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Gunslinger in the Abyss

Well this is a surprise. I wasn’t expecting this yet. They usually show us a new set during Spoiler Season.

Gunslinger in the Abyss.

There’s only one Gunslinger that I can think of and that is Vincent, and as you would have guessed right away, Vincent is on the Box. Bringing his total up to 2. Vincent still has a long way to go in order to catch Lightning.

We have an August release date, with 42 Full Arts. And, Square Enix is shaking things up with smaller Booster Boxes. The Booster Boxes will now only have 18 packs instead of 36, and from what I understand after reading this, a Master Case will have 4 cases of 6. Will we still be able to get a complete set of Full Arts from a Master Case? There’s only one way to find out.

Legacy cards we have three once more, and this time the Warring Triad is taking up all 3 spots. The Demon, The Goddess and The Fiend. Only thing that’s missing is Kefka ready to make use of them.

And, we have our first Spoilers for Opus XXVI – Gunslinger of the Abyss. Yes, I still use Opus.

Bartz – 26-053L

You can pay using your Crystals instead of CP to cast Bartz. 0CP for an 8k body. I’m liking this already.

When Bartz enters the field, you reveal the top 2 cards of your deck, and you can play a Character of 3CP or less onto the field. The rest go into your hand.

Meaning that if you paid with Crystal, you can gain 4CP.

You’ll come out ahead in Crystal Points. Other than that, I’ll have to try this card out to see if I like it or not.

Vincent – 26-068L

Now the Sample is blocking out some key information.

But, I’m going to take a guess.

Vincent enters the field, and deals 9000 damage to al the Forwards that cost three or less, meaning that most of those Forwards will be broken.

And, whenever Vincent is chosen by a Forward’s ability or your opponent’s Summons, Vincent deals a Forward 9000 damage. Either to the Forward that has an ability targeting Vincent, or to a Forward of your choosing.

One this is for sure.

Vincent will be dealing 9000 damage in some form or another.

We’ll get more information up soon.

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Hidden Trials – By Earth

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23-058C – Dark Knight

Oh wow, these Standard Unit Backups in this set are powerful. Sure, you need to have 5 Backups to get the full effect, but these Backups only cost 2CP.

Dark Knight comes in and gives a Forward. +1000 power and Brave.

If you have 5 Backups, then all of your Forwards gain +1000 power and Brave.

You can go all in swinging left and right with all of your Forwards, and then still have the resources to block your opponent’s attacks.


23-059C – Ignis EX

Noctis Is Down!! Hurry Phoenix Down!

That pretty much sums up Ignis.

When he enters the field you can grab a FFXV Character from your Break Zone, and add it to your hand. Not just Noct, but any XV Character that resides in there at that moment.

Best part is that this ability also comes off as an EX Burst.

Might be worth it … it’s always worth it if your grabbing cards from the Break Zone.

23-060L – Vincent

Beautiful card.

Though shall not pay 7CP to cast Vincent. Though shall pay 1CP to Warp Vincent. Vincent is Warp 6 meaning that 3 full turns need to pass before Vincent will enter the field. But the Warp Counters will reduce by one each time a Final Fantasy VII Character enters your field.

A ticking time-bomb, that once it goes off, you will Break one of your opponent’s Forwards and one of their Backups.
If you didn’t Warp Vincent, then you’ll just Break the Forward.

A Vincent worth playing?

23-061H – Warrior of Light

This is great.

If you have the CP, you can play a Standard Unit from the Break Zone at the begining of the Attack Phase. Doesn’t matter whose Attack Phase it is either! Yours. Your opponent’s. You can play that Standard Unit and buff up your defenses, add an attack, or play that Dark Knight from earlier, and give +1000 power and Brave to all of your Forwards.

You can also search for 2 Standard Units when Warrior of Light enters the field and send them to the Break Zone, so they’re ready for you whenever you’ll need them.

You can also splash any element with these Standard Units.

23-062H – Emet-Selch

Here’s one way to search for a high cost Forward.

And when you play a high cost Forward onto the field, Emet-Selch will deal another Forward 8000 damage.

