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Hokuten – Version 1.02

We’re going to do this a tiny bit different. We already know we’re not building and strong decks. We’re just making decks to have fun with. Zalbaag’s deck will be no different. In fact we’re going to look straight into Final Fantasy Tactics and see what we can come up with. Let’s take a look into the battles.

But, first.

We can’t have a Hokuten Deck without the Lord Commander himself, so we are throwing in 3 copies.

First battle Zalbaag commands Argath (or Algus) to kill Tietra, so we need Argath in. 3 copies because Argath makes your opponent discard a card when he enters the field.

Along with a couple Knights and Black Mages, although the Tactics Knights aren’t great at all. Just bodies that have no abilities. And the Black Mages, are just a little better than the Knights. Maybe we’ll just lave them out.

The next battle Zalbaag is in he is your ally, So, we’ll be adding in Ramza. Two of them to be exact Ramza (3-119L) just for the fact that he gains +1000 power for every Final Fantasy Tactics Forward that you control, and Ramza (7-118L), because he can become a cheap and powerful Forward if you have a lot of Forwards on the field before you play him. And, If this Ramza has over 10,000 power, every time he attacks, you can break one of your opponents Forwards, as long as it is 3CP or less.

Next battle Zalbaag is a part of the Undead. and fights against you with Archaeodaemon and Ultima Demon and we have none of those Monsters as cards yet. I thought this was going to be a lot more interesting than this.

Let’s see what else we can add? How about Dycedarg (4-105R), he is Zalbaag’s brother and do work together. Up until a certain point, I’ll leave that at that. Plus when he enters the Break Zone, he Dycedarg deals 7000 damage to one of your opponents active Forwards.

Next let’s find a way to search for Zalbaag. Aldo (10-086C) allows you to search for a Lightning Forward, and Duke Goltana (1-134R) allows you to search for a Knight. And, since Ramza and Dycedarg are both Knights, I think we finally have a plan for this deck.

Knights it is.

So, we need Ovelia (1-156C) to give all of our knights +1000 power. We’ll also add in Class Sixth Moogle (9-097C) to help us pay for Water. Now that we have water on hand, We shall add Beatrix (12-103H) to lower the cost of our Knights.

Agrias, we need Agrias (7-106L). She costs 6CP but with Beatrix it’ll be 4CP and if you find a 3CP Character it’ll be 1CP.

We’re going to add Princess Sarah (11-128H) just so we can play Argath. We’d take Argath out, but he plays a part in Zalbaag’s story.

That means we have Ice, let’s add some more Ice. Lasswell (16-042R) to dull and Freeze, and have your opponent discard cards. Charlotte (13-023R) cause she is a great Meat Shield.

As for Summons, we’ll take Ixion (17-090R), Leviathan (2-140C) and Shiva (19-022R)

And, there you have it Hokuten V1.02


3x – Argath (1-033C)
3x – Beatrix (12-103H)
3x – Charlotte (13-023R)
3x – Lasswell (16-042R)
3x – Zalbaag (1-136C)
3x – Ramza (3-119L)
3x – Dycedarg (4-105R)
3x – Ramza (5-118L)
3x – Agrias (7-106L)


3x – Princess Sarah (11-128H)
3x – Ovelia (1-156C)
3x – Class Sixth Moogle (9-097C)
3x – Duke Goltanna (1-134R)
3x – Aldo (10-086C)


3x – Leviathan (2-140C)
3x – Ixion (17-090R)
2x – Shiva (19-022R)

This one does seem a little forced, compared to other deck ideas we have done.

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Anniversary Collection Set 2024

What’s that? Announcing a new Anniversary Set, when the Dissidia Collection isn’t even out yet. Well, I’m sure you would do it too. Get on the Hype train, because Shinra SOLDIERS are on the box.

Plenty of Reprints, plenty of Promos, plenty of cards. Means Plenty of reasons to buy this collection. Number 1 being the paper playmat.

The Reprints will range from Opus I all the way to Resurgence of Power.

