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Dawn of Heroes – Bucket of Dirt

20-064C – Arkasodara

I like this elephant man.

A simple 3 cost Backup that will either Break one of your opponents dull Forwards, or your opponent will pay 3CP for them to save that Forward.

Either way your opponent will lose part of their strategy due to them having inefficient funds, or due to them being down a Forward that they needed.

I like it, I’ll take it.

20-065H – Antlion (IV)

I remember fighting Antlion in FFIV to in order to get the Sand Pearl to save Rosa from desert fever.

Now the Antlion is back, and it is still angry. Must be all the monsters roaming the Antlion Den.

As a Monster, Antlion doesn’t have a special ability, it just waits for Backups to come and go, so it can turn itself into a Forward.

Once it’s a Forward it is something to deal with. With 9000 power and it’s counter ability, that will deal the same damage it received and deal it to another one of your opponents Forwards. Which one? Anyone you’d like.

Yes, I like it.

20-066R – Ignis

At the time of writing I just finished writing about Gnash.

Well, Ignis is the perfect answer to Gnash, Ignis is also one of the Backups that can be chosen by Gnash.

Ignis enters, and you can chuck a Backup and break one of your opponents Forwards.

Not only that, but on the same turn when you send that Backup to the Break Zone, you can grab a Forward from the Break Zone.

End of the day, Ignis has a way of recycling that Forward you need when he is sent to the Break Zone. After all is said and done, you’ll still have a 9K body on the field.

20-067R – Ifalna

Aerith’s mother. That’s all I’ll say in case there are people living under a rock, and haven’t played FFVII yet.

A great 2 cost Backup, that will grab an Earth Forward from your Break Zone and play it straight to the field.

This is actually really good, especially if all of your Opus XIV Clouds are in the Break Zone, and you have no other way of bringing them back.

We need more cards with support Characters that we haven’t seen yet.

20-068R – Aerith

We’ll have Aerith right next to Ifalna in our Binders.

What ever you do, you’re Warping Aerith in. There is no reason to pay 2CP to make her just a 5K body. Aerith is much more than that. Just ask Zack.

Aerith Warps in and grabs a Forward from your Break Zone.

After she grabs that Forward, that’s when she becomes a 5K body.

The apple doesn’t fall too far from the tree. Both Ifalna and Aerith pretty much have the same ability.

20-069H – Chaos

Oh, this is nice.

Chaos causing Chaos just cause his name is Chaos.

Or something like that.

Chaos is a 6CP Forward, that let’s you search for a 4CP Dark Forward and play it onto the field. This will make Chaos a 2CP/9K body, and depending on which Dark Forward you choose you can probably put some hurt on your opponent. Too bad Sterne Leonis is banned, cause that would have been fun. For you, not your opponent.

And that’s not all.

If Chaos is in the Break Zone you can remove Chaos and 2 Dark Characters from the game to Break a Forward of your choosing.

The OG Dark Lord will take vengeance on the Warriors of Light. Maybe that’s what the 2000 year time loop is for.

*queue Alice Cooper’s “Vengeance is Mine”

20-070C – Leatherworker

Uhm, lots of Earth Backups that get played for free.

Free is usually a good thing, when they have a decent enter the field ability. Or any ability at all.

Where’s the Copy/Paste button when you need it?



20-071C – Ciaran

Here’s your Crystal pumping machine. As long as Ciaran stays on the field and attacks, you’ll be gaining a Crystal each turn.
He can actually use the Crystals himself and gain a 2K buff until the end of the turn.

Other than that, Dark Sword is a decent Special ability that deals a Forward (3000xpoints of damage you received). And you don’t even need to dull Ciaran in order to use it.

There are 2 different Ciarans meaning you can use this ability up to 5 times in one turn. But, only if all the Ciarans are in your hand.

20-072C – Gigas

A Giant? Let’s call him Andre.

Andre comes in and pretty much stops one of your opponents Forwards. Stuns? That Forward will not be able to Attack or Block until the end of their turn. Allowing your tiny Forwards to get some attacks in without the fear of being blocked by a big body.

Gigas … I mean Andre once he’s done Stopping that big body, can be sent to the Break Zone dealing a Forward 8000 damage on the way.