And, that’s about it.

Other than that Emet-Selch costs 4CP, with a 8k body.

At least his ability to deal 8000 damage to a Forward goes off every time a high cost Forward enters the field. Maybe bounce that high cost Forward.

23-063C – Gladiolus

Gladiolus is ready to deal some serious damage, as long as his buddies are around.

Does that mean that this Gladiolus is a better play then the other Gladiolusi (? Gladioluses?)?

Probably not, but it might be fun to play in sealed, if there are more FFXV Characters in this set.

Gladiolus gains +1000 power and Brave if you have at least another FFXV Character on the field. Which you most likely will, or you won’t be playing Gladiolus.

Dawnhammer, Gladiolus’s Special ability that will 99% of the time break a Forward of your choosing.

23-064R – Golem

Would you like to see this Golem’s 3 card trick? He’s been hanging by the Korner with a Kardboard box and 3 cards. Would you like to try your luck?

I bet you do.

Choose a Forward, any Forward.

Now let’s flip over these 3 cards.

Grab one of the Forwards, return the other 2 to the bottom of your deck, and deal your Forwards Power as damage to the Forward that you have chosen.

Didn’t find a Forward?

Well, you’re out of luck.

23-065R – Gogmagog

Two heads are better than 1. 2 Monsters are better than one, too. And Gogmagog, is better with another monster on the field.

We already know that Gogmagog turns into a Forward with another Monster on the field.

So, let’s talk about what Gogmagog can do. Gogmagog can bring itself back from the Break Zone, as long as you remove a Monster in play from the game.

Should be good in any Monster deck.

23-066R – Jessie

Need a quick buff?

Jessie has 2 abilities that will buff you Forward.

The first one, she’ll buff any Final Fantasy VII Forward by 1000 power.

And secondly, If she buffs Cloud, Cloud will gain +2000 power.

Talk about favoritism.


23-067R – Shantotto

Do you recycle?

If so, Shantotto can help you get some recycled goods.

Shantotto comes in and grabs 2 Summons from either Break Zone. After that they are yours to keep until the end of the game, casting them whenever you need to.

This works good for you, as if your opponent is known for removing cards from your Break Zone, you can keep a couple of Summons that you know you’ll need later.

It’s like a side, side deck.

23-068C – SOLDIER Candidate

Earth’s Candidate to become a full fledged member of SOLDIER.

These are all pretty decent 2 cost Commons.

SOLDIER Candidate, come in and acts like Atlas?

… or was it Titan?

Well, SOLDIER Candidate comes in and you choose a Forward, and they deal damage to each other.

Might be a good way to get rid of a Forward.

23-069C – Narashima

Just like SOLDIER Candidate, only this time you choose your Forward that you want to trade blows with.

If you got an overpowered Forward, with plenty of buffs, well then this card is for you.

If you ask me, I’d pick Opus VII Fang, with 6 FFXIII Characters on the field, including Opus I Lebreaue. What’s that 11K?

I’m sure you can find a better Forward, but since Narashime is already a Category XIII Character. I stuck with that.

23-070H – Hythlodaeus

At first look I thought we were getting some Organization XIII cards. Then I realized we aren’t.

But, that doesn’t mean this isn’t a good card. In fact I think it’s great.

If Emet-Selch is on the field Hythlodaeus becomes a 3CP Forward with a 9K body.

That’s what you call a cheap Meat Shield. And, that is not the reason you’re playing this one.

You can use Hythlodaeus’s ability to put both her and Emet-Selch into the Break Zone. Then you shuffle your deck reveal the top 4 cards and play all the Characters onto the field.

If you’re lucky and all of your high cost Forwards pop up, you’ll be golden.

Just hope you don’t find any Summons there.

23-071C/15-080C – Geomancer

You know what time it is?

Copy/Paste time.


Standard Unit.



Maybe a Geomancer actually mines for Crystals.”

23-072 Brionac

A 5 cost Forward with 9000 power. Pretty normal for a Common, but during your Main Phase, you can remove 2 Earth cards from your Break Zone, from the game, and Brionac will gain +2000 power and Brave.

