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Hidden Legends of Water

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24-091L – Astrius

Water starting off with a Legend.

Astrius, the Willweaver, will weave your will to get things done.

Just make sure that you always attack when Astrius is on the field, for whenever he attacks, you get to choose between Astrius’s two abilities.

And, 99.99% of the time you will be choosing his second ability, because the first one is just choosing a Forward and having it lose 7000 power.

The second ability, the one that you will be choosing is dealing your opponent 1 point of damage.

And just like that Astrius is worth 5CP. I’m sure we would gladly pay more for this card, but 5CP is perfect.

To make things even better, if you have 7 Final Fantasy Brave Exvius cards in the Break Zone, or removed from game, Astrius turns into a Free Play! And, who doesn’t like Free Plays.

24-092R – Gau

I’m trying to see if Gau is worth playing.

Discard Gau, to play Gau, but which Gau do you play.

Do you pay 5CP, or just 2CP?

I mean, you can grab Opus IV Gau, and Luminous Puma, grab a Forward from the Break Zone, and once the new Gau comes in you can play a 2 cost monster from the Break Zone. Melusine sounds good, and once Melusine comes in you can choose one of your opponent’s Forwards that cost 4CP or less and gain control of it for a turn.

And that’s just one little Combo that you can do with Gau.

24-093R – Kimahri

Kimahri coming in when your opponent least expects it, through the back door, and casting Protect on all your Forwards.

All damage dealt to your Forwards will be reduced by 2000, for the turn that Kimahri comes in. Your Final Fantasy X Forwards will have an additional 2000 reduction to the damage dealt to them.

After that turn is over, Kimahri will still reduce the damage dealt to your Final Fantasy X Forwards.

Are we bringing back YRP?

We might finally have a decent Kimahri.

24-094C – Corsair

I still don’t know what a Corsair actually is.

But, I do know what Corsair does.

He let’s you draw a card. And for 3CP that can be more than enough.

And, let’s not forget that if you have 4 Water Backups on the field, you can chose a card in your Break zone, and put it at the bottom of your deck.

After that just search for that card and play it.

Not bad.

24-095C – Jecht

Jecht is Jecht, and he e-Jechts a Forward back to their opponent’s hand.

Yes, that was terrible.

But, it’s true, as soon as Jecht enters the field you will return one of your opponent’s Forwards back to their hand.

And, every time one of your opponent’s Forwards is returned to their hand, Jecht shall choose another Forward your opponent controls and they lose 3000 power. This will also go into effect every time you return a Forward to their owner’s hand.

And, you get to keep a 9K body on the board.

No re-Jecht-ion here.

24-096R – Jed

Hmm, I wonder what he’s thinking?

Actually I know what Jed is thinking. He’s thinking, “Why is he a Water card if he is a Samurai?”

We were kind of thinking the same thing.

Jed comes in and for 3CP, you get a 8K body. If you have at least 1 Crystal, Jed has 9K power and Brave.

And, when Jed attacks, you have the option of paying 1 Crystal to draw a card.

There actually is another Water Samurai. But, that is Jed as well.

24-097C – Stiltzkin

This is the start of a new era of Moogles.

Stiltzkin is set to make Moogles a fun deck. One letter at a time.

That was Stiltzkin, right? Mailing letters?

If not then well, he shall deliver Moogles from your Break Zone. Cause when Stiltzkin comes in, you can grab a 2 cost Moogle from your Break Zone and play it straight to the field.

Might as well grab Mog (VI) and you’ll be set. Don’t know why, just scroll down a bit.

After that is all done, you can dull 2 Moogles and have one of your opponent’s Forwards lose 2000 power.

Stiltzkin might only have 3000 power, but that’s OK. Once he enters the field, and you played the Moogle from your Break Zone, you can use him to block an attack and have him sent to the Break Zone, just so you can play Stiltzkin again and grab another moogle from your Break Zone.

I’ll take 3 Full Arts.

