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Black Friday – Cyber Monday

After celebrating Thanksgiving and having our fair share of turkey, most of us are stuck in a food coma that we can’t seem to wake up from.

Luckily for you, you don’t even have to get out of bed to shop our Black Friday deals. Or our Cyber Monday deals, and let’s not forget about Small Business Saturday and … nothing for Sunday. But we’ll still have deals on Sunday.

Throughout this weekend you’ll be able to use GOBBLE as your Coupon Code at checkout and get 20% off your order. And, let’s not forget Free Shipping at $200.


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Hidden Legends Midnight Pre-Release

Shop for Singles and more at our TCG Player store.

It’s that time once again. Hidden Legends is just around the Korner.

That means that the Hidden Legends Midnight Pre-Release is almost here as well. We’re looking at Friday, November, 8th. Technically November, 9th. Just because we will start handing out the Pre-Release Kits for the event at 12AM.

And as usual, we will be giving out an extra kit to the winner. That means you’ll have 2 chances at pulling that Clive Gold Stamped Signature Full Art. (That’s a mouthful.) Even if you don’t win, you’ll still walk away with something.

2nd and 3rd will split a kit.
4th will receive 3 packs.
5th-8th will each receive a pack each.

The event starts at 12AM, but you can show up from 10PM for free play. Casuals and not just for FFTCG, if you want to play Magic, go ahead. Pokemon, Yu-gi-oh, anything you’d like.

We’ll just leave you with an address here. And, we’ll see you in about a month’s time.

9229 S. Cicero
Oak Lawn, IL 60453

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SSL and the Undead Toy Show

Hopefully you missed it.

We had our SSL Certificate expire for some reason, and it didn’t automatically renew itself like it was supposed to. Well it did renew, it just wasn’t showing up as renewed.

Tried logging on to the site, and well it caught me by surprise. No worries, just get a hold of our domain host, and have them take care of it. It took them about 30 minutes to take care of it for us.

And, now we’re back to normal.

So, what happened last week?

We did the Undead Toy Show, in Countryside. That was OK. I’ve noticed that there is a lot less foot traffic this year, as compared to other years in general. Shows and Events are just slower than usual. But, that doesn’t mean we’re going to stop what we’re doing. How else are we going to meet everybody, and hopefully sell them stuff.

Like a Wolfpac Sting wrestling buddy.

Where will the next show be?

No Clue.

And, if we don’t find anything, we’ll be at the Swap-O-Rama on Sunday.

See you there!

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Undead Toy Show

Did we forget to mention this show?

It sure looks like it.

1st annual Undead Toy Show.

Toys and Costumes, this should be your start to Halloween. Everyone loves Halloween.

Let’s get to it!


Undead Toy Show


“Welcome to the 1st Annual Undead Toy Show!

Prepare yourselves for a spooktacular day filled with family-friendly fun, hidden treasures, and a one of a kind Halloween/Day of the Dead-themed extravaganza!

Our event carries a wide range of vendors showcasing toys and collectibles, ensuring you’ll find something for everyone in the family.

But that’s not all! Get ready for a kids and adult costume contest, vendor booth competitions, games, and much more!

Join us as we launch this unforgettable annual event that promises a day of joy for all ages!”


Countryside Banquet & Conference Center
6200 Joliet Road
Countryside, IL 60525


Saturday, October 19th, 2024
11:00 AM – 5:00 PM CDT


At the door.
$5 – For Kids
$10 – For Adults

But, you can purchase your tickets online for $3-$6

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Weekly Roundup

What’s been going on this week?

It seems like it’s been an off week here. Can’t explain it, but we’re starting to move again. Well I am, my body was aching all week, and now I’m starting to feel back to normal. And, now it’s time to start getting ready for Hidden Legends.

Spoilers will start be released left and right, and before you know it, it’ll be time for Midnight PreRelease. We’ll have more information on that a little later. Probably a week or two, but you probably already know what it’s going to say.

We got ourselves a bunch of Sports Cards.

Not planning on fully going in that direction, but when you find a great deal, you have to take it. That means we got ourselves an account on and, we’re slowly filling it up with our inventory. Stay tuned for more info on that as well.

Rest assured though that Final Fantasy will always be our main thing.

For Singles & more visit our TCG Player Store!