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Resurgence of Power : Quick as Lightning

18-069C – Red Mage

Discard Red Mae, draw a card. And, that’s about it.

Cheap Backup to play.




18-070C – Aphmau

This one looks interesting. The Puppetmaster is grabbing puppets left and right.

What do I mean?

At the end of the day, Aphmau should cost you 0CP. Simply because, if you grab the first card from the top of your deck, She’ll cost 1CP. After that at 3 points of Damage you can pay 1CP and grab a card from the Break Zone and play it straight to the field.

Plus she’ll produce CP while you wait to get to 3 points of damage.

Let’s see some decks that will make use of this card.

18-071R – August

A King that comes forth when his Knights fail.

August comes in for 0CP if 3 of your Forwards leave the field. Leaving could be Removed from the game, sent to the Break Zone, Broken, or returned to hand. Even if you lose 3 Forwards during your attack phase, you can play August during your Main Phase 2 for 0 cost.

That alone will give you a 10K body for your opponents turn. They will think twice before attacking when he is on the field.
After that when he attacks, August activates himself and August can attack once more, which after that attack he will activate once more.

It’s almost like August has Brave.

18-072C – Kam’lanaut

For a Common this is a pretty good card.

From Kam’lanaut’s 3 abilities, there is only one that would give you a reason to play him. When he attacks, you choose one of your opponents Forwards and you can Dull that Forward.

Now remember, this is just a Common.

The other 2 abilities are, that he cannot be chosen by a Multi-Element Forward’s abilities, and at 2 points of Damage he gains +1000 power.

18-073H – Garuda (III)

I’m caught in the middle with Garuda.

I can see both sides of the card, while it can be a good play if your opponent doesn’t see it coming 5 turns away. That also means your paying 10CP for this play. While it does give you a chance to clear the board if you need to, but there is a card that does this for cheaper. Shantotto, who just removes all the Forwards, for 7CP.

But, if you can get Garuda to come in off of a Warp, and actually work without your opponent preparing for it, well, you’re in luck.

18-074L -Gilgamesh

Coming in with Haste, Gilgamesh is ready to attack. And if he comes in after you have received 3 points of Damage, Gilgamesh also gains Brave, and can attack twice in a turn.

That alone would make me want to play Gilgamesh.

Gilgamesh also has an entry ability in which you remove a number of cards from different elements, allowing you to Break a Forward that has the same cost as the elements you choose.

18-075R – Seifer

How much does a card from the Break Zone, +2000 power and Haste cost? Is it worth a point of damage?

If it’s the beginning of the game, and you don’t have your back against the wall. It might be worth it.

If not, Seifer is just a 3 cost Forward with a 7K body.

And the card you can grab is a Category VIII Forward.

18-076C – Cid Kramer

VIII Themed Decks could become easier to play. Cid comes in and can produce CP of any element for FFVIII cards.

That means you can splash any element you’d like, without worrying about needing certain elements on the board or in your hand to play them.



18-077R – Cid Sophiar EX

Raise your hat to Cid Sophiar.

Cheap card to play and is technically 0CP as you’ll just grab a Character from the Break Zone.

Sure, you’ll need to be at 3 points of Damage to be able to grab that card, but you can also grab that card off of an EX Burst.
I’d keep 3 of Cid in a deck.


18-078R – Cindy

Let’s see. Cindy is moonlighting as a Dark Knight.

We’re starting to see more abilities that deal you a point of damage to use them.

Cindy allows you to dull an opponents Forward for the cost of one point of damage. But, that cost goes away when you have already received 4 points of damage. Simply put, if you’re about to lose a Forward or be dealt a point of damage, it doesn’t make much sense.

If you’re using that ability to dull a Forward using an ability that will wipe out your board or something to that effect, it would be very wise to do so. I’m just rambling here.

Cindy does come in with Haste, and that is always a plus.

18-079R – Fujin

The Disciplinary Committee is here, although they really don’t discipline anyone, they’re just Seifer’s lackeys. And that is perfectly fine. Unless you’re Squall and Co.

Fujin Comes in and gives Seifer and herself +2000 power. And at 3 points of damage she grants another +2000 power and protection from your opponents Summons.

Only drawback is that Seifer has to be on the field to get these effects.