24-098H – Strago

We always wanted a way to get a card back from the Break Zone. Especially when you’re running just one of a certain card that you need in certain situations, and you now need that card to turn the board in your favor.

When Strago comes in you will be able to grab a card from your Damage Zone, and trade it with a card in your hand.
That would be enough, but Strago is far from done. Well, he’s half way done.

Whenever you put a card in your Damage Zone, your opponent chooses a Forward that they control and they put it in the Break Zone.

Is it worth 6CP? Of course it is.

24-099C – Siren (MOBIUS) EX

Null Damage at it’s finest.

Siren nulls the next damage dealt to one of your Forwards.

Plus you get to draw a card.

That’s about it.

This also comes off of an EX Burst, but I don’t see that being as helpful, not when you don’t have any Forwards left on the field cause your opponent has gone to town on your front lines.

At least you get a card. That’s probably the best reason to play this card.

24-100C – Cecil

Now, this is how it should be done.

Cecil is the Backup that is always ready to cast Null Damage.

Although you won’t be drawing a card when you cast Cecil, Cecil is on;y 2CP, compared to the 3CP that Siren costs.

Cecil also has another ability that will Break one of your opponent’s Forwards.

Either way, Cecil is going to get something done, Breaking or Saving.

The choice is up to you.

24-101C – Tidus EX

Tidus with a 50% rebate.

That’s what we’ll call it.

Tidus comes in and returns one of your opponent’s Forwards to their hand, as long as it’s CP is 4 or less.

Once that forward makes it’s way back to your opponent’s hand Tidus’s second ability kicks in and you draw a card.

The good thing about this second ability is that, you can draw a card once per turn, if you send a Character back to your opponent’s hand.

Tidus might just keep on giving.

24-102C – Perrene

Perrene looks to be an integral part of the Warriors of the Crystals, and that is for one reason only.

Every time a Warrior of the Crystal is put into the Break Zone, Perrene hands you a Crystal.

And, why is that good?

Well, as you can see instead of paying the cost to play a Warrior of the Crystal, you can pay 1 Crystal and 1CP of any element. Meaning you don’t need to worry about which elements to play.

Perrene also has an 8K body, making her a decent Meat Shield.

24-103C – Moogle (FFTA)

Here’s a decent Backup to use if you’re playing Tidus.

When a Water Forward enters your field, you can put moogles into the Break Zone and return a 4 cost Forward or less to your opponent’s hand.

After that you can draw a card because you already have Tidus on the field.

Now all you need to do is play Stiltzkin and grab Moogle from the Break Zone and play him onto the field.

And now you’re back to where you started and your opponent has one less Forward on the field.

24-104R – Mog (VI)

Is Mog enough to make a Moogle deck?

Are there enough moogles to make a moogle deck?

What about Good King Moggle Mog XII?

All of that is a strong maybe, and I am one who might look into it a bit better.

For 2CP, you get a moogle with a 5k body and, with every moogle that you have on the field Mog gains +1000 power. There are 59 different cards that you can choose from.

That right there would have been good enough for me. But, we’re not done.

Whenever Mog is put into the Break Zone, you can discard a Job Moogle from your hand, and play Mog back to the field.
You’ll have a high powered Forward that your opponent will have trouble trying to keep Mog off of the field.

24-105R – Malboro

Bad Breath incoming!

Get your opponent ready to face the worst this Monster has to offer.

Blind, Poison, Sleep, Slow, you name it, you’ll have it.

Luckily this isn’t the game, so no Blind, no poison and no slow. Sleep, yeah, but this time Malboro isn’t casting it.

Malboro shall take away all of your opponent’s buffs, and abilities, including Haste, Brave, First Strike whatever it is that their Forwards have is gone.

Not only that, but all of your opponent’s Forwards will lose 3000 power as well. That means that some of them might be broken.

You can’t go wrong with Malboro, and the best part, it only costs 1CP!

24-106H – Leviathan

The Biblical Beast Returns, and it’s taking out it’s fellow Leviathans to cause more destruction to your opponent.