20-073C – Kimahri

This is the same as Auron. Only difference is that it’s Earth, and the art on Auron’s card is way better.

Just use what I said about Auron and change the name to Kimahri. And, the damage to 4000.



20-074C – Miner

3CP to hopefully find a Backup.

If there is a Backup in the top 5 cards of your deck, then Miner will only cost you 1CP.

I think I like the other Miner better.

At least, if you don’t know what to do, you can always put Miner in the Break Zone and draw a card.


20-075L – Cecil

Is 3 CP worth a point of damage?

Depends on what you’re playing. If you need that point of damage to buff up all your Forwards because you just received 5 points of damage then go right ahead.

Besides that, Cecil remains true to his story. As he can turn his Dark Knight self, into a Paladin. All you have to do is cross the mirror. Or get sent to the Break Zone. Whichever one is easier. For when you put Cecil into the Break Zone, you can search for a Paladin Cecil, and play him onto the field.

That Emissaries of Light Cecil, is looking good with this right now.

And Tenebrous Blast, just a special ability that deals 8000 damage to a Forward.

20-076C – Sonon

Let’s see, Melphie searches for Sonon, and if Melphie is in the Break Zone, Sonon gains a 1K buff and Brave.

Not bad, for a common.

You got a 9k body on the field, ready to block all of your opponents attacks.

If Sonon is in the Break Zone, hanging out with Melphie, you can remove them from the game a draw a card.

20-077L – Tifa

Another Tifa?

2 in one set? When was the last time that happened?

All the way back to Opus I? I guess, I always thought that there were a lot more Tifas. Apparently there are only 9.

19 Lightnings but, who’s counting?

1CP for a 9K body? Sure, I’ll take it. When Tifa enters the field you must discard 2 cards.

Tifa already has Brave, and if you pay 2CP she can attack again. And, if you have 2 more CP you can attack again, and again. I see an infinite loop somewhere, where someone will figure out how to keep activating all of their Backups in order to have TIfa attack over and over, til it’s game over.

You can’t discard 2 cards if you don’t have any cards in your hand. *Hint Hint.

20-078H – Noctis

The Prince is back, and is becoming quite a regular.

Noctis comes in, and buffs a Forward with +2000 power and Brave, for the rest of the turn.

After that Noctis will hand around the field, until he is sent to the Break Zone, and when he does get sent to the Break Zone, you can put one of your Characters in the Break Zone and play Noctis on the field with a permanent 2K buff.


20-079C/15-080C – Geomancer


Standard Unit.



Maybe a Geomancer actually mines for Crystals.

20-080R – Fake

The first time I saw this card I thought it was a Fake, and didn’t pay much attention to it.

And, then I read the card wrong, and had to rewrite this.

For 2CP it’s worth giving a shot. Even if Fake can’t attack or block until it sees 2 points of damage.

2CP for a 10K body, sign me up.


20-081H – Fenrir

Is this what I think it is?

A Free Summon?

Yes, why yes it is! But, only sometimes.

Fenrir a 1 cost Summon that protects your Forwards from your opponents Summons.

And, if that Forward costs only 1CP, Fenrir is Free!!!

1CP isn’t that much to pay, but Free is better.

20-082C – Mira EX

The Dark Lord is back to help you find your Monsters.

And she does a good job at it, as long as there is a Monster in the top 5 cards of your deck.

After that she has a 3k body, that will fend off at least one attack. OR you can just put her in the Break Zone, and grant one of your monsters the ability to not be broken.



20-083R – The Magus Sisters (XIV)

At first I thought this was a Summon.

Then I realized that it is not.

What’s good about them is that your opponent can’t use Haste.

Which isn’t really a bad thing as most players don’t really have a lot of Haste cards. But, if you’re using my Haste deck well, it’ll really put a foil in your plans.

20-084R – Leo

See, this is what a King does, he looks out for his people, before charging them taxes and what not.

Leo, a 6CP Backup that when entering the field searches for a FFCC Forward and plays it onto the field.

Think about it for a second.

You pay 6CP for Leo, Find Yuri and play Yuri onto the field. Then you’ll discard a card, and search for Chelinka and play Chelinka onto the field. If you get this off turn one, you’ll be set for the game.