18-080C – Hurkan

A bit expensive, but Hurkan can break a Forward when he enters the field.

It also has an ability with a high cost that allows you to break another Forward.

I probably won’t be using it.



18-081H – Melusine

For 2CP you get to use one of your opponents Forwards until the end of the turn. Cost 4 or less.
Think about it.

Melusine comes in. You gain control of one of your opponents Forwards. You attack. Worst case, you break one of their Forwards. You might even deal them a point of Damage.

After that, just turn Melusine into a Forward and keep attacking until she breaks. After that rinse and repeat.

I’ll take 3.

18-082C – Imitation Despot

If you’re playing Manikins you’re playing this card.

Imitation Despot allows you to grab another Manikin from the Break Zone. And depending how many Manikins are on the field Imitation Despot can cost you 2CP.

Add in an 8K body, and that’s hard to beat.



18-083R – Raijin

The other member of the Disciplinary Committee, same as Fujin, he gives Seifer and himself +2000 power.

And, at 3 points of Damage, he and Seifer also get another +2000 power and they both can’t be chosen by your opponent’s abilities.

At the end of the day, if Seifer, Fujin, and Raijin are all on the field and you have 3 points of Damage, Seifer will have 15,000 power.

If you ask me, I’d rather play Opus II Seifer (2-110R) instead. Add an Edea to the mix and he’ll be a Monster to deal with.

18-084C – Ramuh

Ramuh is a decent Summon to play, even if you don’t pay the extra cost. Dealing 7000 damage to a Forward will break most Forwards. If you need some extra Zap in your Judgement Bolt, I suggest you remove 10 Lightning cards from your Break Zone and turn that 7000 into 150000.




18-085C – Dragoon

Cheap Backup to play that comes with an extra cost, if you want to use it.

The extra cost is a total of 5CP in which 2 need to be Lightning CP. If you decide to pay it, you can Break a Forward. Any Forward.

Dragoon is like Hurkan, but better. In that Hurkan will only break a Forward up to 5CP, where Dragoon can break any Forward. Good to be played in a pinch, if you have the CP.

Other than that, at 3 points of damage, dragoon gains +3000 power and Haste.

Making him a 2CP/8K body.

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Resurgence of Power : On Earth

18-052H – Ahriman

Ahriman comes in and breaks any Forward that you choose. Besides Multi-Element. For a 4 cost Monster that can turn into a Forward, this card is good.

Of course, you can only turn Ahriman into a Forward if you already have a Forward with a 9K body on the field.

Shouldn’t be too hard with Earth.


18-053C – Delusory Knight

1 cost Forward with 3000 power.

Cheap and effective as a blocker, simply to thwart your opponents attacks.

But, you can also just put Delusory Knight in the Break Zone and give another character protection in that it cannot be broken.

If you got an extra spot why not try it out?

18-054L – Galuf

Coming in with Brave, and 8000 power. Galuf is able to Break a Forward every time he attacks.

And if that’s not enough Fire Power, maybe you need more for some Forwards, he gains 3000 power at 3 points of damage. And, if that still isn’t enough you can remove 3 cards from the Break Zone and give him an additional 3000 power. That’s a total of 14,000 power. There’s not a Forward that can withstand that kind of damage, unless they have buffs, but even then it’s still hard to come by.


18-055R – Krile EX

Just lost a card you need to the Break Zone?

Have no fear, Krile here will grab that card back. But, only if it’s a Summon or a Category V Forward.

If you’re playing Krile you’re probably already playing a FFV themed deck for the most part.

I had her in my Pre-Release event and did use her quite a bit.

18-056C – Cait Sith (XI)

Here’s another card almost like Krile.

Cait Sith comes in a lets you grab a Forward from your Break Zone. Any Forward not just a certain Category. But, he doesn’t have the EX Burst like Krile does.

Other than that, Cait Sith is a little more useful after he’s been played. At 3 points of Damage he can produce CP of any element. Where Krile, after she comes in pretty much just sits there.


18-057C – Kolka

Simple, yet effective for what Kolka does.

One he enters the field, you can discard a Forward from your hand. After that you deal damage equal to the amount of power that Forward has to a Forward of your choosing.

Maybe you’ll be able to Break a Forward, maybe not.

Might be useful in certain situations.