For 3CP, Leviathan allows your opponent to choose a Forward or a Monster that they control and sends them to the Break Zone.

If you’d like to pay the extra cost, you can remove 4 Leviathans from your Break Zone, and your opponent shall choose 2 Forwards and/or Monsters and send those to the Break Zone.

For 3CP, I say you can’t go wrong with this one.

24-107L – Relm

Artwork? Check.

Legend? Check.

Abilities? Depends.

Relm is worth playing if you are playing a FFVI themed deck, as her enter the field ability will only work if there are at least another 4 VI Characters on the field.

If you do, when Relm enter the field, you can search for a 3 cost monster and play it onto the field. It’s your Buy 1 Get 1 Free special.

As you know Relm is a Pictomancer, and her specialty is Monsters.

You can use her second ability to give a Monster a 2K buff.

I’d say it depends on what your running. This isn’t a bad Relm, she will do good in specific FFVI themed decks. For all other decks I would say Opus XI Relm is much better.

24-108H – Wakka

Wakka is here to be a powerhouse.

For every FFX Character that you control, Wakka gains a 1K buff to his power.

Now imagine YRP is back, that is 3 right there, plus Brother and Shinra. That’s 2 more. Bring it up to +5K for Wakka.

When Wakka does enter the field, depending on how high his power is, you’ll be able to choose one of your opponent’s Forwards, and place them on the top of their deck. You can choose any Forward as long as their power is less than Wakka’s. Which shouldn’t be too hard to do.

Wakka also has his Elemental Reels which will have one of your opponent’s Forwards lose 5000 power.

I would say, play Wakka with the new YRP, and Opus I Tidus and Emissaries of Light Tidus. You’ll thank me later. Or not.

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Hidden Legends of Wind

24-037R – Ashe EX

High cost Forward troubling you?

Ashe will take care of that for you, but not for long. You’ll be able to put that Forward on top of it’s owner’s deck. That means Ashe can also choose one of your Forwards, if you want to get the effect of it’s enter the field ability.

Which can be useful.

Now, if you put your opponent’s Forward on top of their deck, just make sure you deal a point of damage this turn. That way you’ll be able to send that Forward to the Damage Zone and then you won’t have to worry about it again.

This also comes off of an EX Burst.

You can also put Ashe into the Break Zone to activate a Forward while giving it +1K power.

24-038H – Valefor

Valefor makes a comeback, after being on hiatus since Opus I.

At 1CP it looks promising, let’s take a look.

Pay X, reveal the top 7 cards and play a Character of X or less.

I don’t know if I like it.

It’s almost a search and play to the field, but it is limited. And, that’s probably why it only costs 1CP.

It might work here or there, but either Opus I Valefor will work better for me.

24-039C – Vaan

Vaan and his trumpet.

At 5CP, Vaan can become a Activating Machine.

When Vaan enters the field Activate 2 Backups.

When Vaan attacks, Activate 2 Backups.

That’s 4CP right there. You paid 5CP.

One more attack and Vaan will be paying you to be on the field.

Vaan comes with a 9K body, and Aeroga Blade which deals a Forward 9000 damage.

I would play this card. I might even play it at Pre-Release. Midnight Pre-Release to be exact.

24-040C – Viera

Pay 2CP to activate 2 Backups later on.

Viera is more like a bank.

She’ll keep your CP and give them back to you when you need them later on.

In the mean time, Viera will produce 1CP per turn as any Backup will do.

And, when the moment is right, and you would like to use your Backup’s abilities you can use Viera to activate them.

I’d say a definite maybe.

24-041C – Onion Knight

Warp 1 for 1CP instead of paying 3CP! You’re already ahead.

Onion Knight is a recycling machine, ready to be removed and warped back in. This will be perfect if there is ever a threat to Onion Knight.

And at 3 points of Damage Onion Knight gains +1000 power.

That’s a 9K body, that can be recycled back into the game for 1CP.

Let me give this a try.