Oh, and let’s not forget the 1K buff to all the FFCC Forwards.

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Dawn of Heroes : Fiery Thoughts

20-001R – Ardyn

The Chief Minister starts off Dawn of Heroes, and it’s exactly what someone in charge will do.

What do I mean by that?

When Ardyn enters the field, you select 2 Backups that are now useless, as there entering abilities have already been used, and you can put them in the Break Zone, to play 2 new Characters onto the field. And depending what you get, well, it’ll be better than what you already have on the field.

Ardyn is one of those cards that can change the game in your favor.

“… you’ve got to ask yourself one question: Do I feel lucky? Well, do ya, punk?”

20-002H – Auron

Am I reading this right?

Can you use Auron’s ability to deflect the point of damage you’ll receive and just have Auron be dealt 8000 damage.

If so, then I might be wrong, because why would you use Auron’s ability to block a point of Damage, when you can just block the attack itself.

I think I figured it out now, it’s when one of your Forwards are dealt damage, Auron can come in like a guardian a take the hit himself, thus allowing the other Forward to survive the attack.

Either way, Auron will be blocking.

20-003H – Ifrit

A one cost Summon?

Yes, I’ll take it. Why, thank you.

You’re playing Mono-Fire? You’re playing Ifrit.

When you cast Ifrit, you can deal 5000 damage to one Forward. And, if you have more than 5 Fire Characters on the field, it becomes 5000 damage to 2 Forwards.

Or you can pick the same Forward twice and deal it 10,000 damage.

I’d say it’s worth having a few of these.

20-004C – Warrior of Light

Warrior of Light comes in, and you reveal the top 4 cards of your deck. Put 3 at the bottom of your deck and remover the other one from the game. At first you would think that this is part of an extra cost to play this 2 cost Forward, but nope.

The removed card can be cast this turn. So, it’s like drawing an extra card, but you can only use it this turn.

This would have been a great card, if it read, you can pay the cost with any element.


20-005C – Garland EX

6 cost Garland here, to provide you with a decent EX Burst. Comes in with Brave and that’s about it.

High cost because Garland is just a common.

I’d probably just keep this card in a deck, just so there is a chance for Garland to pop up, when you get hit for damage.

Other than that ….


20-006C – Blacksmith

Blacksmith is the Backup you didn’t know you needed.

The more Forwards you have on the field, the better Blacksmith becomes. For once Blacksmith enters the field, all of your Forwards will deal 7000 damage to one of your opponents Forwards, when they attack this turn.

Imagine, you have 5 Forwards on the field, your opponent has as many as they have, and you just start taking them down one by one.

As long as they don’t have an answer, you’ll be good.

20-007L – The Demon

The Warring Triad is finally here. Now to get Kefka to unleash their power.

The Demon comes in and starts having fun from the get go. And, the fun doesn’t stop there You can also choose one of his abilities every time The Demon attacks.

Just look at these abilities, all set to cause destruction to your opponents plans.

You can either deal damage to 1 Forward, up to as many cards that are in their Break Zone. Plus all those Break Zone cards are removed from the game as well.

Or you can choose an Element and deal 7000 damage to all those Forwards.

Or, you can choose a Job and deal 8000 damage to all of those Forwards.

Mono-Decks and Job Decks watch out. The Demon is coming …. The Demon is HERE!!!!

20-008H – Kefka

I knew there would be a Kefka once I saw the Warring Triad.

Amano art? Check
Warring Triad? Check

Dancing Mad? You will be once you get this card to go off at the end of any turn.

Let’s just say, Kefka will use the Warring Triad to strike down your opponent, just like he struck down Mobliz.

9000 damage to one of your opponents Forwards, for each Magic Counter you remove.

20-009L – Zack

I remember reading somewhere. “Finally a Zack that can be played.” Or something along those lines. If you’re reading this and you are the one that said that, please let me know, so, I can add your name to the quote.

This one will fit right at home with AVALANCHE. You play Zack for 5CP, and every time he attacks you can deal a Forward 5K damage for each SOLDIER you control. Zack and Cloud, that’s 10k right there, and I’m sure you’ll be able to find a couple of SOLDIERs laying around somewhere.