18-058R – Serafie

A Forward that searches for a Forward when she enters the field. Well not just any Forward, Serafie searches for Tama. And there are 4 different Tamas.

For easiness let’s say you pick this Opus’s Tama. When he enters the field Serafie gains a Gem Counter. Not just for Tama, but for any Forward of cost 2 or less.

Why is that important? If Tama has 2 Gem Counters on her, you can remove them to draw a card.


18-059R – Tama

“Tama Can’t Attack,
Tama can’t Block.
Only thing about him is the way that he walks”

He can’t be chosen by Summons or abilities either.

What he can do is cancel one of your opponents Summons or abilities when they are targeting one of your Forwards.

Like a Mini-Amaterasu.

18-060H – Daisy

A meat shield if I do say so myself. Daisy is a better Paladin than Cecil.

Considering that with Warring Spirit and 3 points of Damage, your opponent will have to deal 40,000 damage to Daisy to Break her.

They’re whole front line, all the Summons and all their abilities might not be enough to take Daisy down.

This is where Cait Sith (XI) comes in, as he is able to bring her back from the Break Zone.

18-061R – Tilika EX

Simple Forward that allows you to gain Crystals.

If you need Crystals Tilika is the right card for you, as he allows you to gain a Crystal once per turn.

You can even gain a Crystal off an EX Burst.

Tilika will soon be selling Crystals on the corner in Rebena Te Ra.

18-062R – Nayo

Where did all these AVALANCHE Operatives comes form? I really should finish the FFVII Remake at some point.

Let’s see. Nayo is a decent backup who allows you to give 1 Forward either Brave, or an additional Job. And if you don’t like either of those options you can always just dull Nayo for a Crystal Point.



18-063C – Hashmal

Earth’s 1 cost Summon, that gives 1 of your Forwards +7000 power.

Now if you decide to pay the extra cost and remove 10 earth cards from the Break Zone, all your Forwards gain +7000 power.
Not too bad, considering most of the cards in your Break Zone are useless.



18-064 – Geomancer

Discard Geomancer, draw a card. And, that’s about it.

Cheap Backup to play.




18-065C – Polk

Polk looks like he’ll be a decent addition to the AVALANCHE deck. He easily allows you to grab an AVALANCHE Operative from the Break Zone.

Just lost Jesse to the Break Zone grab her back with Polk, Barret too for that matter. Along with the rest of the AVALANCHE cast.

Best part, is that Polk can remove himself from the field. Just use his ability to grant a Forward +2000 power and you’ll be able to recast Polk and get another AVALANCHE Operative from the Break Zone.

18-066C – Beastmaster

Yes, this card is a little interesting.

Considering you can play 3 Beastmasters, That means you can actually cast stop on up to 3 Forwards your opponent controls. While constantly being able to Stop they’re Forwards from attacking or blocking. Those 3 Forwards can be a big chunk of their line, it could also be their whole line.

These cards are definitely worth looking into.


18-067C – Yumcax

Here I thought this was a Monster, but nope just a Forward.

Can come in with Warp. No special abilities when he enters the field, but Yumcax has some protection on him, reducing all damage cast on him by 2000. Meaning you’ll have to hit him for 11000 to send Yumcax to the Break Zone.

And, at 3 points of Damage, Yumcax gains Brave and if Yumcax is put in the Break Zone, you get to draw 1 card.


18-068R – Rikku

Earth has plenty of ways to help you splash different elements into your deck. Rikku here does just that. If all your Backups are Earth, Rikku enters the field and allows them to produce CP of and Element, which is good.

No more needing specific Backups to help you pay for everything not when you have Earth Backups.

It used to be that only Tyro and Shantotto can produce any element, Rikku has opened the flood gates of CP as … well you know.

Plus she’s a Forward, you might need to find a way to protect her.

I’d say we’ll be seeing this card a lot.

Let’s not forget when you cast a Multi-Element Forward, you can grab an Earth Forward from your Break Zone.

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Resurgence of Power : Fire Thoughts

18-001C – Achuka

Achuka almost sounds like the beginning to Kokomo.

First card in the set, Achuka might be a decent backup, but doesn’t look like something that I would use. Then again, I can’t always see how good cards are from the beginning. Sometimes I do, but not always.

Achuka here deals damage when he enters, and then you can dull him and deal some more damage. The damage increases if you have 3 points of Damage.