24-042R – Garuda (XVI)

5CP to activate all of your Backups.

Or, you can just Prime into Garuda with Benedikta. I haven’t seen Benedikta yet, but she’s coming up.

Activating your Backups already seems popular this set. Add in Bismarck, Lord of the Mists. And then you have a way of drawing cards, returning cards to your opponent’s hand. And when you have returned cards to their hand, you hit them with some Ice, and have them discard cards from their hand.

Ice/Wind for 2025

24-043C – Thief

Here’s another way to draw a card. Making Thief a 1 cost Backup

After that, once thief enters the field and if you already have 4 Wind Backups on the field, you can choose 1 of your Forwards, and it cannot be blocked for this turn.

Is it worth it? Having thief take up a spot in your deck for the chance that you might come across the perfect situation in order to use him?

I don’t know, probably better to leave this one out.


24-044H – Zidane

Zidane doing Zidane things.

He’s stealing cards from your opponent.

For 3 CP you can grab and Character from your opponent’s Break Zone. Yeah, you do remove it from the game, but you can cast it at any time you would cast it. Makes Sense?

Why is this one better than the other 2 Zidane’s that allow you to grab a card from your opponent?

Simple, you get to choose which one you grab.

And, at 5 points of damage, your Backups produce CP of any color.

I’ll be adding at least one to my deck that plays your deck.

24-045C – Jeume

Jeume, your Wind Warrior of the Crystal.

I was hoping for something better, after seeing Fire and Ice, but we have Jeume.

She’s not bad, she still allows here comrades abilities to go off when she enters the field.

She just doesn’t have any abilities that go off.

Nothing wrong with that, just because she can’t be chosen by your opponent’s abilities.

And, you have an 8K body.

24-046R – Leech Bat

I’m seeing a pattern here. I almost forgot about the Elemental Monsters that are all the same, but different.

Leech Bat hangs around, and when one of your Forwards attack, you can toss it into the Break Zone, making your opponent reveal there hand.

You’ll then pick the card you like, and toss that one to the Break Zone.

Your opponent will then draw a card.

That’s the only thing I don’t like about it.

After that, you’ll play Zidane, remove that card you selected from the game, and now it’s yours to cast whenever you’d like.

24-047R – Sophia (SOPFFO)

Sophia’s Choice.

Was that a band, or a movie?

But, you do need a Crystal in order to choose.

Sophia can either Break a high cost Forward, or she can break a monster.

The choice is yours.

Not Sophie’s. I mean Sophia’s

After that you have a 8K body that’ll hang out on the field.

24-048L – Tidus

“It’s Warping Time”

Coming in like a substitution right when you need him.

You can actually just play Tidus right away from the get go. At 0CP there is no reason not to.

Yes, Tidus has 5 Warp counters, but every time a Warp Counter is removed from a any card that is Warped, Tidus will have a Warp Counter removed from him, making his wait a little bit shorter.

When Tidus finally enters the field, all of your Forwards with Warp will have Haste, and they will not be able to be chosen by your opponent’s Summons.

All this for a grand total of 0CP, because you won’t be paying 5CP. You could, but what’s the fun in that?

24-049C – Nono

I’m just trying to figure out what Nono is doing here.

Nono isn’t bad at all, especially for a Common.

Nono enters the field and deals your opponent 2000 damage. Yes, that’s not a lot, but remember you’re playing Wind. And, what does wind do?

If you’ve been reading this, you already know Wind has been activating Backups this set, and drawing you cards.

And, if Nono is the 3rd card that you have cast this turn, Nono deals your opponent damage equal to his power. 3 points of Damage, gives Nono +2K power.

Add in Opus I Maria, and you’ll be dealing a Forward 8K damage.

All this for 2CP.

24-050C – Bartz

I read this once, and thought it was bad.

Reread it, and realized it’s not that bad.

the first time I understood that you had to have 2 cards removed from the game this turn, then I realized it doesn’t say this turn.