What I like about these Collections is that it is a great way to get into the game, as many staples are in it. I remember building a deck and just grabbing half the cards from the first Anniversary Collection Set, I just didn’t feel like searching for them.

This is actually coming out sooner than I expected as well. February 2024. That’s only 6 months away, 4 months after the Dissidia set comes out.

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From Nightmares – Water and High Tides

19-086R – Ashe EX

More like the Ashetiveator.

I really like this card. As long as you have a copy in your hand and a couple of CP available, you can keep reactivating a Forward once per turn.

The way I would do it would be. I would enter the Attack Phase. And when that attack goes through, I would play Ashe and activate that Forward so it can block.

You can actually play Ashe twice per turn. Play her in your Main Phase 1, return her to your hand during your Attack Phase and then replay her during your Main Phase 2.

The more I think about it, the more I like this card.

19-087R – Wol

Wol can’t attack, but he sure can block.

Weighing in at 2CP/9K power. He will take out some Attackers.

But, it’s Chef’s Knife that we really like. It’s 9000 damage to a Forward that cannot be reduced by other abilities.

So, once per turn you can use Chef’s Knife, then play Ashe, then use Chef’s Knife again, then play Ashe, and use Chef’s Knife once again. But, that will on;y work if you have 3 Wols in your hand. And you can. You can actually have up to 24 Wols in your deck. That’s almost half your deck. Keep your enemy at bay with this Tonberry Suit.

19-088C – Aerith

Aerith has one job, and that is to grab a Light card from the Break Zone. Other than that she’ll just hang out and give you 1CP per turn.

That’s pretty much it for this Aerith, not the best Aerith.

There’s probably a lot of better plays, unless you really need that Light card.



19-089H – Gau

I’m not going to say it this time.

I’m not. I’m going to try not to.

Gau, is actually pretty good, for what he does.

For 2CP you get a Forward that can come in during your opponents turn and buff another Category VI Character +1K power for every Category VI Character you control.

Throw him in there with the Dream Stooges, and Kefka, and you have a Forward that can block anything your opponent throws at you and survive it.

After that you can put Gau back into your deck and draw a card. Gau is wild like that. He’s a Wild Child.

19-090C – Clavat

Water’s Multi-Elemental Forward.

And by that we mean, if you pay with at least 3 Elements. Each element has had one of these cards, and Clavat is no different.

When she enters the field, if you did pay with at least 3 Elements, your opponent chooses one of their Forwards and sends it packing. Straight to the Break Zone.

Other than that Clavat will allow you to draw a card, and then discard a card when she enters the field.

19-091R – Sapphire Weapon

Another Free Card, this set is spoiling us.

Every Element has a way to cast cards for Free. And, we like free. Even the guy in the back, with the Cloud Signature card in his back pocket. You know he likes FREE too.

It’s not that often that you can play a 9k Body for free. But Sapphire Weapon here can. As long as you have at least 5 Weapon cards in your Break Zone, Sapphire Weapon can come in for free.

You have yourselves a Water deck, just throw in Ruby, and Emerald and just chuck them to pay for other Cards. And when Sapphire show up, you know it’s coming in with a Vengeance. Or something like that.

If Sapphire Weapon gets broken somehow, no worries. You’ll draw 2 cards when you put Sapphire Weapon into the Break Zone.

You might even get lucky and draw another Sapphire Weapon that you can play for free.

19-092C – White Mage

Well, you can sort of count White Mage as a free card, but you still have to pay for it. 2CP, and if you have 3 points of Damage you get to draw a card.

Once she’s on the field, you can use her ability to return one of your opponent’s Forwards to their hand.

Just a little reminder. You’d probably want to get rid of a Forward that doesn’t have an enter the field ability.


19-093H – Strago EX

This is interesting, I think I already like this card.

Every time Strago enters the field, or is broken, you get to reveal the top 4 cards of your deck and hopefully you’ll find a FFVI card sitting there that you can add to your hand.

This also works when Strago is found when you take Damage.

And, let’s not forget about Revenge Blast. For each point of Damage you have received, your opponent’s Forward will lose 2000 power.

