Forward on the field for Ark to be cast for Free. And there are 3 Dark Forwards you can choose from. Nidhogg and Sin x2.

Once you play Ark, you can Break one of your opponent’s Forwards, and that’s not all, they’ll also discard 2 cards from their hand.

That’s what I call a double attack. They won’t know where to run to.

19-106H – Sin

Plenty, and I mean Plenty of Free cards this set.

Of course they all need some requirements to be played for free, but they’re still free.

Sin is free when you have received 6 points of damage. At that point he comes in and since you have 6 points of damage, your opponent will select 3 Forwards or Backups or a combination of the 2 to be sent to the Break Zone.

If Sin is broken, he is removed from the game.

This is your final desperation play. You can probably keep 3 on hand for the end of the game. And if that doesn’t work, well you’re out of luck. You can probably pair Sin with Opus I Tidus for some “Back Against the Wall Shenanigans.”

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From Nightmares – Water and High Tides

19-086R – Ashe EX

More like the Ashetiveator.

I really like this card. As long as you have a copy in your hand and a couple of CP available, you can keep reactivating a Forward once per turn.

The way I would do it would be. I would enter the Attack Phase. And when that attack goes through, I would play Ashe and activate that Forward so it can block.

You can actually play Ashe twice per turn. Play her in your Main Phase 1, return her to your hand during your Attack Phase and then replay her during your Main Phase 2.

The more I think about it, the more I like this card.

19-087R – Wol

Wol can’t attack, but he sure can block.

Weighing in at 2CP/9K power. He will take out some Attackers.

But, it’s Chef’s Knife that we really like. It’s 9000 damage to a Forward that cannot be reduced by other abilities.

So, once per turn you can use Chef’s Knife, then play Ashe, then use Chef’s Knife again, then play Ashe, and use Chef’s Knife once again. But, that will on;y work if you have 3 Wols in your hand. And you can. You can actually have up to 24 Wols in your deck. That’s almost half your deck. Keep your enemy at bay with this Tonberry Suit.

19-088C – Aerith

Aerith has one job, and that is to grab a Light card from the Break Zone. Other than that she’ll just hang out and give you 1CP per turn.

That’s pretty much it for this Aerith, not the best Aerith.

There’s probably a lot of better plays, unless you really need that Light card.



19-089H – Gau

I’m not going to say it this time.

I’m not. I’m going to try not to.

Gau, is actually pretty good, for what he does.

For 2CP you get a Forward that can come in during your opponents turn and buff another Category VI Character +1K power for every Category VI Character you control.

Throw him in there with the Dream Stooges, and Kefka, and you have a Forward that can block anything your opponent throws at you and survive it.

After that you can put Gau back into your deck and draw a card. Gau is wild like that. He’s a Wild Child.

19-090C – Clavat

Water’s Multi-Elemental Forward.

And by that we mean, if you pay with at least 3 Elements. Each element has had one of these cards, and Clavat is no different.

When she enters the field, if you did pay with at least 3 Elements, your opponent chooses one of their Forwards and sends it packing. Straight to the Break Zone.

Other than that Clavat will allow you to draw a card, and then discard a card when she enters the field.

19-091R – Sapphire Weapon

Another Free Card, this set is spoiling us.

Every Element has a way to cast cards for Free. And, we like free. Even the guy in the back, with the Cloud Signature card in his back pocket. You know he likes FREE too.

It’s not that often that you can play a 9k Body for free. But Sapphire Weapon here can. As long as you have at least 5 Weapon cards in your Break Zone, Sapphire Weapon can come in for free.

You have yourselves a Water deck, just throw in Ruby, and Emerald and just chuck them to pay for other Cards. And when Sapphire show up, you know it’s coming in with a Vengeance. Or something like that.

If Sapphire Weapon gets broken somehow, no worries. You’ll draw 2 cards when you put Sapphire Weapon into the Break Zone.

You might even get lucky and draw another Sapphire Weapon that you can play for free.

19-092C – White Mage

Well, you can sort of count White Mage as a free card, but you still have to pay for it. 2CP, and if you have 3 points of Damage you get to draw a card.

Once she’s on the field, you can use her ability to return one of your opponent’s Forwards to their hand.

Just a little reminder. You’d probably want to get rid of a Forward that doesn’t have an enter the field ability.


19-093H – Strago EX

This is interesting, I think I already like this card.

Every time Strago enters the field, or is broken, you get to reveal the top 4 cards of your deck and hopefully you’ll find a FFVI card sitting there that you can add to your hand.

This also works when Strago is found when you take Damage.

And, let’s not forget about Revenge Blast. For each point of Damage you have received, your opponent’s Forward will lose 2000 power.

And with 5 different Stragos available, you might have a hand full of Stragos at 6 points of Damage. At that point you can spam Revenge Blast and take your opponent to Pound Town.

19-094R – Sanctuary Keeper

Who needs Ashe when you have Sanctuary Keeper?

For 3CP, you can have a constant Activation per turn. Not only that, this Activation comes with a +2000 power buff.

You can actually use both Ashe and Sanctuary Keeper, with 24 Wols and spam that Chef’s Knife. My deck is slowly coming into fruition. I’ll have that deck ready in no time.