If you have 2 Cards removed from the game, Bartz can come in and Activate 2 Backups.

Like the Backups that you used to play Bartz.

Personally, I think there are better ways to Activate your Backups, but this still might be useful.

24-051R – Benedikta

With 3CP you get a Forward with 8000 power, First Strike and at 3 points of Damage Benedikta gains Haste.

That by itself would make it a decent Common.

Meat and Potatoes, nothing to fancy just a good body, or as I’d like to call it, a Meat Shield.

Benedikta can also Prime into Garuda (XVI) and will then Activate all of your Backups. And, return 2 Forwards to their Owner’s hand.

Benedikta will bring the cost of Garuda down by 1CP.

For a body, you can probably just play Benedikta by herself, usually a card with this much power costs 4CP.

24-052L – Belgemine

Automatic protection from Summons, and the more Summons you cast the better Belgemine is.

Cast 2 Summons, deal 2 Forwards 4000 damage each.

Cast 3 Summons, send 3 of your opponent’s Forwards to the bottom of their deck.

And, once you do that, there’s a good chance that you wiped your opponent’s front lines.

Now it’s time to go all out, and know that this was 1 Crystal Point that was very well spent.

Something tells me that YRP will be making a comeback. Add in that Opus I, Legend, Tidus, and I can see it now.

24-053H – Minwu

The Rebels are about to get a deck. Maybe not this set, but when they do Minwu and Opus XVII Maria will be a part of it. I haven’t really looked into it, but I can see the pieces slowly falling into place. IT just needs that one card the Rebels can all rally behind.

Minwu is a 4 cost Forward with 7000 power.

And, yes it is worth paying 4CP for Minwu, as you will grab a Final Fantasy II Character from the Break Zone and play it onto the field. Their cost just need to be equal or lower than the number of Backups you control, and it can’t be Minwu.

All of your FFII Forwards also cannot be chosen by your opponent’s abilities.

I’m going to be looking into a Final Fantasy II deck.

24-054C – Wing Wraith EX

Although Wing Wraith isn’t that powerful as a Summon, you will still be able to hit your opponent with a quick triple succession of 3000 damage to one of their Forwards.

At only 1CP and an EX Burst.

Wing Wraith deals 3000 damage and searches for another Wing Wraith.

Summon again fellow Summoners.

It’s worth a shot.

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Hidden Hope – Take It To the Limit

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22-112R – Zach LB

Zach out first Limit Break card, and I can’t say it’s anything special.

Zach comes in and deals a Forward 3000 damage.

Not much of a Limit Break per se.

Zach will stick around on the field as a body, So, 3CP isn’t terrible, but I’m sure there are better things to do.


22-133L – Mont Leonis LB

Now, this is more like it.

Even though I never liked Mont as a character, this is a card I would play.

Now, this will only work if you have 5 Fire Backups on the field when you bring Mont in.

For 8CP, you can grab a 3cost Forward and a 5 cost Forward from your Break Zone and play them straight to the field. They will both come in with Haste as well.

It still is a lot to pay, but you do get a lot in value from it.

8CP, 3LB points, and a Backup that you control.

As a last ditch effort, I will say that it can work. I mean that’s what Limit Breaks are supposed to be. Huge attacks, when you’re on your last legs.

22-114H – Viktora LB

Not bad.

I guess I’ll need to actually play a game with these Limit Break cards. Finding time is the problem.

Viktora needs, a discard deck around her, and you don’t need me to tell you that.

Luckily, Ice has the tools you’ll need to make Viktora a great play. Just like a Dragoon getting ready to Jump.

If your opponent has 2 cards or less in there hand, when Viktora enters the field, you get to choose a Forward and deal it 7000 damage.

And, if your opponent has no cards, Viktora gains +3000 power.

Much better than Zack.

22-115R – Serjes LB

Serjes, the lancer.

Now this was a decent Character in War of the Visions.

And, that is what this card is as well. Decent. Not great, not bad.

When Serjes enters the field, you can either Dull or Freeze a Forward.