And with 5 different Stragos available, you might have a hand full of Stragos at 6 points of Damage. At that point you can spam Revenge Blast and take your opponent to Pound Town.

19-094R – Sanctuary Keeper

Who needs Ashe when you have Sanctuary Keeper?

For 3CP, you can have a constant Activation per turn. Not only that, this Activation comes with a +2000 power buff.

You can actually use both Ashe and Sanctuary Keeper, with 24 Wols and spam that Chef’s Knife. My deck is slowly coming into fruition. I’ll have that deck ready in no time.



19-095C – Sophia

Sophia is the opposite of Sanctuary Keeper.

At the begining of the Attack Phase, Sophia reduces the power of a Forward by 2000.

If you’re already buffing one of your Forwards by 2000, that is a 4000 power difference. Sure it’ll only worked that way if each of you only have 1 Forward on the field, but you get what I’m trying to say. Or not say.


19-096C – Tidus EX

Well, for being a high cost card, you’d think you’d get more than just drawing a card or returning a Forward to their owner’s hand.

I’m not seeing it.

The only thing I like is that it can come off from an EX Burst. Which should be a good enough reason to have some in your deck, as you can always use them to pay for Opus I Tidus’s ability.


19-097C – Tonberry

I was trying to come up with a different way to start this, but couldn’t.

Tonberry comes in like a Monster and out like a Forward.

When Tonberry comes in you draw a card, then discard a card to make him a Forward. Tonberry is technically a 4 cost Forward, but you only have to pay for 2CP as he provides the other 2CP himself.

But, when Tonberry deals damage to a Forward the Forward is broken regardless of power. He has the real Chef’s Knife, not Wol.

19-098C – Yuna

When Yuna comes in, your opponent selects the card Forward that will be sent to the Break Zone. You’ll be able to remove a Forward, but since your opponent gets to pick which one it might not always work in your favor.

This is one way to get rid of Opus XVI Tidus, but I don’t think your opponent will choose that card when Yuna enters the field. Unless, if it’s the only Forward on the field.



19-099R – Josef

Are Rebels becoming a thing?

I mean Josef here looks like a good card, especially since you most likely will be playing Firion, which will make Josef a 3CP/9K body Rebel/Monk with a sword. Wait, Monks use swords? Maybe Josef uses it for his Rebel side.

“Rebel, Rebel,
You’ve torn your dress”

Maybe that’s what the sword is for.

Where was I? Ah, yes. And, with Firion still on the field, every time Josef attack, you get to draw 1 card. Who doesn’t like drawing cards. I’ll play Josef and attack for no reason just to draw a card.

And, that’s not all. No, Sir. When Josef enters the field you can also play a Category II Forward from your hand onto the field. Any FFII Character as long as it is 3CP or less. It doesn’t even need to be a Rebel, Rebel.

19-100C – Larsa

A 2 cost Backup that really is a 4 cost.

You’ll probably be discarding a card in order to search for that XII Forward that you’re really looking for. If that Forward is on the field you probably have no use to play this card.

Sure you can reduce damage dealt to a Forward by 2000, but I believe there are better Larsas than this one.


19-101R – Leviathan

The Water God comes in as a Free Summon.

No Sacrifices needed.

Leviathan comes in, you return 1 of your opponents Forwards to their hand, and they can’t play it until the end of their next turn.

What I like about this is that they’ll have a dead card in their hands. They won’t be able to play it, and if they draw another one they’ll have 2 dead cards. They might even discard it for CP just so they can play another card.

Might come out in your favor, or you’re just delaying the fact that they can play a Forward with an enter the field ability, that might turn things in their favor. But, this is a card game, and we need cards that will give us a breather when we can get it.
Yes, Free Summons are still good.

19-102L – Refia

If you needed a reason to run a Warrior of Light deck, well now you got one.

Refia will activate all the Warrior of Light cards you have at the beginning of each of your attack phases. That means you can go all out, and attack with all your Forwards, and then during your opponents turn, you will have all your Forwards activated, just in time to start blocking.

Also, once per turn, you can dull 4 Warriors of Light, and put one of your opponents Forward back into their deck. Top or bottom, you get to choose.