Achuka, Jamaica, yeah I wanna take ya to a Chocobo.

18-002C – False Stalwart

Simple, comes in with Brave. 2 cost with a 5K body, which can turn into a 7K body, with the help of another Manikin.

Not much to write about, but it’s cheap cost might make it worth it.

Wasn’t there a card that was good with Manikins? Exdeath? Opus 2? I believe it was.



18-003C – Machinist

Discard Machinist draw a card. And, that’s about it.

Cheap Backup to play.




18-004R – Cleome

A Symphonian Musician? That’s a first. She does have Bard skills and with those Melody Counters she does Buff your Forwards and deals damage to your opponents Forwards.

She is also a Forward herself.

Not a bad card for 2CP.


18-005C – Salamander

Simple Fire Summon that delivers 5000 damage to all of your opponents Forwards.

Remove 10 Fire cards from the Break Zone to make it 7000 points of damage.

Now if this card would have been an EX Burst, it would have been amazing.



18-006C – Zell

Coming in with Haste, Zell can attack right away and if you buff him up to over 10k Power, every time he attacks he deals 8000 damage to one of your opponents Forwards.

Don’t have anyway to buff up Zell?

He comes with an ability that if you discard 2 cards, Zell’s power goes up by 3k.



18-007C – Selphie EX

Selphie actually costs 2CP as you’ll be getting back a Fire Forward when she is played onto the field. So, if that Fire Forward was just a card you chucked to help get her on the field then, you have just played like I would if you didn’t know what else to do.

Other than that she is a Backup, with the ability to give a Fire Forward you control +3K Power.

You can also get that Fire Forward of off an EX Burst.


18-008H – Two-Headed Dragon

Two heads are better then one.

Every time a Fire Forward attacks choose a Forward your opponent controls and deal it 400 Damage. Straight to the point. Especially of you are playing Mono-Fire. Everyone attacks and you slowly start to chip away at your Opponents front lines.

Attack to bring them down. I’m sure you’ll be able to turn things around if the Two-Headed Dragon is on the field.

18-009H – Tidus

Other than the Kingdom Hearts attire, I don’t see why this card is a Hero. For the cost of Tidus I’m pretty sure you can find a better card to play to deal 8000 damage to one Forward.

Not a big fan of this one.



18-010C – Berserker

Staying true to the Berserker Job. Berserker must attack. As that is the only thing Berserker can do. He goes Berserk.
He also comes with First Strike. Allowing him to deal damage to your opponents Forwards before they get a chance to.
Also when he comes in you can pay a Fire CP and choose a Forward that must block.

Who’s ready for a Berserker deck? I wonder if there’s enough Bereserkers to get this going?

18-011R – Paine EX

Do to the cost I would say that this card is to be solely used for it’s EX Burst. AM I right or Am I wrong?

I mean 6CP for a 9K body is a lot, but this is just a Rare card.

Unless you’re just counting on removing Forwards from the game instead of sending them to the Break Zone, But that’s what Yuna is for.


18-012L – Faris

This card is interesting to say the least. Your opponent will be thinking twice before they attack. As when Faris or a Warrior of Light is dealt damage, you get to choose a Forward your opponent controls and deal it 3000 damage.

Imagine what would happen if they use a Summon or ability that deals damage to all your Forwards. You might be getting rid of a couple of their Forwards to say the least.

I wonder what other Warrior of Light cards will be in this set.


18-013R – Fang

Fang looks like she is always just a Rare. I’m waiting for the day where they’ll give her her own Legend card. But today is not that day.

Fang will buff all your XIII Forwards by 2. Including herself. She is basically a 2CP/7K because you will probably be playing a XIII focused deck. Why, you ask? It’s simple really, every turn Fang -can reduce the cost of casting a XIII Forward by 2.

But, why is she a thief? My, guess is because of Lightning Returns. But, it still doesn’t make sense. She should be a Commando or a Dragoon. But, what do I know?

18-014R – Meeth

We already knew that we’ll have Multi-element cards this set, and Meeth here is a card that can make use of it.

He’s a 2 cost Backup that will allow you to search for any card other than a Backup if you discard a Multi element card.
I can see use of this one.


18-015R – Ramza

See, this is how good cards come along. Especially with the Warp mechanic. Ramza can be easily cast for 2CP, if you want to wait a couple of turns until he enters the field.