And, then he’ll stick around as an extra body on your front line.


22-116L – Ace LB

Ace is looking like he will be a powerful card. Once Ace enters the field, Ace deals 1000 damage to all of your opponents Forwards. Just think for a second of what Ace can do if you’re playing Chocobos.

And, that’s not all cause when Ace attacks, you can reveal the top card of your deck, and if it’s a Wind card, which it will be if you’re playing Chocobos, you’ll add it to your hand.

Sure, Ace costs 8CP, but you’ll probably get that CP back, with the extra cards you’ll be drawing.

22-117R – Yuri LB

Yuri comes right in, and searches for Chelinka and Yuri brings Chelinka straight to the field. That way we’re bringing Yuri’s cost down a little bit. Sure, there are only 2 Chelinkas that you can choose, because her cost needs to be 2CP or less.

You’ll most likely be playing Chelinka (22-046R), and if you have another Crystal Chronicles Character on the field, Chelinka will give Yuri Haste, and you’ll be able to attack with Yuri right away.

Las, but not least, if you have 5 Backups on the field, Yuri also gains +4000 power, making him an 8K body.

22-118H – Shantotto LB

Shantotto, going back to her roots.

Shantotto comes in and breaks all the Forwards and all the Monsters. Every last one of them except for Shantotto herself.

If you’re in a pickle, go ahead and cast this Mage. 4CP + 7LB. That’s all of the rest of the cards in your Limit Break deck. Last ditch effort to save yourself.

If you’re just looking to get rid of all of the Forwards, just play Opus I Shantotto instead.

Or you can have both in your deck and use whichever one works better for you.

22-119R – Maat LB

Maat comes right in and gives all of your Forwards +1000 power and Brave.

That might be enough to finish the game for you, and if you end up striking out, at least you’ll still have Forwards that will be able to block.

Maat comes in with Brave himself.

This is a Limit Break card that I would gladly add to my deck.


22-120H – Cloud LB

Of course, we have cloud in the first set of Limit Break cards, what’s next Lightning?

Cloud comes in and Breaks a Forward, 3CP or less. After that Cloud will stick around with an 8K body, wheeling and dealing damage to your opponent.

And if you’re feeling a little CP rich, you can use Limit Burst.

For 4 Lightning CP and a Cloud card, you can Break one of your opponent’s Forwards and also deal your opponent 1 point of damage as well.

Do that 7 times and you won the game.

It’s possible.

22-121R – Lightning LB

Well, I was right. Lightning was next.

And when she enters the field, she will look for a Lightning summon.

And that is about it.

You’d think they’d have Lightning do something better.



22-122L – Tidus LB

I’m trying to think if this is worth it.

If you don’t pay 3CP does that mean you can’t choose any of these effects?

8CP, to Send a Forward to the bottom of it’s owner’s deck, a Backup to the top of it’s owner’s deck and draw 2 cards.

I can’t think of a reason to play this card, but I know I’ve already sold a few of them, so someone thinks that it’s a good play.


22-123R – Leo LB

Would you like to draw a card?

Well there’s better ways to get yourself to draw a card than Leo.

Only difference is that you can play Leo at any moment, because you already know that you can just grab him from the Limit Break deck.

Still, Leo will probably just be used to pay for other Limit Breaks.

Like Maat.

22-124H – Little Leela LB

This is a better Limit Break card.

Better than most of the cards we’ve seen in this set.

Little Leela comes in at 5CP with an 8k body.

You’ll say so what, nothing special about that.

And, I’ll say yes, but whenever Little Leela attacks, you will choose one of your opponent’s Forward and it will lose 7000 power until the end of the turn.

Now that makes it better. Better than Leo, better than Zack, better than Yuri, and I hate to say it but, better than Lightning.

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Beyond Destiny : Finishing Starters

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21-125S – Onion Knight

Coming in with Haste this Onion Knight will bring a tear to your eye.

Meh, I tried.