And, let’s not forget about the artwork. This is a beautiful card. Only complaint is that this one didn’t come as a full art.

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Resurgence of Power – Raining Water?

18-086H – Ashe EX

The Queen is here.

And if all her loyal servants are on the field. (Water Backups). She will only cost you 1CP. Which is good. With a 9K body she’ll rule over her kingdom and … well … deal a loss of power to a Forward.

2000 for each loyal servant that she has.


18-087C – False Hero


Discard a Manikin and play False Hero. Then play Imitation Despot and grab that Manikin back from the Break Zone.

After that False Hero gives all the other Manikins +2K power.


18-088R – Ingrid

This is an interesting card. Especially if you know that your opponent goes into their Break Zone to grab cards back. I know I do, sometimes.

Whenever Ingrid is sent to the Break Zone, your opponent removes all the Characters in the Break Zone from the game. Can’t grab them anymore, not for this game at least. Better luck next time, but this exorcist will exorcise the Characters back the the RFG Realm to where they belong.

Got a little off track there.

18-089H – Echidna

Echidna allows you to grab a Summon from your Break Zone. And that technically turns him into a free Monster that can come in and turn into a Forward. The cost here is different. Usually it’ll be 0CP, but for Echidna it’s a Summon card.

Now when Echidna attacks or blocks, you can draw 1 card.

You’ll be able to grab a card, once per turn.


18-090R – Kalmia

Losing power? Not anymore, Kalmia grants a special type of protection. No more shall you worry about your Forwards losing power to Summons and abilities.

Kalmia would still be a great addition if it were just that, but she also grants protection to your Break Zone. Your opponent will no longer be able to be chosen by your opponents Summons or abilities either.

No more fear of losing your Break Zone.


18-091R – Cloud of Darkness

Sometimes it seems your Forwards are outnumbered 3 to 1.

Cloud of Darkness is here to fix that.

She’ll come in and all the Forwards will go into the Break Zone, except the 1 you choose and the one your opponent chooses.

It can be a lifesaver if it’s used under the right circumstances. What are those circumstances? Well, your opponents has more Forwards than you. And, stuff.

I like it.

18-092C – Tchakka

Another Naakual.

This one would be good for a Mono-Water deck. It says so itself. All Forwards other than Water lose 1000 power. And after that, whenever Tchakka attacks, your opponents Forwards lose 2000 power.

That means every time Tchakka attacks, your Opponents might be sending cards to the Break Zone, simply because Tchakka can cast Sharknado on them. Or something like that.

18-093R – Nerine

Bring the Princess, any Princess. That way Nerine will become a much more viable Forward.

+2K power is a good thing.

Plenty of Princess’s to play 25 to be exact. Wait, no Macherie has been banned. 24.

Let’s go ahead and pick Fiona (16-118C)

When she comes in you draw a card not only from Nerine’s ability, but Fiona’s as well. Thus giving you a free Forward to play. And since she is a Forward she can be recycled. Quite easily, in fact. As if she is chosen by Summons or abilities, instead of Breaking her, Removing her from the game or whatever happens, you can simply place Fiona on the top of your deck and repeat the process.

18-094C – Geomancer

Discard Geomancer, draw a card. And, that’s about it.

Cheap Backup to play.




18-095C – Rune Fencer

I mean, it might have some uses, probably more than I think, but, it feels like you’ll be over paying. I can see it used here and there, but not enough for someone to keep it in a deck. maybe for draft or sealed.

You do get to hit 2 Forwards for a loss of power if you pay the extra cost. 1 for 4K and 1 for 7K.


18-096C – Leviathan

Leviathan comes back as a Common, and that’s doesn’t matter, because Leviathan cancels out an auto-ability that comes from a Forward. And at only 3CP that’s not bad at all. It’s actually pretty good.

Now you can also pay the extra cost of removing 10 Water cards from the Break Zone and return that Forward to their owner’s hand. Making them lose the CP for playing said Forward on to the field.

What’s not to like?