Brionac also has an ability that will deal 9000 damage to a Forward, but you’ll need a Crystal for that one.

If all you need is a Meat Shield, to block your opponent’s attacks, Brionac might be a good fit for you.

Best case scenario you find Brionac when you cast Golem.

23-073C – Prompto

Monster Hunter, or Monster Tamer?

Either way Prompto does things to Monsters that not many people do.

He takes pictures.

And those pictures will either Break a Monster, or Bring one back from the Break Zone.


Yeah, I got nothing.

23-074C – Wrieg

Here we are.

You can play Wrieg right before you play Prompto.

You’ll get your Monster back, and have a Forward and a Backup to show for it.

Is it worth playing?

I’d say that depends on if the Monster has an ability that goes off when it is put into the Break Zone.

At the very least, you’ll draw 2 Cards.

23-075R – Layle

A self sustainable Forward.

Layle comes in, gains a Crystal.

Layle attacks, gains a Crystal.

Layle attacks again, gains a Crystal.

Layle uses the Crystals when he is attacking and break a Monster or a Forward.

All this for 2CP.

23-076H – Regis

Regis might cost 7CP, but you get so much in return for that.

Regis comes in and you can grab a Final Fantasy XV Forward (of cost 5 or less) from your Break Zone, and play it straight to he field.

That alone will make Regis worth playing, but if you have already received 5 points of damage, you can go ahead and double that. This allows you to grab 2 XV Forwards from your Break Zone and play them straight to the field.

3 Forwards on the field for 7CP? Sounds like a good deal to me!

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From Nightmares – Earth Monsters Under Your Bed

19-052C – Undead Princess

Undead Princess is a cheap Forward to play that can block any attack. Even though she only has 2000 power, she can still block an attack to save you from taking damage.

But, Undead Princess I don’t think Undead Princess is meant to be played as a Forward. You can put her into the Break Zone to give a Forward +4000 power until the end of the turn.

And, once she is in the Break Zone, you can remove her from the game and give an Earth Forward +2000 until the end of the turn.

Undead Princess rises from the grave once again to give you a Buff.

19-053C – Vanille

This is a decent card.

When Vanille comes in, you can go through your opponents Break Zone and remove a card from there. Doesn’t matter which one, just grab a card and remove it. This is good when your opponent has a way of grabbing cards from the Break Zone.
What I really like though, is her ability.

When your opponent casts a Summon, you can dull Vanille, and if they don’t pay 2CP you can cancel the Summon.
Either way, if your opponent pays and it goes through or it gets canceled it is a win for you.

19-054C – Vincent

It looks like we’ve been getting more Vincents in the last couple of sets.

Theatrhythm Vincent is a Backup that deals 5000 damage to a Forward when he enters the field.

And, when you reach 3 points of damage, you can put him in the Break Zone and deal 7000 damage to a Forward.

I always like Backups that have a way to send themselves to the Break Zone, that way you can play another Backup with an enter the field ability.

19-055R – Eiko

Eiko is a Coupon Code. Instead of paying the cost to cast a Summon, you can just dull 3 active Summoners and cast the Summon. You can choose any Summon up to a cost of 7CP. That’s almost all the Summons in the game except for 5.

This also means you can play Summons that are out of your elements. As long as you have Summoners on the field, you are good to go.

Plus, Eiko is only 2CP.


19-056C – Graff

Are you playing Mono-Earth?

Then you should be playing Graff.

When he enters the field you can Break a Forward. Any one you’d like.

This effect will only go off if you only paid with Earth CP.

Still a good way to get rid of a pesky Forward.


19-057L – Kefka

You heard about Free Summons, what about a Free Forward?

Kefka, the Dancing Mad Mage, is here and he can be played for F-R-E-E.

Just like that if your opponent has 3 or more Forwards on the field, Kefka will come in for Free.

That means you can splash Kefka into any deck without worrying about finding a way to pay the cost as he will be free. Free like a bird, he’s going to fly straight onto the field with a 9K body.

Not only that, but when Kefka is sent to the Break Zone, you can play a Summon from your Break Zone for free as well.
That’s double the free, with no Crystal Points down.