Onion Knight comes in and if you decide to pay 2 Crystals, you can search for another Dissidia Forward and play them onto the field. Sure, they have to cost 3CP or less, but there are plenty of Dissidia Forwards to choose from.

No need to worry about Elements either.

Sword & Sorcery, is a decent ability that deals 10,000 damage to any Forward that decides to go up against Onion Knight and block him when he attacks.

Did we mention Haste?

21-126S – Cloud

Kingdom Hearts Cloud.

Was wondering when he would make another appearance.

Cloud is pretty straight forward. He enters the field, and deals 3000 damage for each Dissidia Forward that you control to a Forward of your choosing. This also comes off of an EX Burst.

Other than that Cloud is a 5 cost Forward with 9000 power. But, you can get around that. Instead of paying 5CP, you can just pay with 2 Crystals.

21-127S – Firion

Here’s Firion, the Rebel Warrior that will help you stock up on Crystals. That way you can pay for all of the Crystal abilities that the rest of your Deck likes to use. Weather it is paying for Cloud, or having Onion Knight search for a Dissidia Forward, or whatever else the rest of the Starters can do with the help of the Crystals.

Let’s get back to Firion.

Firion enters the field and deals a Forward 3000 damage. And if you have 2 Dissidia Forwards on the field, he’ll deal 7000 damage instead.

And that’s about it.

Sure, you won’t really care about his Entering ability, not when he has a way to acquire Crystals.

21-128S – Shantotto

Here’s another use for all the Crystals Firion will be able to get you.

When Shantotto enters the field, you can pay the additional cost of 2 Crystals, and grab a Dissidia Forward from your Break Zone and play it onto the field. Sure this Forward needs to cost 5CP or less, but it’s a free Forward so who cares.

You will be able to play 2 5CP Forwards for the price of one.

It’s Buy One Get One Free. Or B.O.G.O.

Salvation Scythe, is Dissidia’s answer to Opus I Jihl Nabaat.

Dull and Freeze 3 Characters.

I like it. You don’t even need to play Shantotto in a Dissidia deck. Just throw here in any Dull/Freeze situation to make thinks cooler.

21-129S – Terra

From the looks of it, it’s all about the Crystals.

A Crystal here, a Crystal there, here a Crystal, there a Crystal, everywhere a Crystal.

Terra shall come into the field, and your opponent discards a card. And if you’re playing this starter deck, you’ll probably be gaining a Crystal as well.

And then you can use that Crystal to Dull/Freeze, a Forward and draw a card as well.

Pair Terra with Shantotto and you can Dull/Freeze 4 Forwards.

It’s getting colder by the minute.

21-130S – Noctis

You see what they did there?

They gave you a somewhat cheap Forward with 9000 power, but you have to have a Dissidia Forward on the field in order to play Noctis.

But, you probably already got that covered. You’re playing this Starter Deck.

Well let’s see, Noctis comes in and Breaks a Dull Forward.

And, that’s about it.

It’s all because of the suit Noctis is wearing. And, then he’s pointing to himself, showing off his portrait on the wall.

Yes, we comment on the art when we have nothing else to say. We got to fill up space somehow.

21-131S – Warrior of Light

Here is another Crystal Generator

Warrior of Light comes in and gives you a Crystal, and after that, whenever a Dissidia Forward enters the field Warrior of Light gives you another Crystal. And, then you can use those Crystals and use them to pay for different abilities.

Such as the one right here on the card, that gives Warrior of Light +1000 power, and the ability to not be chosen by your opponent’s abilities. Now, that’s an ability.

Warrior of Light sure reminds me of Cecil. I actually thought it was Cecil until I started reading the card.

21-132S – Cecil

What’s not to like about this card?

Built in protection. Cecil is a Paladin like no other. Or so they say.

4CP/8000 power. Can’t be chosen by abilities, can’t take damage from abilities. A meat Shield at it’s finest.

Cecil also buffs all of the other Dissidia Forwards with +2000 power.