And, when he does, you get to bring in another Knight from the Break Zone and play it onto the field. Just like that you can play 2 Knights with the combined cost of up to 12CP for a measly 2CP. Even if they counter Ramza coming in it’s only 2CP that you lost. You can try again.

And we haven’t even gotten to his ability. Dull 4 active Knights and Break one of your opponents Forwards, and deal them 1 point of Damage. What else could you ask for? This should have been the Hero, and Tidus should’ve just been a Rare.

18-016C – Lulu

2 cost Backup. Most will skip this card. Including me. There are better Lulu’s out there although they aren’t Fire.

But, if you like this card you can dull and discard a card to deal 3000 Damage to a Forward. 5000 if it’s a Multi-Element.



18-017R -Rain

“Here comes the Rain again.”

He’s ready to come in on turn 2 for 3 CP.

And when he you have 3 points of Damage, Rain gets a 1k Buff, and he deals a Forward 5k damage.

Not bad for a card that you can play for 3CP. Even 5CP is worth it for this card.

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Emissaries of Light – Water Thoughts

Here we go again, after I lost it all when my Computer Froze.

16-106R – Andrea Rhodea

Andrea Rhodea, Perfect for a FFVII deck. And that’s pretty much it. He might be a Dancer, but there doesn’t look like he has any Synergy with other Dancers. Maybe Mayakov, just cause he gives Rhodea Protection, and that you can play him once Mayakov enters the field.

But, FFVII is the way to go. Only question is which Cloud do we choose?



16-107R – Ezel

More like a Mathematician.

Ezel allows you to search for a Forward, as long as you can do some simple math.

Add up the CP of the cards you discard to find a Forward with the Same cost.

There should be an easier way to search for certain Forwards.


16-108C – Kimahri

Kimahri only job is to place a Ronso Counter on a Forward, and give that Forward some Protection against damage dealt by your opponents Summons or abilities.

Kimahri will come in and give a Forward a Ronso Counter. All you need to do is figure out a way to keep bouncing Kimahri.



16-109C – Kyrie EX

I always liked the cards that allow you to look at your opponents hand.

They won’t be discarding anything, but you’ll be able to look at the top 2 cards of your deck and see if you like what you’ll get.

If you don’t just send them to the bottom of your deck, and hope for something better.


16-110C – Clavat

Another backup Backup.

Clavat here lets you draw a couple of cards when he enters the field and gets sent to the Break Zone. And with you being able to play 3 Clavats you might be able to Draw 6 cards.

Imagine what kind of Damage you can do with up to 11 cards in your hand.



16-111R – Genbu EX

Along with the same abilities the other Shijin have. Genbu comes in with “Protect”

The damage dealt to Genbu is reduced by 3000. And it is a constant reduction.




16-112C – Corsair

Don’t like your cards, play Corsair.

You’ll draw 2 cards and discard 1 card from your hand.

After that you can always use his ability and draw 1 more card.



16-113C – Sahagin

Sahagin will come in use water gun on your opponent. Blinding one Forward you choose, just enough to send him back to your opponents hand.

After that it’s a Switcheroo as you grab a card and discard a card. All this for 3CP.

After that, need to look at the top cards of your deck?

Sahagin will jump into the Break Zone to allow you to do just that.

16-114C – White Mage

White Mage is here to have some fun with Sahagin.

Whenever you discard a card from his on-entry ability, you’ll draw 1 card.

And it doesn’t stop there. This can happen anytime you discard a card, but only once per turn.



16-115H – Sarah (MOBIUS)

Sarah is hungry for Crystals. And every time you find one, she just might be able to get you a Backup to add to your hand.

Now, you do gain a Crystal when she comes in, but it’s not just that Crystal, it’s any Crystal you can get.

And then just keep feeding her 1 Crystal per turn, and she’ll gain +1000 power and Protection from damage that is less than her power.

16-116L – Tidus

Tidus is the gift that keeps on giving.

As long as you play it safe, Tidus will always be around, and it will seem like there is no way around him. Only a slight reprieve when your opponent manages to get him off the field for a second.

Tidus cannot be blocked, so you know that you won’t be blocking with Tidus because you will be constantly attacking, chipping away at your opponent.