And, let’s not forget about that Amano art.

Yes, I’ll take 3 please.

19-058R – Jenova SYNTHESIS

Big Body, Big ability, and a last name full of capitol letters. I meant CAPITOL letters.

Jenova Synt … SYNTHESIS (you have to yell it out to get the full effect.) comes in and deals damage to all the Forwards your opponent controls, If you have 5 Backups, it’ll be 8000. Pair this with From Nightmares Matoya, and you might have a board wipe.

5CP 9000 power. Could be useful


19-059R – Aster Protoflorian

You should be ready to pay 7CP to play Aster Protoflorian. If you don’t you might as well play a different card. You need to get both of his abilities off when he enters the field cause after that all he’ll do is be a decoration on your field.

He’ll also count as a Category XIII Character for certain abilities in the Starter Set.





19-060C – Animist

Animist doesn’t do much till you have 3 points of Damage.

Animist does have an ability that lets you play a Monster of 2CP or less straight to the field. That way you can play a Monster without worrying about paying the cost.

And, at 3 points of Damage when Animist enters the field, you can search for a Monster of 4CP or less and add it to your hand.




19-061H – Doga

Looking at the card it took me a second to realize that it was drawn from the top.

Doga will fit good into an Fire/Earth or Earth/Lightning Deck. Or any Earth deck if you have a way to produce Fire or Lightning CP.

When he enters the field, Doga allows you to discard a Summon for to Crystals. You can use those Crystals to cast his abilities. One is to deal 7000 damage to all of your opponents Forwards, the other is to Break a Forward.

As long as Doga stays active, this is a good card to play.

When I first read this card I was thinking how can you fit this into a deck, but then I remembered that there are Backups that pay for different elements. Let’s take Tyro for instance and Class Tenth Moogle.

19-062R – Nacht EX

If you’re Warping, Nacht is a cheap play. If not, he costs 6CP.

Nacht is basically an Opus VI Titan with a body. Once he enters the field you pick 2 Forwards. One of yours and one of your opponent’s, and they deal damage to each other. This ability also comes off of an EX Burst.





19-063H – Barret

This Barret can be put in the AVALANCHE deck, but is it a better card than the Barret that is mostly used?

Probably not, but it does have some good things going for it.

If you’re playing a lot of Multi-Element cards it could be of use as when you cast a Multi-Element card you’ll deal 4000 damage to all the Forwards your opponent controls.

After that when he is put into the Break Zone, you can search for a Forward other than Barret and add it to your hand.

19-064R – Fenrir

Your Earth Free Summon.

Free is free. So, you might as well play this.Break a Multi-Element Forward or Break a Light or Dark Forward. The choice is your when Fenrir is cast.

There’s some use for it against some decks, but what about the decks that don’t have Multi-Element Forwards or Light/Dark Forwards?




19-065C – The Deathlord

The Deathlord will bring you closer to your death.

Or something like that.

I thought I found a good Combo, but then I realized it said Characters so you can’t cast Fenrir.

But, you can pull out a Kefka from the Break Zone, and play him straight to the field, if your opponent has more than 3 Forwards on the field. Now the other card can be anything you’d like, but I’m pretty sure there is something good here.

And, I’m sure someone already figured it out.

19-066C – Behemoth

Monsters, Plenty of Monsters.

We like this Monster, well I do at least.

When Behemoth enters the field you can Stop a Forward. They won’t be able to attack or block until the end of the next turn. But, they will be able to cast abilities.

Behemoth can also become a Forward once per turn, for the cost of 1 Earth CP. A 7K body for 1CP isn’t bad at all. Sure you’ll need to pay each turn, but you’ll usually have an extra CP laying around.

19-067C – Monk

Here’s a quick buff to all your Forwards. +2000 power can go a long way, add in Enna Kros from Opus I and you’ll have a 3K buff. Not only that but, you can play up to 3. That means that, technically you can have a 7K buff for all your Forwards.

Is there a way to pull it off? Paying 12 CP in one turn?