And, if that’s not enough, Paladin Force breaks those pesky high cost Forwards that like to stick around the field more than they should.

Now if Cecil had some FFIV synergy, this card would have been awesome.

21-133S – Tidus

Here’s a card in this deck that pretty much stands by itself, with no need for other Dissidia Characters. Tidus comes in and you return one of your opponent’s Forwards to their hand. And when you return a Forward to their owner’s hand, regardless of it being your or your opponent’s you draw a card and gain a Crystal.

And since there is no need for Dissidia Characters on the field for this ability to go off, you can pretty much play Tidus in any deck.

Sure, he costs 5CP, but you’ll get 2CP back when you return a Forward to your opponent’s hand. Plus, you could be drawing an extra card once per turn, making Tidus cheaper in the long run.

21-134S – Bartz

Bartz is ready to make this Dissidia deck work out. Bartz comes in and allows you to search for a Dissidia Character, add it to your hand. Bartz also gives you a Crystal

4CP, which comes down to 2CP after you draw a card. And if you already have another Crystal in your hand, play Shantotto, and then grab Cloud from the Break Zone.

Or something along those lines.

And, when Bartz is done attacking , and blocking and is sent to the Break Zone, you can remove Bartz from the game and gain an additional Crystal.

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Guardians of the Summoner

You already know we’re going to build a FFX Deck with Yuna & Tidus, and the rest of the gang. So, lets get to it.

Starting off with Wakka (16-138S), because that is the best one to try and build around. If it was any other FFX Character we might have gone with the Opus 18 Wakka. But, today it’s Emissaries of Light Wakka. We can probably just grab the Custom Starter Set and call it a day. But, where’s the fun in that?

Since we’re grabbing Lulu (16-135S) first, it looks like that is what we’re doing. But, I promise you we’re not. Lulu will grab a Yuna from the Break Zone, which brings us to our next card.

Yuna (20-117L), I went on a rant when this card was first shown, and nothing has changed. We’re going to use this Yuna. And, fill up on Summons. We’ll grab those Summons later.

Tidus (16-116L), you can’t go wrong with this Tidus, and if you have 3 of them they’ll usually just come right back in your hand. You’ll always attack, and you know it’ll go through because Tidus can’t be blocked.

Kimahri (7-108H), Sure he might be a 6 cost Forward but you can get that cost down to 2, and possibly even one. Just depends on if you want to play Jecht or not. And, we do just to play a cheap Kimahri.

Jecht (20-011R) just so we can break Jecht in order to play Braska’s Final Aeon (11-015L).

And, if we have Braska’s Final Aeon we need Braska (7-121C) as well. No point in having one and not the other.

We need to add our Backups now. Class Fourth Moogle (10-121C), to give us some Fire CP.

Maria (1-083H) to give all of our Forwards a +1000 buff.

Rikku(2-071R), we would have gone with the Emissaries of Light Starter, but we need Backups.

White Mage (8-117C) so we can Activate all of our Forwards if we need to.

Let’s add Yuna (12-105L), doesn’t matter which Yuna you grab, because she’s just fodder for Holy.

All we need next is to fill up on Summons, to give Holy a bite.

Valefor (1-198S), Leviathan (2-140C), Syldra (3-135H), Amaterasu (12-002H), and Sylph (9-047C). You can also choose whichever Summons you like as well, as they are just used to make Holy more Powerful.


3x – Wakka (16-138S)
3x – Tidus (16-116L)
3x – Lulu (16-135S)
3x – Jecht (20-011R)
3x – Yuna (20-117L)
3x – Kimahri (7-108H)
3x – Braska’s Final Aeon (11-015L)


3x – Rikku (2-071R)
3x – White Mage (8-117C)
3x – Class Fourth Moogle (10-121C)
3x – Braska (7-121C)
3x – Maria (1-083H)


3x – Leviathan (2-140C)
2x – Sylph (9-047C)
3x – Valefor (1-198S)
3x – Amaterasu (12-002H)
3x – Syldra (3-135H)

What would you change?