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End of February, Update

With Hidden Legends right around that Korner, we are Sold Out at the moment. We’re currently trying to get some more, and we’ll let you know once we find out.

Tears of the Planet isn’t too far off either. March 28th, we’ll have a link for Pre-Orders up for that shortly as well. And, that also means that Midnight Pre-Release is almost here as well. We’re looking at March 21st. Same time, Same place, Same Prizes.

We’re adding more Singles to the website. Mostly Full Arts and Promos for now. We’d rather have those here than TCG Player, or eBay.

Now we have a question for you. Have you been enjoying the Final Fantasy IV series we have been doing? Let us know in the comments.

And, we still want your bulk. If you have some that’s just taking up space, send us an email, and we’ll take it off of your hands.

Shop for Singles and more at our TCG Player Store!

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Happy New Year and Stuff

It’s a new year! As we reflect on 2024, we look forward to the next year, we make our new years resolutions and drop them by tomorrow.

Now that that’s out of the way, let’s take a look at what’s in store for us this year.

We have 2 FFTCG products that are coming our way. The first one is the Legacy Collection set for release next month. If you’re just starting out with Final Fantasy TCG, this will be a great set for you. Plenty of meta cards, plus hundreds of Full Arts ready to be pulled.

After that Tears of the Planet will be coming out in March. We don’t have much information on that one, other than 2 cards that Square Enix has revealed. Aerith and Zack. From what I remember Zack will play well with Genesis of Hidden Trials. Which will be a good starting point to build a nice Shinra/SOLDIER deck.

That leaves us with 2 more sets that we have absolutely no information on. We should be getting a name and the box art for the set after Tears of the Planet soon. We should be expecting that during the Spoiler Season.

One thing that we haven’t seen in quite some time is a new Starter Set. Hopefully we’ll be getting at least one this year. Cause the last Starter cards that we got were in Beyond Destiny and that has been over a year ago.

We also have Magic : The Gathering Universes Beyond Final Fantasy set that should be coming out this year as well. This one is something that we are excited for as well. Technically we can’t get our hands on it from our distributor, but we will get our hands on it, and it will be available to you.

And, that is all we know about Final Fantasy and Trading Cards for this year.

Shop for Singles and more at our TCG Player Store.

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Tears of the Planet

The new set has been revealed.

Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you, “Tears of the Planet”!

Sounds like an album title if you ask me. But, you’re not asking me. I’m telling you.

Let’s start off with the box art, as you can see Aerith has finally made it, on her own box. Yes, she was on Hidden Hope, but that was with Zack. And, this is her Solo Project.

First off, these sets are getting smaller and smaller. Only 118 cards for this set, with 30 Full arts. 1 is will be the Golden Signature featuring Aerith, and one is a Crystal. That leaves 28 Full arts. If one is the Buy a Box Promo, and the other the Prerelease Promo, that gives us 26 Full Arts. And if we’re still getting a full set of Full Art cards per set, which I don’t see changing. That means in every Master Case, there will be 2 boxes with 3 Full Art cards in them.

That’s something worth noting.

The date set for us is March 28th, 2025, That also means Midnight Pre-Release will be on March 21st, 2025, so mark your calendars, because it always is a great time.

/Self Promotion

Let’s take a look at Zack (25-073L).

Final Fantasy VII will be getting plenty of support. With plenty of Lightning support, even if you throw Zack in a Shinra themed deck, he will become a threat.

Every time Zach attacks, you can bring a Final Fantasy VII Character back from the Break Zone, only requirement is that, that Character costs 2CP or less. Shouldn’t be that hard to find one, even if you keep bringing the same Character in after they attack or block.

Rush Assault? When Zack Attacks, you can use his Signature ability and break one of your opponent’s Forwards! No cost Requirements, no nothing. Just stock up on all Zacks from every Opus.

Yes, please. May I have another?

And, Aerith (25-035L)

We know what happens next.

But, we won’t say anything, just in case you’ve been living under a Meteor … I mean Rock.

Aerith comes in and one of your opponent’s Characters lose all of their abilities for as long as Aerith is on the field.

And when she finally gets sent to the Break Zone, you can remove Aerith from the game, and you’ll be able to draw a card.

This will make Aerith a Free Play in the end.

From these 2 cards, I would say that the Zack is a much better card, compared to the Aerith.

Legacy cards are also making a comeback, this time we get Ovelia (13-090L), Squall (16-011L) and Griever (21-027L). These three aren’t bad picks, as the art for all 3 of these will be well presented as a Full Art Foil.

And, we’ll leave it right there, until we get some more information.