When Zack leaves the field you can play a FFVII Forward of 4CP or less onto the field. With about 100 or so FFVII Forwards that cost up to 4CP there are plenty to choose from, Opus XIV Cloud, Tifa and Barret. If you’re still running AVALANCHE that’s an easy way to get them on the field.

And, let’s not forget Meteor Shots, where you can deal 7000 damage to all of your opponents Forwards.

Let’s keep an eye on this one.

20-010C – Samurai

What a reprint? I wasn’t expecting that. Let’s see what we wrote when Crystal Dominion came out.

“Exchanging 2CP for a Crystal.

Seems like an even trade. Now to find what we’re going to use these Crystals for?

Samurai has no abilities, that consume Crystals, but there are plenty other cards that do. Samurai’s job is to give you a Crystal and then hopefully you’ll find a way to Break Samurai so you can play your real Backups. ”

Huh? What was I even writing, I had to edit it to make sense. In my defense, we didn’t know what Crystals would be doing back then. … Half the time I still don’t know.

Because apparently, if you actually read the card Samurai can put itself in the Break Zone.

20-011R – Jecht

That is a young looking Jecht, looks like he’s Tidus’ age. Actually younger.

This is a great card.

When Jecht is sent to the Break Zone, you can search for a Fire Forward of 7CP or more to play onto the field.

And there are some great cards to play depending on what you’re playing.

Philia (13-129S), Cyan (15-006H), Ramza (18-015R) and The Demon (20-007L).

Which one you chose is up to you. I might go with Philia.

20-012C – Goldsmith

Cheap Backup, that will buff a Forward when Goldsmith enters the field, and when Goldsmiths enters the Break Zone.
+3000 and Brave.

Should be more than enough to take down a Forward, hopefully the attack will go through and deal damage to your opponent.



20-013C – Culinarian

What else would you expect? A cook needs Fire, and the more Fire you got in the oven the better.

If you got 3 Backups already on the field, this Backup is free.

Other than draft, I really don’t see much use for this card, but I’ve been wrong before. Watch a Forward show up where you discard a Backup for a great ability.



20-014R – Tifa

We got another Tifa, even though it is only a Rare card, the ability is pretty good.

Whenever a FFVII Character … I read that wrong the first time. For some reason I read attacks. But, it’s still great. Whenever a FFVII Character deals damage to one of your opponent’s Forwards, you get to choose a Forward, and take away their ability to block.

Not it does not say Forward, it says Character. That means Forwards, Backups, and Monsters can be used to deal damage to your opponents Forwards. A simple ability from the back line to deal damage to a Forward will help you get passed that high powered Forward your opponent has, thus making it easier for your attacks to go through.

Somersault? Just a way to deal 8000 damage to a Forward.

20-015C – Morrow EX

Only 1CP if you want to wait a turn, and you probably will.

Why? When Morrow comes in due to Warp, you’ll be able to draw 2 cards. Even though you’ll discard a card when he enters, you’ll still be up a Crystal Point.

You’re getting paid to use this card. Might as well use it.

Let’s not forget Morrow comes in with Haste, and and a 7K body.

Yes, I’ll take it. I’ll find some use for it.

20-016R -Barret EX

This Barret won’t replace the Opus XIV Barret in the AVALANCHE deck. But, it will deal 3000 damage to one of our opponents Forwards x the FFVII Forwards you control.

It could be 3000, it could be 27,000.

I like that this ability can come up as an EX Burst. You might want a couple of these in your deck, just to have Barret pop out when your opponent least expects it.

Catastrophe, 10K damage to a Forward, and Barret doesn’t activate.

You get all this for 3CP.

I’ve seen worse cards for that price.

20-017R – Palom

Kind of looks like this card was drawn with MS Paint. And, I don’t mean that in a bad way.

At 2CP, Palom won’t steal the show this set, but it’s still a decent card if you got the Crystals. That’s why we need the Samurai reprint this set.

Palom will come in and deal a Forward 8000 damage, with the help of a Crystal.

I’m figuring Porom will have a similar enter the field ability, after that they can both be sent to the Break Zone to deal a Forward 10,000 damage.