19-095C – Sophia

Sophia is the opposite of Sanctuary Keeper.

At the begining of the Attack Phase, Sophia reduces the power of a Forward by 2000.

If you’re already buffing one of your Forwards by 2000, that is a 4000 power difference. Sure it’ll only worked that way if each of you only have 1 Forward on the field, but you get what I’m trying to say. Or not say.


19-096C – Tidus EX

Well, for being a high cost card, you’d think you’d get more than just drawing a card or returning a Forward to their owner’s hand.

I’m not seeing it.

The only thing I like is that it can come off from an EX Burst. Which should be a good enough reason to have some in your deck, as you can always use them to pay for Opus I Tidus’s ability.


19-097C – Tonberry

I was trying to come up with a different way to start this, but couldn’t.

Tonberry comes in like a Monster and out like a Forward.

When Tonberry comes in you draw a card, then discard a card to make him a Forward. Tonberry is technically a 4 cost Forward, but you only have to pay for 2CP as he provides the other 2CP himself.

But, when Tonberry deals damage to a Forward the Forward is broken regardless of power. He has the real Chef’s Knife, not Wol.

19-098C – Yuna

When Yuna comes in, your opponent selects the card Forward that will be sent to the Break Zone. You’ll be able to remove a Forward, but since your opponent gets to pick which one it might not always work in your favor.

This is one way to get rid of Opus XVI Tidus, but I don’t think your opponent will choose that card when Yuna enters the field. Unless, if it’s the only Forward on the field.



19-099R – Josef

Are Rebels becoming a thing?

I mean Josef here looks like a good card, especially since you most likely will be playing Firion, which will make Josef a 3CP/9K body Rebel/Monk with a sword. Wait, Monks use swords? Maybe Josef uses it for his Rebel side.

“Rebel, Rebel,
You’ve torn your dress”

Maybe that’s what the sword is for.

Where was I? Ah, yes. And, with Firion still on the field, every time Josef attack, you get to draw 1 card. Who doesn’t like drawing cards. I’ll play Josef and attack for no reason just to draw a card.

And, that’s not all. No, Sir. When Josef enters the field you can also play a Category II Forward from your hand onto the field. Any FFII Character as long as it is 3CP or less. It doesn’t even need to be a Rebel, Rebel.

19-100C – Larsa

A 2 cost Backup that really is a 4 cost.

You’ll probably be discarding a card in order to search for that XII Forward that you’re really looking for. If that Forward is on the field you probably have no use to play this card.

Sure you can reduce damage dealt to a Forward by 2000, but I believe there are better Larsas than this one.


19-101R – Leviathan

The Water God comes in as a Free Summon.

No Sacrifices needed.

Leviathan comes in, you return 1 of your opponents Forwards to their hand, and they can’t play it until the end of their next turn.

What I like about this is that they’ll have a dead card in their hands. They won’t be able to play it, and if they draw another one they’ll have 2 dead cards. They might even discard it for CP just so they can play another card.

Might come out in your favor, or you’re just delaying the fact that they can play a Forward with an enter the field ability, that might turn things in their favor. But, this is a card game, and we need cards that will give us a breather when we can get it.
Yes, Free Summons are still good.

19-102L – Refia

If you needed a reason to run a Warrior of Light deck, well now you got one.

Refia will activate all the Warrior of Light cards you have at the beginning of each of your attack phases. That means you can go all out, and attack with all your Forwards, and then during your opponents turn, you will have all your Forwards activated, just in time to start blocking.

Also, once per turn, you can dull 4 Warriors of Light, and put one of your opponents Forward back into their deck. Top or bottom, you get to choose.

And, let’s not forget about the artwork. This is a beautiful card. Only complaint is that this one didn’t come as a full art.

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From Nightmares – Thunderbolts and Lightning

19-069R – Emperor (FFL)

5 cost Forward with an S-ability that has a 50% chance to turn the tide in your favor. More than 50% depending on what cards you’re playing. But, if you’re not playing any Summons or Monsters it’s 100%.

Black Box, the abilities of abilities. Depending on what is the top card of your deck you can either deal 8000 damage to all the Forwards. Dull and Freeze all the Characters, or draw 4 cards.

Either of the first 2 will be very beneficial for you.

Add Glauca to the mix and he’s only a 4 cost Forward with a 9K body.

I’ll take 3 and throw them in any Lightning deck.

19-070C – Edge

It’s all about the Shuriken Counters.

Edge comes in with 3 Shuriken Counters, each one can be used to deal 5000 damage to a Forward. He does dull when he uses his ability, but after 3 turns, you can just block a Forward and recast Edge.

This way you can have Edge on the field for most of the game, just dealing 5000 damage a turn. A nice little way to keep your opponent at bay.


19-071C – Elgo EX

4 cost Backup that allows you to grab a Multi-Element Forward from your Break Zone.

After that Elgo just stays on the field and produces CP each turn, as any Backup would.

His enter the field ability also comes off as an EX Burst.



19-072C – Eald’narche

5CP/9K Forward that when she enters the field you can discard a card to Break a Forward.