18-097R – Rinoa

This is probably one of the cards that didn’t need Warp. That’s just me though.

But Rinoa comes in, and you can send a Forward to the Break Zone, if you decide to pay the extra cost.

Angelo Cannon, I remember using it back in the day I used to play FFVIII all day, but we’re not here to talk about that. Where was I? You reveal a Forward from your hand, and Angelo deals that Forwards power as Damage to another Forward.

I just confused myself.

When are we getting an Angelo card?

18-098R – Lunafreya

Make a down payment of 2CP and get 3 cards in return.

Will it pay off or will your opponent cancel out Lunafreya’s ability when she enters the field through Warp?

Also, Can you wait 4 turns for a return on your investment?

It could be worth it.


18-099C – Leo EX

Leo … I mean King Leo.

King Leo comes in and sends a Forward back to their owner’s hand. And, if there are a couple of Standard Units hanging out on the field, you can just put it on top of it’s owner’s deck.

Simple as that. After that Leo just gives you 1CP per turn, cause he’s like a Backup and stuff.

Now, if we can find a way to bounce him.

18-100L – Lenna

I don’t think I really read this card.

I can see why it’s a Legend. Protection for your Break Zone.

If you’re playing Mono-Water, this is great. You can bring back a Water Forward and play it straight to the field. Lost your last Emissaries Tidus somehow. Lenna shall bring him back.

Or what about Leviathan, Lord of the Whorl. That might also be a cheap way to play him.

And, I just had an OMG! moment.

Your opponent wastes all of their resources to get rid of Leviathan, and you just bring him back. Just cause you can.

Forget Tidus, I’m about to put Leviathan and Lenna in my Ultros deck.

Let’s have some fun.

18-101C – Lenne

Cheap Backup to play that allows you to draw a card if you cast a Summon this turn.

That’s about it.




18-102C – Wakka EX

A backup to play if you’re playing a FFX themed deck, or mostly Water.

Wakka let’s you reveal the top 3 cards of your deck and hopefully you’ll grab a card. There’s a good chance you will if you’re playing this Wakka.

This ability also comes off an EX Burst so there’s that as well.

But, from the 4 other Wakka’s available, 3 of them are better than this one.

Prove me wrong.

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Emissaries of Light – Water Thoughts

Here we go again, after I lost it all when my Computer Froze.

16-106R – Andrea Rhodea

Andrea Rhodea, Perfect for a FFVII deck. And that’s pretty much it. He might be a Dancer, but there doesn’t look like he has any Synergy with other Dancers. Maybe Mayakov, just cause he gives Rhodea Protection, and that you can play him once Mayakov enters the field.

But, FFVII is the way to go. Only question is which Cloud do we choose?



16-107R – Ezel

More like a Mathematician.

Ezel allows you to search for a Forward, as long as you can do some simple math.

Add up the CP of the cards you discard to find a Forward with the Same cost.

There should be an easier way to search for certain Forwards.


16-108C – Kimahri

Kimahri only job is to place a Ronso Counter on a Forward, and give that Forward some Protection against damage dealt by your opponents Summons or abilities.

Kimahri will come in and give a Forward a Ronso Counter. All you need to do is figure out a way to keep bouncing Kimahri.



16-109C – Kyrie EX

I always liked the cards that allow you to look at your opponents hand.

They won’t be discarding anything, but you’ll be able to look at the top 2 cards of your deck and see if you like what you’ll get.

If you don’t just send them to the bottom of your deck, and hope for something better.


16-110C – Clavat

Another backup Backup.

Clavat here lets you draw a couple of cards when he enters the field and gets sent to the Break Zone. And with you being able to play 3 Clavats you might be able to Draw 6 cards.

Imagine what kind of Damage you can do with up to 11 cards in your hand.



16-111R – Genbu EX

Along with the same abilities the other Shijin have. Genbu comes in with “Protect”

The damage dealt to Genbu is reduced by 3000. And it is a constant reduction.




16-112C – Corsair

Don’t like your cards, play Corsair.

You’ll draw 2 cards and discard 1 card from your hand.

After that you can always use his ability and draw 1 more card.