20-018H – Phoinix

We’ll start off by saying, I haven’t gotten that far in FFXIV, before I stopped playing.

Monsters can be hit or miss.

Phoinix enters the field and deals 9000 damage to a Forward. Phoinix one doubles as a Forward, but at the cost of 4 cards from the Break Zone. Half the time if the cards are in the Break Zone, they’re dead cards anyway.

I might give this one a try.


20-019C – Hedgehog Pie

You can get 3 Hedgehog Pies on the field in one turn. As long as you got 2 cards in your hand.

After that Hedgehog Pie will sit on the field until the moment that you would like to use his ability to deal 5000 damage to a Forward.

And, since you’ll already have 3 of these on the field, you can spread the love.



20-020C – Montblanc

Simple Backup, has one job.

Deal 5000 damage to one of your opponents Forwards. Or 8000 damage if you have 5 or more Fire Characters on the field.

After that just chuck Montblanc to the Break Zone when Ardyn enters the field to get 2 new Characters.



20-021R – Red XIII

Talk about a beast, cause that is what Red XIII is the jury is out on weather he is a cat or a dog, or both maybe?

A 2 cost beast with a 9K body that will take care of most of your opponents attacks.

Of course you won’t be able to play Red XIII unless you have another FFVII Forward on the field, but that shouldn’t be too hard to do.

Only draw back is that. That you can’t play Red XIII without another FFVII Character, meaning you probably won’t be able to play Red XIII turn 1.

When are we going to get a card named Nanaki?

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From Nightmares – The Shadow Figures?

19-103H – Tidus EX

Tidus looks mad, that Yuna didn’t get the same art treatment by Amano this set.

As a card he seems pretty decent. For 4CP you can send a Forward back to your opponent’s deck. At the very bottom of the deck that is. Which is a decent way to get some reprieve from that Forward.

And as long as you have 20 cards in your Break Zone, you can play Tidus onto the field straight from the Break Zone.

You’ll be able to play Tidus,return a Forward, attack or block, and then replay Tidus from the Break Zone to send another Forward back to the bottom of the deck.

It sounds good in my head, let’s see if it plays out.

19-104H – Madeen

Very cheap Summon to play. And it’s a good one. At least I like it. You might not, but this is my opinion.

For 1 whole Crystal Point, you can remove a Forward from the game.

Although you’ll need a Light Forward on the field to cast it, it still is a good card to have in your deck if you do have a Light Forward. If you don’t, then there is no reason to play this card.


19-105H – Ark

Free Summon?

You guessed it.

But, you do need to have a 9CP Dark Forward on the field for Ark to be cast for Free. And there are 3 Dark Forwards you can choose from. Nidhogg and Sin x2.

Once you play Ark, you can Break one of your opponent’s Forwards, and that’s not all, they’ll also discard 2 cards from their hand.

That’s what I call a double attack. They won’t know where to run to.

19-106H – Sin

Plenty, and I mean Plenty of Free cards this set.

Of course they all need some requirements to be played for free, but they’re still free.

Sin is free when you have received 6 points of damage. At that point he comes in and since you have 6 points of damage, your opponent will select 3 Forwards or Backups or a combination of the 2 to be sent to the Break Zone.

If Sin is broken, he is removed from the game.

This is your final desperation play. You can probably keep 3 on hand for the end of the game. And if that doesn’t work, well you’re out of luck. You can probably pair Sin with Opus I Tidus for some “Back Against the Wall Shenanigans.”

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From Nightmares – Water and High Tides

19-086R – Ashe EX

More like the Ashetiveator.

I really like this card. As long as you have a copy in your hand and a couple of CP available, you can keep reactivating a Forward once per turn.

The way I would do it would be. I would enter the Attack Phase. And when that attack goes through, I would play Ashe and activate that Forward so it can block.

You can actually play Ashe twice per turn. Play her in your Main Phase 1, return her to your hand during your Attack Phase and then replay her during your Main Phase 2.

The more I think about it, the more I like this card.

19-087R – Wol

Wol can’t attack, but he sure can block.

Weighing in at 2CP/9K power. He will take out some Attackers.