Oh, and every time you send Tidus to the bottom of your deck, you draw 3 cards.

Now it doesn’t specifically say only this Tidus. If your opponent has a Tidus and you send it to the bottom of their deck, do you also draw 3 cards?

16-117H – Tros

Do I see an Octopus deck coming into play?

Tros will easily let you draw cards when Ultros sends himself back to your hand.

Octopi/Tidus or Octopidust, yes that is what I shall call it. When I finally get around to making it that is.

You know it’s going to work.

16-118C – Fiona EX

For some reason I thought this was a Backup.

So, you’ll be basically paying 2CP for Fiona and you got an 8K body.

You can also draw a card off of an EX Burst.



16-119H – Fusoya

A Five color deck?

It can work. You already have Soiree going all out this set.

Just add Fusoya to the mix, and you’ll probably choose up to 4 abilities to cast.



16-120C – Firion

There are a lot of cards that help you draw cards. Water is Turbo Draw.

Just don’t mill yourself out.




16-121R – Vesvia EX

It seems like there’s a certain way to play Soiree.

Well you can play any way you’d like, but depending on how many Soiree Members are on the field, you can draw up to 2 cards. Thus, making Vesvia a free card.




16-122R – Marche

I’m on the fence about this Marche. Due to the cost, and if the Opus XI Marche is better.

But, you’ll probably be playing a different strategy if you play this one.

You’ll grab a 2 cost Character right off the bat, and after that every time Marche attacks, you draw 1 or 2 cards.



16-123L – Meia

Here is your discount card.

Meia comes in with Haste, and even though she cannot attack or block, she lets you cast a Summon from your hand for up to 3CP less. You’ll be playing 1CP for 4 cost Summons.

Who else can we pair Meia with?


16-124H – Lightning

Lightning comes in when you’re at a slight disadvantage. Depending on how many Forwards you and your opponent have, you’ll be able to remove one of their Forwards from the game.

With Switch Schemata, you’ll be able to save Lightning from being sent to the Break Zone, and have her just come back in at the end of the turn and Remove another one of your opponents Forwards from the game.


16-125C – Leviathan

It’s like your going fishing, and throwing the fish back into the sea.

Either that, or another fish you already caught.

Choose a 5 cost or less Forward and place it at the top or bottom of it’s owner’s deck. And maybe draw a card. But, you’ll be losing 2 cards.

Meh, I probably don’t see it.

16-126R – Leo

A what now?

More Math? Not exactly, but you’ll have to have Characters of cost 1-6 already on the field to play this 1CP/7K Forward.

And when Leo enters the field you can play a card from the top 5 cards of your deck. So, you’ll basically be coming up positive in the CP count with Leo.

After that return Leo to your hand, there are plenty of cards that will allow you to do that. Then rinse and repeat.

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Emissaries of Light – Thoughts on Wind

16-043H – Atomos

How good do you think this card is?

Very good? I agree.

Atomos is currently auditioning for a role in Re-Animator, but this version of the movie will be called “Re-Activater” along side Rikku (2-071R). They’ll be bringing your Backups back from the Dead.


16-044L – Wol

Wol is here to make all your powerful Forwards, even more powerful. Not being able to be chosen by your opponents Summons or abilities. And, drawing a card when they come in.


Those Forwards need to have a cost of at least 5CP.


16-045C – Gargoyle

See, like Gargoyle here, The Forwards protected by Wol will not be able to be broken.

But, if Wol isn’t on the field, Gargoyle can take care of that pesky high cost Forward that is troubling you.

And then for 1CP you can take a sneak peak at the top 2 cards of your deck. If you like them, keep them. If not, just move them to the bottom of your deck, and hope for better cards.

16-046C – Chocobo Chick (VII)

For some reason I thought this card was a Backup.

But, even as a Summon, you might get some use out of this card. Pay 4 CP to activate the 4 Backups you just dulled to draw 1 card.

There might be something I’m missing.


16-047R – Sherlotta EX

Whatever happens Sherlotta is giving you at least 1 Crystal.

After that she will block Forwards until she is sent to the Break Zone, and give you another Crystal.

Or just chuck her from your hand for 1 Crystal.


16-048H – Zidane

Like we said earlier. Lani/Zidane Fire/Wind decks are coming.