Let’s see. 5 Backups plus 7 cards in your hand, 3 are Monks so that leaves 4. Those 4 cards in your hand will pay for 2 of the Monks, while the 5 CP from your Backups will pay for the third. And you have one Backup left, which you’ll probably have no use for.

It can happen. Is it worth it? Probably not, but it would be fun when you pull it off.

Oh, and if you pay for the Monk with 3 different elements, you can choose a Forward, and Monk and the other Forward will deal damage to each other, possibly breaking a Forward.

19-068R – Rydia

A 5 cost Backup, that searches for a Job Summoner, and a Summon.

Both need to be of different elements.

Other than that, the art looks good, almost reminds you of Amano’s work. Sort of.

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From Nightmares – Winter is Coming

19-018R – Waltril

A 2 cost Forward with 5000 power. I mean, cheap to play. Can block a Forward, might deal damage to your opponent.
And, at the end of each of your turns, you gain a Crystal.





19-019R – Vincent

I was writing a whole paragraph, and then I realized I read the card wrong.

Vincent Freezes Backups when he enters the field. I was reading Forwards for some reason.

This is actually a great card, in my opinion. Vincent comes in Freezes 3 Backups, blocks a Forward and gets broken.
After that replay Vincent for some more Frozen Backups.

Find a way to keep getting Vincent back, and you’ll be giving your opponent a hard time.

Might be a good fit for that Shinra deck.

19-020H – Umaro

The Abdominal Snow Man, or just plain Yeti.

Umaro has Brave and he just wants to attack your opponents Forwards, he doesn’t even want to come onto the field, just straight to the Break Zone and deal a Forward 8000 damage.

Once he’s in the Break Zone, you can discard 2 FFVI cards and play him onto the field.

This will work in any FFVI deck. You don’t even need to have the right elements to play Umaro.

Just Throw Umaro into the Break Zone, and then pay the cost with 2 Category VI Characters and you are set.

19-021C – Cloud of Darkness

Pesky Monsters bothering you?

Take them out with this Cloud of Darkness. For only 5CP, you get to choose one of your opponents Monsters and break it.

While she already has the fire power. At 3 points of Darkness … I mean damage. Cloud of Darkness gains Brave. Giving you an extra blocker.



19-022R – Shiva


Yes, we’ll take 3 please.

When Shiva is cast, select 1 Forward. Dull and Freeze.

And, if you already played an Ice Forward, she’s free.

Simple as that.

Oh, and you get to draw 1 card.

19-023C – Snow

Discard and gain more power.

Snow can fit into any Discard deck.

If your opponent has 1 card or less in their hand, Snow gains+2K power.

And, when Snow blocks your opponent discards a card.

“With more discard comes more power.”


19-024L – Sarah (MOBIUS)

“Sarah can’t attack,
Sarah can’t block,
the only thing about her is the way that she stops”

Auto-abilities that is.

Well, not necessarily, but she might.

If one of your opponents Auto-abilities goes off, they’ll have to pay 2CP or else it will cancel.

Other than that, Sarah’s other abilities are, dulling 2 Forwards, and giving a Forward +2000 power.

19-025R – Sephiroth

Technically, you can play Sephiroth for free, but I don’t think you’ll want to wait until you have received 6 points of damage to do so.

Either way, his entry ability is pretty good, but at what cost?

Would you pay 6CP to Break a dull Forward at the beginning of your game, or would you wait until the cost is more reasonable.

Personally, I think there are better choices for this ability.

Oh, and he does have Back Attack

19-026H – Curlax

Here’s a card that will help Snow out. All you have to do is … oh, wait. It’s any Dream Stooge. If a Dream Stooge is sent to the Break Zone, your opponent discards 1 card. And, once there sent, they can be brought back by Laragorn.

Other than that, once per turn, if you control all 3 Dream Stooges, you can Dull and Freeze 1 Forward.

I really like the Dream Stooges. I’m going to give them a go.


19-027R – Chocobo Eater

Simple Monster that does some damage in the form of removal.

Once he enters the field, Chocobo Eater will remove a low cost Forward from the game, for as long as he is on the field.