But, it’s Chef’s Knife that we really like. It’s 9000 damage to a Forward that cannot be reduced by other abilities.

So, once per turn you can use Chef’s Knife, then play Ashe, then use Chef’s Knife again, then play Ashe, and use Chef’s Knife once again. But, that will on;y work if you have 3 Wols in your hand. And you can. You can actually have up to 24 Wols in your deck. That’s almost half your deck. Keep your enemy at bay with this Tonberry Suit.

19-088C – Aerith

Aerith has one job, and that is to grab a Light card from the Break Zone. Other than that she’ll just hang out and give you 1CP per turn.

That’s pretty much it for this Aerith, not the best Aerith.

There’s probably a lot of better plays, unless you really need that Light card.



19-089H – Gau

I’m not going to say it this time.

I’m not. I’m going to try not to.

Gau, is actually pretty good, for what he does.

For 2CP you get a Forward that can come in during your opponents turn and buff another Category VI Character +1K power for every Category VI Character you control.

Throw him in there with the Dream Stooges, and Kefka, and you have a Forward that can block anything your opponent throws at you and survive it.

After that you can put Gau back into your deck and draw a card. Gau is wild like that. He’s a Wild Child.

19-090C – Clavat

Water’s Multi-Elemental Forward.

And by that we mean, if you pay with at least 3 Elements. Each element has had one of these cards, and Clavat is no different.

When she enters the field, if you did pay with at least 3 Elements, your opponent chooses one of their Forwards and sends it packing. Straight to the Break Zone.

Other than that Clavat will allow you to draw a card, and then discard a card when she enters the field.

19-091R – Sapphire Weapon

Another Free Card, this set is spoiling us.

Every Element has a way to cast cards for Free. And, we like free. Even the guy in the back, with the Cloud Signature card in his back pocket. You know he likes FREE too.

It’s not that often that you can play a 9k Body for free. But Sapphire Weapon here can. As long as you have at least 5 Weapon cards in your Break Zone, Sapphire Weapon can come in for free.

You have yourselves a Water deck, just throw in Ruby, and Emerald and just chuck them to pay for other Cards. And when Sapphire show up, you know it’s coming in with a Vengeance. Or something like that.

If Sapphire Weapon gets broken somehow, no worries. You’ll draw 2 cards when you put Sapphire Weapon into the Break Zone.

You might even get lucky and draw another Sapphire Weapon that you can play for free.

19-092C – White Mage

Well, you can sort of count White Mage as a free card, but you still have to pay for it. 2CP, and if you have 3 points of Damage you get to draw a card.

Once she’s on the field, you can use her ability to return one of your opponent’s Forwards to their hand.

Just a little reminder. You’d probably want to get rid of a Forward that doesn’t have an enter the field ability.


19-093H – Strago EX

This is interesting, I think I already like this card.

Every time Strago enters the field, or is broken, you get to reveal the top 4 cards of your deck and hopefully you’ll find a FFVI card sitting there that you can add to your hand.

This also works when Strago is found when you take Damage.

And, let’s not forget about Revenge Blast. For each point of Damage you have received, your opponent’s Forward will lose 2000 power.

And with 5 different Stragos available, you might have a hand full of Stragos at 6 points of Damage. At that point you can spam Revenge Blast and take your opponent to Pound Town.

19-094R – Sanctuary Keeper

Who needs Ashe when you have Sanctuary Keeper?

For 3CP, you can have a constant Activation per turn. Not only that, this Activation comes with a +2000 power buff.

You can actually use both Ashe and Sanctuary Keeper, with 24 Wols and spam that Chef’s Knife. My deck is slowly coming into fruition. I’ll have that deck ready in no time.



19-095C – Sophia

Sophia is the opposite of Sanctuary Keeper.

At the begining of the Attack Phase, Sophia reduces the power of a Forward by 2000.

If you’re already buffing one of your Forwards by 2000, that is a 4000 power difference. Sure it’ll only worked that way if each of you only have 1 Forward on the field, but you get what I’m trying to say. Or not say.


19-096C – Tidus EX

Well, for being a high cost card, you’d think you’d get more than just drawing a card or returning a Forward to their owner’s hand.

I’m not seeing it.