Now we just need to find a way to keep bouncing Zidane back and forth.

Over and Over again.

Take control of your opponents deck.


16-049R – Seiryu EX

Another Shijin

4CP/7K. You’ll search for a Shijin upon entry, and Seiryu also comes in with built in protection.

No need for Wol.


16-050H – Ceodore

Ceodore comes in causes havoc, if you decide to dull 3 FFIV Characters, you can Break 1 of your opponents high cost Characters.

Ceodore seems to fit well into a Category IV deck. Simply because all his abilities involve IV Characters.

Real Sherlock Holmes here.

Tell me something I didn’t know.

Well, you can play Ceodore for free with Cecil. We’ll get to more about that in a moment.

16-051L – Cecil

For 5CP, you can play Cecil, and another card from your hand that’s 4CP or less. And if that card you play is a FFIV Character, you get to activate 2 Backups. Doing the math that means, if you played a IV cost IV Character (get what I did there?) you’ll actually end up +1CP.

Worst case scenario, you only save 1 Crystal Point, but why would you play a 1 cost when you can play anything up to 4CP.

And, the icing on the cake, is that Cecil protects all your Characters. forcing your opponent to pay 2CP just to make sure their Summons and abilities go through.

16-052C – Selkie

There’s a couple of cards we’ve seen so far that break Characters of cost 4 or more. Wol will be a card that I can see many people use do to the protection Wol grants.

But, we’re talking about Selkie here.

Selkie can sit on stand by until you need her. And, when you need her, at 5 points of Damage, she’ll break a Character of cost 4 or more. Take that, (insert pesky forward here.)


16-053H – King Tycoon

King Tycoon banishing most of your opponents board, because that’s what Kings can do.

As soon as he enters the field, you can return all the Forwards and Monsters your opponent controls to their hand.

Or just some of the cards. You don’t want to return any of the cards that have On entry abilities.


16-054C – Chocobo

The pixelated Chocobo, comes in and grabs a 2 cost Character or less from the Break Zone.

If you’re playing Chocobos, you’ll probably end up grabbing another Chocobo.




16-055C – Chocobo Sam

Chocobo Sam knows where all the Chocobos are. That’s why you’ll play him and find a Chocobo. Specifically Chocobo (6-050C). That way you’ll be able to play a free Chocobo every time it is your turn.

Plus, giving a Chocobo +3K for a turn let’s you know you’ll have the extra fire power if needed.



16-056R – Fat Chocobo

Fat Chocobo has one job.

That is to let you grab a Wind card from your hand at the end of each of your turns. If you’re playing Chocobos this might be a decent card to throw in your deck.

And for a simple dull, you’ll be able to play a Wind Backup once per turn.

And, keep a Fat Chocobo in your hand, because if Fat Chocobo gets hit by a Summon or ability, that 10K will keep him alive.

16-057C – Ninja

Uhm, well …

Removing 2 cards for 2000 damage?

I think I’ll pass.



16-058R – Fina

Comes with built in protection.

And, gives you the option of canceling an auto-ability, when she’s not even on the field. Sure you’ll need at least 4 Wind Backups on the field to be able to use it, but Fat Chocobo will be there to help you out with that one.



16-059C – Pecciotta EX

Is Morze’s Soiree Member going to become something?

Pecciotta here will help it become it. Activating all of Soiree when he enters the field.

The more I see these cards, the more I want to give it a try.

Time to crack open some Emissaries of Light and find all the cards I need.


16-060C – Madam M EX

I’m starting to see a pattern with all the Wind cards this set.

Madam M comes in and let’s you grab a Wind Character, if you find one when you reveal the top 4 cards of your deck.
Other than that, this 4 cost Backup is technically only 2CP.



16-061R – Yuri

Just like I just said, Yuri does the same thing as Madam M, but better.

This way you might actually play a card straight from your deck onto the field.

Or you can just grab any card if you can’t find a 3CP Wind Character.



16-062C – Lexa

Protect Madam Edel, that is Lexa’s job. More on that later.

A simple 2 cost Backup, that dulls and grants a Soiree Member, or Madam Edel +1K.




16-063R – Rosa

The missing piece of Cecil and Ceodore.

Rosa comes in and keeps feeding Ceodore and Cecil, to power them up just a little bit to help them survive or take down your opponents Forwards.