16-113C – Sahagin

Sahagin will come in use water gun on your opponent. Blinding one Forward you choose, just enough to send him back to your opponents hand.

After that it’s a Switcheroo as you grab a card and discard a card. All this for 3CP.

After that, need to look at the top cards of your deck?

Sahagin will jump into the Break Zone to allow you to do just that.

16-114C – White Mage

White Mage is here to have some fun with Sahagin.

Whenever you discard a card from his on-entry ability, you’ll draw 1 card.

And it doesn’t stop there. This can happen anytime you discard a card, but only once per turn.



16-115H – Sarah (MOBIUS)

Sarah is hungry for Crystals. And every time you find one, she just might be able to get you a Backup to add to your hand.

Now, you do gain a Crystal when she comes in, but it’s not just that Crystal, it’s any Crystal you can get.

And then just keep feeding her 1 Crystal per turn, and she’ll gain +1000 power and Protection from damage that is less than her power.

16-116L – Tidus

Tidus is the gift that keeps on giving.

As long as you play it safe, Tidus will always be around, and it will seem like there is no way around him. Only a slight reprieve when your opponent manages to get him off the field for a second.

Tidus cannot be blocked, so you know that you won’t be blocking with Tidus because you will be constantly attacking, chipping away at your opponent.

Oh, and every time you send Tidus to the bottom of your deck, you draw 3 cards.

Now it doesn’t specifically say only this Tidus. If your opponent has a Tidus and you send it to the bottom of their deck, do you also draw 3 cards?

16-117H – Tros

Do I see an Octopus deck coming into play?

Tros will easily let you draw cards when Ultros sends himself back to your hand.

Octopi/Tidus or Octopidust, yes that is what I shall call it. When I finally get around to making it that is.

You know it’s going to work.

16-118C – Fiona EX

For some reason I thought this was a Backup.

So, you’ll be basically paying 2CP for Fiona and you got an 8K body.

You can also draw a card off of an EX Burst.



16-119H – Fusoya

A Five color deck?

It can work. You already have Soiree going all out this set.

Just add Fusoya to the mix, and you’ll probably choose up to 4 abilities to cast.



16-120C – Firion

There are a lot of cards that help you draw cards. Water is Turbo Draw.

Just don’t mill yourself out.




16-121R – Vesvia EX

It seems like there’s a certain way to play Soiree.

Well you can play any way you’d like, but depending on how many Soiree Members are on the field, you can draw up to 2 cards. Thus, making Vesvia a free card.




16-122R – Marche

I’m on the fence about this Marche. Due to the cost, and if the Opus XI Marche is better.

But, you’ll probably be playing a different strategy if you play this one.

You’ll grab a 2 cost Character right off the bat, and after that every time Marche attacks, you draw 1 or 2 cards.



16-123L – Meia

Here is your discount card.

Meia comes in with Haste, and even though she cannot attack or block, she lets you cast a Summon from your hand for up to 3CP less. You’ll be playing 1CP for 4 cost Summons.

Who else can we pair Meia with?


16-124H – Lightning

Lightning comes in when you’re at a slight disadvantage. Depending on how many Forwards you and your opponent have, you’ll be able to remove one of their Forwards from the game.

With Switch Schemata, you’ll be able to save Lightning from being sent to the Break Zone, and have her just come back in at the end of the turn and Remove another one of your opponents Forwards from the game.


16-125C – Leviathan

It’s like your going fishing, and throwing the fish back into the sea.

Either that, or another fish you already caught.

Choose a 5 cost or less Forward and place it at the top or bottom of it’s owner’s deck. And maybe draw a card. But, you’ll be losing 2 cards.

Meh, I probably don’t see it.

16-126R – Leo

A what now?

More Math? Not exactly, but you’ll have to have Characters of cost 1-6 already on the field to play this 1CP/7K Forward.

And when Leo enters the field you can play a card from the top 5 cards of your deck. So, you’ll basically be coming up positive in the CP count with Leo.

After that return Leo to your hand, there are plenty of cards that will allow you to do that. Then rinse and repeat.