The only thing I like is that it can come off from an EX Burst. Which should be a good enough reason to have some in your deck, as you can always use them to pay for Opus I Tidus’s ability.


19-097C – Tonberry

I was trying to come up with a different way to start this, but couldn’t.

Tonberry comes in like a Monster and out like a Forward.

When Tonberry comes in you draw a card, then discard a card to make him a Forward. Tonberry is technically a 4 cost Forward, but you only have to pay for 2CP as he provides the other 2CP himself.

But, when Tonberry deals damage to a Forward the Forward is broken regardless of power. He has the real Chef’s Knife, not Wol.

19-098C – Yuna

When Yuna comes in, your opponent selects the card Forward that will be sent to the Break Zone. You’ll be able to remove a Forward, but since your opponent gets to pick which one it might not always work in your favor.

This is one way to get rid of Opus XVI Tidus, but I don’t think your opponent will choose that card when Yuna enters the field. Unless, if it’s the only Forward on the field.



19-099R – Josef

Are Rebels becoming a thing?

I mean Josef here looks like a good card, especially since you most likely will be playing Firion, which will make Josef a 3CP/9K body Rebel/Monk with a sword. Wait, Monks use swords? Maybe Josef uses it for his Rebel side.

“Rebel, Rebel,
You’ve torn your dress”

Maybe that’s what the sword is for.

Where was I? Ah, yes. And, with Firion still on the field, every time Josef attack, you get to draw 1 card. Who doesn’t like drawing cards. I’ll play Josef and attack for no reason just to draw a card.

And, that’s not all. No, Sir. When Josef enters the field you can also play a Category II Forward from your hand onto the field. Any FFII Character as long as it is 3CP or less. It doesn’t even need to be a Rebel, Rebel.

19-100C – Larsa

A 2 cost Backup that really is a 4 cost.

You’ll probably be discarding a card in order to search for that XII Forward that you’re really looking for. If that Forward is on the field you probably have no use to play this card.

Sure you can reduce damage dealt to a Forward by 2000, but I believe there are better Larsas than this one.


19-101R – Leviathan

The Water God comes in as a Free Summon.

No Sacrifices needed.

Leviathan comes in, you return 1 of your opponents Forwards to their hand, and they can’t play it until the end of their next turn.

What I like about this is that they’ll have a dead card in their hands. They won’t be able to play it, and if they draw another one they’ll have 2 dead cards. They might even discard it for CP just so they can play another card.

Might come out in your favor, or you’re just delaying the fact that they can play a Forward with an enter the field ability, that might turn things in their favor. But, this is a card game, and we need cards that will give us a breather when we can get it.
Yes, Free Summons are still good.

19-102L – Refia

If you needed a reason to run a Warrior of Light deck, well now you got one.

Refia will activate all the Warrior of Light cards you have at the beginning of each of your attack phases. That means you can go all out, and attack with all your Forwards, and then during your opponents turn, you will have all your Forwards activated, just in time to start blocking.

Also, once per turn, you can dull 4 Warriors of Light, and put one of your opponents Forward back into their deck. Top or bottom, you get to choose.

And, let’s not forget about the artwork. This is a beautiful card. Only complaint is that this one didn’t come as a full art.

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Wave 1 – Auron – 1-001H

Starting off right at the beginning. This one is not confirmed, but my personal opinion. I noticed this by looking at a graded Wave 1 Foil. The foil pattern is different between the 2 Waves. Here are the two guides from the introduction post that will help you guide your way.

“Distinguishing Final Fantasy TCG Opus 1 Wave 1 from Future Waves”

“Differences in Opus I Wave 1 Printing vs Later Waves”

If you look closely, you can tell that the colors on the cards are a little different. The Wave 1 card looks a little dull compared to Wave 2 which is more vibrant.

Wave 1 is on the left, and Wave 2 is on the right.

First off, I noticed that the whole card is moved up, not just the Crystal. If you take a look at Auron’s boot there is more showing than what is on the Wave 2 card.

Something else I also noticed, but is not consistent on Wave 2 cards. Could be the difference between Wave 2 and Wave 3. There is a little, let’s call it a, blob on the left side of the card. Could just be a printing error, but it is something I noticed when I was studying the cards.