If nothing else, Chocobo Eater will just stall your opponent for a bit. Unless that’s the only copy of the Forward that they’re playing. Even then, it probably isn’t that important to their deck.

It’s still a cheap play, with a good ability.

19-028C – Terra EX

Did you just cast Shiva, and now need to bring her back to cast her again for free?

Well Terra here, can dig through the Break Zone and find her. Not just Shiva, but any Summon you need to look for.

4 cost Backup, and if you don’t need to grab a Summon you can deal 8K damage to a dull Forward.

Is there a way to bounce Backups?


19-029C – Tohno

You can use a little Tohno in your deck.

Tohno comes in with an enter the field ability which lets you Freeze a Forward. Doesn’t have to be your opponents Forward either. But, why would you want to Freeze your own Forward.

What I like about this card is that you can send Tohno to the Break Zone. That way your opponent will discard a card, and you can play another Backup.

It’s called Backup Management.

If you have any complaints, don’t tell me about them.

19-030R – Norschtalen

If you have Waltrill in the set, you know that Norschtalen isn’t too far behind.

A nice little combo, as Norschtalen allows you to play Waltril straight from the Break Zone. And, if Waltril is not in the Break Zone, you can just grab a Crystal Chronicles Character instead.

For 2CP, Norschtalen is also a decent blocker.



19-031C – Flan

Cheap card to play.

1CP Monster that can become a Forward for an additional 0CP. Quick blocker if you need it, or just an attacker when your opponent runs out of Forwards.

Plus, Flan recycles itself, as when he is sent to the Break Zone you can search for another Flan and add it to your hand.



19-032C – Yuke

Yuke and the Multi Element Payment. MEP. I’m going to claim that term. Let’s see if it catches on. Probably not.

When Yuke enters, if you used 3 different Elements for your MEP, you get to dull 1 Forward.

Other than that he has First Strike.



19-033C – Lean

Discard = no cards in your opponents hand.

And that’s where Lean comes in. IF you decide to play him. For when he enters the field, and your opponent has no cards in their hand, you can search for a card and add it to your hand.

The good thing is that you can search for any card. be it Character or Summon. Forward or Backup, or even a Monster.
What card you search for is up to you.


19-034C – Nu Mou

Like Nu Mou here. If you already read Lean, you know that Nu Mou can help you achieve the goal of your opponent having no cards in their hand. Sure, you need to have received 3 points of damage for your opponent to discard a card when he enters the field, but if you’re playing Discard, you’re going to surely have more cards that will make your opponent discard all their cards.

And, if they know you’re playing Discard, your opponent will most likely be trying to get rid of all their cards so you won’t be forcing them to discard any cards.

Makes sense?

I hope so.

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Emissaries of Light – Opinion on Ice

16-022R – Erwin

Wasn’t I just talking about discard?

Actually I’ve been talking about discard since Physalis came out.

But, Erwin here also comes with 4 or more Job Morze’s Soiree Member stipulation. And this is the second one we’ve seen.

I’m more interested in what other cards I shall find.


16-023H – Agrias

This is one Knight I can stand behind.

I’m guessing you’ll already be playing FFT/Knights or some sort, making Agrias a 2CP/8K Forward that gains a Crystal every time she attacks.

I’ll take 3 please.



16-024H – Vincent

How about a way to stop your opponents Backups from activating?

Vincent here has got your Back(up), dulled up and not being able to activate. Which is a pretty good deal if you ask me. And, that’s not even taking into account his S ability. Making Vincent near invincible to all Damage.



16-025C – Bard

Another card that you can place on the field, until you need to use his ability. Then you return to hand and replay it, to put Bard into the Break Zone and make your opponent discard 2 cards from their hand.




16-026L – Cloud of Darkness

Removal of the Crystal kind.

Cloud of Darkness + 2 Crystals = 1 Forward removed from game to the 2nd power. Make any sense?

And +2K at 3 points of Damage.

Looks like too much math over here. Is there a Full Art of this card?

16-027C – Black Waltz 1

Same as Black Waltz 2.