Any Forward will do.

In total you will be paying 7CP to break the Forward, and then you’re left with a 9K body to deal damage or block attacks.

Almost like an Opus I Odin that will Break a Forward, but you get to keep this card on the field.

19-073C – Kain

Have we had a Kain as a Backup before?

Either way, this one isn’t half bad. Actually pretty useful with Back Attack.

If you have a Forward that is blocking another Forward, and your opponent buffs it to match the your Forwards power, you can play Kain and give your Forward First Strike. That way your attack will go through first. Breaking your opponents Forward.

Other than that, there really isn’t much use for it.

19-074C – Scholar

Cheap Backup to play, and is great when you have 3 points of damage.

When Scholar enters the field you can Break a Forward of cost 3 or less.

Not only that, but Scholar has an ability to deal 8000 damage to a damaged Forward. Most of the time this will break that Forward.

You get all this for 2CP.


19-075C – Chimera

If you don’t have a low cost Character on the field when you play Chimera, you don’t need to break it. This can also be a way to get rid of a Backup you don’t need on the field anymore to make way for a new one.

Chimera costs a measly 1CP, and it can also become a Forward.

This is a pretty decent Monster/Forward.



19-076R – Kuja EX

2CP Backup that Breaks a 2CP Forward or 1CP when he enters the field.

After that you can dull Kuja, chuck him to the Break Zone and dull a Forward.





19-077L – Golbez

Archfiends are back. If they weren’t a thing yet, they are now.

Golbez and the Warp Counters. Every time you remove one, you can play an Archfiend from your hand onto the field. They don’t even need to be a certain cost. Any Archfiend will do. And every time you do play an Archfiend, you can draw a card.
After that Golbez gives all the Archfiends +3000 power.

So many awesome cards so far, and so many decks I want to build. And so little time to do so.

19-078C – Jinnai

I don’t see it.

I mean you can pay the 4CP to activate Jinnai, to dull a Forward.

If the cost was a little cheaper, maybe 2CP it would have been better, but for 4CP to activate Jinnai, I believe there are better options to play.

But, Jinnai is only a Common, so that might be why the cost is high.

Other than that Jinnai is a 3CP/7K Forward.

19-079H – Moebius

Did I mention I like the Dream Stooges?

Well if I didn’t, now I did.

Moebius allows you to grab a Dream Stooge from the Break Zone. Which is a good thing.

If you have all the Dream Stooges on the field, they all gain +2000 power, making them a little more difficult to deal with.

I like it and I shall be making a Dream Stooge deck, just to have some fun. Add in Kefka and I can see something fun Happening.

19-080R – Vivi

Mono Lightning?

Might as well play Vivi, if only for the fact that all you’ll have in your hands is Lightning cards.

Simply play Vivi onto the field, reveal your hand and deal a Forward up to 14,000 damage.

It’s simple as that. He’s also a Forward so you can block an attack and then play another Vivi, and rinse and repeat.

Lots of value in this little play. It’s worth a try or 3.

19-081R – Behemoth

A second Behemoth in this set.

This one plays quite different then the Earth one.

When Behemoth enters the field, you can choose a Forward of 5CP or less and send it to the Break Zone.

After that during each of your Attack Phases, Behemoth will dull one of your opponents Forwards.

What you wanted to attack with that Forward? Sorry, he’s dull. Oh you wanted to block with that Forward, Sorry, he’s dull too.

If your opponent doesn’t have an answer for Behemoth, he’ll be playing with one less Forward. One he won’t be able to play again. Unless your dulling a Standard Unit, but why would you want to do that?

Did anyone notice the KO’d Onion Knight on the bottom?

19-082H – Lightning

This beautiful card comes in with Haste, And 9000 power.

It’s an interesting card if I say so myself. Because when she is sent to the Break Zone you can play a Category XIII Character from your hand onto the field.

And her other ability reads, discard Odin, and choose a Forward your opponent controls, break the Forward and Lightning.
Now, if you already have another Lightning in your hand, you can play her onto the field for free. It’ll be almost as she never left.

Who said Lightning doesn’t strike twice? Lightning can strike up to 3 times with this card.

19-083R – Ramuh

Lightning’s Free Forward is here, in the form of Ramuh.

Simply put, Ramuh deals 8000 damage to a 3 cost (or less) Forward.

That is usually more than enough to get rid of the low CP Forwards.

And, since it’s a free play, why not use it. I know I will.



19-084R – Ricard

Looks like Dragoons got a roll of the dice.

I like these types of cards, that let you reveal the top cards of your deck and hopefully finding what you’re looking for.
You won’t always get what you’re looking for, but there is always a chance.

And with most Dragoons being Lightning. I’m sure you’ll be able to find a Lightning card or two to choose from.

After the roll of the dice, Ricard has an ability that will give a Forward First Strike. You will send Ricard into the Break Zone, and that just means you get to play him again.

19-085C – Dragoon

Dragoon here comes in with Haste, and that is enough for me.

But if you’re playing with 3 different elements, and you paid the cost with 3, you can choose a Forward of cost 3 or less and Break it.

There are Dragoons in almost all of the Elements, which can make it somewhat easy to play.