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24-115R – Tenzen LB
The Samurai is back! This time with a Limit Break ready to go off whenever needed.
And, what a Limit Break.
Tenzen comes in and gives all of the Samurais +3000 power, Brave, and the ability to attack twice in the same turn.
And, we already know how Samurais run. Now just take that same deck, and play Tenzen whenever you can from the the Limit Break deck.
Your Samurais will take down your opponent so fast, that your opponent will mistake them for Ninjas.
After all is said and done, if your opponent still has some life, Tenzen sticks around with a 9K body.
24-116R – Snow LB
Snow comes in and searches for Lightning. Yes, he does search for Serah as well, but we all know that you’re going to grab Lightning.
And, that is all he does.
He’s not even a decent Meat Shield, coming in with only 5000 power.
What Kind of Sentinel is that?
If you need Lightning or Serah, sure. If not, then play Lumina.
24-117R – Zidane LB
4CP for a 5K body.
You’d think you’re overpaying, but this is a Limit Break card, and Zidane cannot be blocked by a 4 cost Forward or higher. Meaning that most of Zidane’s attacks can and will go through to damage your opponent.
Also, when Zidane enters the field, your opponent discards the top 2 cards of their deck, if they are of the same element, Zidane will draw you a card.
If you’re playing any kind of Wind deck, I would keep one of these in your Limit Break deck. It’s LB cost is very low, and we all know that you have filler LB cards in that deck just to pay for the cost of the cards you actually want to use.
24-118R – Selh’teus LB
Can you spell indestructable?
Selh’teus cannot be broken by your opponent’s Summons of abilities, whether they flat out break a Forward, or if they deal damage to a Forward.
The only way your opponent will be able to get rid of Selh’teus, is by blocking her with a Forward with more power than Selh’teus has. or by returning her to your hand, in which you can just play her again. I think.
I’m not sure if Selh’teus can be returned to your hand. Or what happens to it once it is targeted to be returned to your hand.
24-119R – Gilgamesh LB
No, that’s not Greg. Maybe it is, we all know about Gilgamesh and his inter dimensional travel.
When Gilgamesh comes in you can either break a 1 cost Forward, or remove 2 cards from your opponent’s Break Zone.
What to choose?
I’d say it depends on what is in your opponent’s Break Zone, and if your opponent has a way of bringing cards back from the Break Zone.
If you have no use for any one of these abilities, you can always just use Gilgamesh to pay for your other Limit Break cards.
24-120R – Warrior of Light LB
This is a cheap card. For what Warrior of Light does, he is extremely cheap, and I would do great in any tribal deck. Or just about any deck running a bunch of Standard Units.
Warrior of Light will protect all of your other Forwards from most of your opponents abilities.
Your Forward will not be chosen, and if they receive damage that damage will be a big fat 0.
2CP + 1LB will grant you this protection for your other Forwards, and you’ll also have an 8K body.
24-121H – Iron Giant (SOPFFO) LB
How is this a Hero, when all these Rares that we’ve just seen are better?
That is my first thought on Iron Giant.
Iron Giant comes in and you get to either deal 5000 damage to a 2 cost Forward, or deal a dull Forward 7000 damage.
There’s nothing really exciting here.
24-122H – Magna Roader LB
Magana Roader, choose one ability or choose both. It all depends on how many Wind and/or Ice Characters that you have on the field.
If it’s 4 Ice Characters, your opponent shows you their hand, and you discard one of those cards.
4 Wind Characters, and Magna Roader comes in with Haste.
If you have 4 Ice and 4 Wind you get both of these.
My question is, who is playing Ice/Wind?
24-123H – Vajradhara Wu LB
Coming from Wutai, Vajradara Wu (or Wu for short) can and will break one of your opponent’s Forwards. and after Wu will stick around as an 8K body.
How will Wu do this?
It’s quite simple really.
Wu will break a damaged Forward, or Wu will deal damage to another Forward equal to it’s power.
And, that is pretty much it.
I’d call Vajradara Wu a Summon that sticks around afterwords.
24-124H – The Ur-Dragon King LB
High cost means High Power, and that is what The Ur-Dragon King brings to the table.
You’ll spend 9CP, 2LB and you’ll need 4 Earth Characters, and 4 Lightning Characters on the field in order to get The Ur-Dragon King’s full effect.
This 9K Meat Shield has 2 abilities that go off when it enters the field.
First one is that you can grab 2 Characters from your Break Zone, bringing Ur-Dragon’s cost down to 5CP. You’ll need 4 Earth Characters for this one.
And, second you can choose one of your opponent’s Forwards and The Ur-Dragon King will break it for you. You’ll need 4 Lightning Characters for this one.
If you have the cards on the field, and sufficient CP to pay for this, I would highly recommend it.
24-125H – Tonberry & Cactuar LB
I really wanted this card to be better.
It’s not bad, I was just hoping for Superhero powers.
What we get is a choice between 2 abilities. Who would have guessed?
First one, break a Forward of 3CP or less, which isn’t bad at all.
The second choice is, look at the top 2 cards of your deck and add one to your hand, while the other one goes to the bottom of your deck.
All we have to do is now is figure out which one is Batman and which one is Robin.
I’d say Tonberry is Batman.
24-126H – Ultima Weapon LB
Fire Water Burns!
Ultima Weapon is one of these Dual Element Limit Break Cards that you know will work.
I can actually just throw it in my Bomb deck, which is filled up with Fire/Water and have the perfect Limit Break to use whenever I feel like it.
Yes, just like most of the other Dual Element LBs, you’ll need 4 Characters of each element to get the full effect.
4 Fire Characters will allow Ultima Weapon to deal 9000 damage to a Forward. If you have 4 Water Characters, Ultima Weapon will break one of your opponent’s Forwards.
What’s not to like?
The cost? It’s only 6CP. Opus I Odin costs 7CP, and only breaks 1 Forward.