“There’s more to this card than just the Beautiful (yes, a capitol B) artwork.

Black Waltz 1 can work wonders all by himself.

Black Waltz 1 discards Black Waltz 1 from your hand. And you deal 4000 Damage for discarding Black Waltz 1 from your hand, and 7000 Damage to a dull Forward when you discard a Job Black Mage from your hand.

You’re either Breaking 1 or 2 Forwards with this ability.”

Well, almost the same.

16-028C – Shiva

Break a dull Forward.

Depending on what you’re playing your opponent will discard a card from their hand. Sometimes. Not all the time.



16-029R – Shelke

This card should have been WoFF/VII. Would have made more sense.

I think I like this card. Works just like Meltigemini (8-128R), but Shelke only works in your favor.

There’s something else I wanted to say, but I must have forgotten. Something about Vincent, but I went and looked at that card again and couldn’t remember what it was.

And, don’t forget about Countertek.

16-030L – Shantotto

Shantotto is now Ice??? What has this game come to?!?

This is a great card. Shantotto still does what Shantotto does.

If you’re playing a discard deck, you’re already ahead as you’ll end up paying only 1CP for Shantotto and you’ll grab a card from the Break Zone. Technically they’re paying you to cast Shantotto. If that’s not enough well then, that’s all Shantotto does.

Unless you decide not to play Shantotto and just remove her from the game from your hand, and You’ll dull all your opponents Forwards.

That is all.

16-031R – Scarlet

Scarlet took her sweet time to appear in FFTCG. Only 16 sets.


1CP and dull Scarlet for a Development Counter. Choose 1. Next turn 1CP and dull. Choose 2. And so on and so forth.
The longer Scarlet stays on the field, the harder time your opponent will have getting anything done.

Is Shinra about to become a threat?

Yes, I did base that off of just one card.

16-032H – Serah

You’re playing a XIII deck with Ice? Hmm, just grab the XIII starter set and your set. Either one will do, and throw Serah in there.

That’s the easy way out.

Decent card though. Your opponent discard a card, and you draw a card.

But, what I really want to know is … Are we gonna get a new Fang?


16-033C – Celes

Hmm, Celes is taking Jihl Nabaat’s duties. But, for Backups.

Ice is getting good cards.




16-034C – DG Sniper

If you got 2 DG Snipers you can Break a Forward when the second one enters the field.

That is if you have some Crystals stashed away.




16-035C – YKT-63

YKT-63 can play well with DG Sniper.

That way you’ll only need 1 DG Sniper instead of 2.

YKT-63 is also a little cheaper to play.



16-036C – Devout

Simply play this card for the Crystal, and to have your opponent discard 1 card.





16-037R – Babus

This one is a fun card.

Instead of you choosing what this card does, your opponent gets to choose whatever he would like inflicted on him.
I mean, I’d play it just to have them decide on what they get to do. Or not do.



16-038H – Byblos

We talked about Byblos last month, but now you also get to see all the cards that will play well with Byblos that just came out this set.

It seems like every other Ice card stated, “Your opponent discards 1 card.”

Lots of Ammo, for Byblos in this set.


16-039C – Heavy Armored Soldier EX

Here we go, search for a Standard Unit, or more specifically DG Sniper.

5CP is quite high for a search, but you can also search for a Standard Unit off an EX Burst.




16-40R – Mustadio

A free card to play during your opponents turn after you made your opponent discard a card from there hand.
Or even during your own turn. I’m sure you already have plenty of cards in your hand that will cause your opponent to
discard a card from their hand.

Dull a Character when Mustadio enters the field, and gain a Crystal when he is put into the Break Zone.


16-041C – Yunalesca

Play Yunalesca to discard a card, to make your opponent discard a card, to play Mustadio.

I’m sure there’s a better use for this.




16-042R – Lasswell

How is this just a Rare?

I would have made Lasswell a Hero.

Every time a Knight enters the field, Dull and Freeze 1 Character?

And at the end of your turns if Knight attacks your opponent discards a card.

All this for only 2CP. 5000 power is easily fixed by Ovelia (1-156C) and Duke Larg (1-057R)