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Dawn of Heroes : Straight Out the Freezer

20-022C – Alhanalem

I feel like I just wrote about this card.

Alhanalem is a cheap Forward to play. Very cheap. At 1CP and a 3000 body, he can block any attack that you throw at him. Surviving the attack is another story.

Alhanalem also comes with 2 abilities. All you have to do is dull Alhanalem, and you can either Dull or Freeze a Forward.

I don’t see any reason not to have a couple of these laying around.

20-023C – Armourer

The Common card between all the elements.

Let’s just Copy and Paste here.

If you got 3 Backups already on the field, this Backup is free.

Other than draft, I really don’t see much use for this card, but I’ve been wrong before. Watch a Forward show up where you discard a Backup for a great ability.

20-024H – Calbrena

Rerouting damage to the nearest Forward.

Calbrena comes in whenever it wants to come in. Your turn, your opponents turn, or whenever one of your Forwards is being targeted by one of your opponents abilities.

You can now reroute that damage to Calbrena.

And when Calbrena is dealt damage by one of your opponents Forwards, you can deal damage to your opponent equal to Calbrena’s power, which will usually be 7000.

A nice little counter to have in your hand.

20-025C – Juggler


Back Attack.

Juggler enters and dulls a Forward.

‘Nuff said.

You can actually play Juggler, when your opponent attacks and dull the Forward that is attacking.

20-026C – Edward EX

The Spoony Bard is back again, as a Backup.

And with his trusty harp, he will take a dull Forward, and break it.

As long as your opponent has 2 Dull Forwards on the field, that is.

For 2CP, I’d say this is a good deal.


20-027C – Genesis

We Finally got another Genesis card. We’ve been waiting since Opus III. Let’s see if it’s been worth the wait.

5CP for a 9K body.


Either Freeze 2 Characters, or have your opponent discard a card.

If Genesis comes in with Warp, you can use both abilities. Warp cost is 2 Ice CP.

It’s worth a try. At least in draft.

20-028R – Cissnei

This is interesting.

Cissnei uses Shuriken Counters, just like Edge.

Cissnei can use Shuriken Counters from other Characters to use her ability.

Edge (11-045H) gains a Shuriken Counter every time a Ninja enters the field.

Are there any Ice Ninja’s. Besides Vanilla Ice in TMNT 2.

We’re either throwing Edge (19-070C) in a Turks deck, or finding a way to put Cissnei in a Ninja deck.

20-029C – Jihl Nabaat

Am I the only one that still likes to play Opus I Jihl Nabaat? If I am, I might not after this set is out, as this Jihl has the same Enter the Field ability, but better.

Jihl comes in and if you pay the extra 2CP you can not only Freeze 2 of your opponents Characters, but dull them as well. That way you won’t need to pick from the dull Characters, cause you will dull the Characters you want to Freeze.

Jihl Nabaat is also a Forward, and if you’re playing Mono-Ice, well she’ll gain +2000 power.

I don’t know how well she’ll do in the XIII Custom Starter Set.

I guess we’re about to find out.

20-030R – Setzer

Setzer deck incoming.

First off, all the FFVI Ice cards look amazing this set.

Setzer comes in and allows all of your VI Forwards to form a party together regardless of element. Combine this with Locke, and get that table of four, to combine their attacks into one big party and get Locke’s ability to go off.

And with a party of 2 you get to dull and freeze a Forward.

Yes, please, I’ll take 3.

Is this a Full Art as well?

20-031R – Celes

If you’re playing Celes, you’re playing Locke, and whole bunch of FFVI Characters. Might be time to dust off my Setzer deck and update it.

Celes gains Haste if Locke is on the field, and Locke gains Haste if Celes is on the field. A win-win for these two.

Other than that, when Celes enters the field, you can dull all of your opponents Forwards, if you have enough FFVI Characters on the field.

And you get that for only 2CP. After that Celes is a 5k body, able to block an attack, get sent to the Break Zone, and then you can just play her again.

20-032C – Soldier : 3rd Class

Cloud’s old SOLDIER buddies are here.

These one’s gain 1000 power for each SOLDIER : 3rd Class in your Break Zone. They also search for each other when they enter the Break Zone, + you get to play them straight to the field.

Pair these SOLDIERs with the Opus III Soldiers and you can have up to 5 SOLDIER : 3rd Class in your Break Zone, to make this Soldier an 11k power house.


20-033C – Cerulean Drake

I was going to say, How come I don’t remember Cerulean Drake from FFVII? Then I realized it’s from the Remake.

Cerulean Drake is a 1 cost Monster that will Freeze a Forward when he enters the field.

Not much to write home about, but it does have some abilities that will allow you to dull a Forward, or break a dull Forward.
If you got 2 of these on the field, you can use the abilities back to back and Break an active Forward.

20-034R – Terra

There is a nice combo right here. Along with Lock and a couple more FFVI Characters. And, I probably won’t even scratch the surface here.

Terra comes in and you can grab a Summon from the Break Zone. This makes Terra’s CP go from 4 to 2. And once Terra forms a party and attacks, you’ll be able to cast that Summon for Free.

And along with the Free Summons from the last set. You can cause a lot of damage.

Considering this Terra is only a rare, it’ll be easy to get a playset.

20-035C – Knight

Ice Reprint Standard Unit.

Just find what I wrote for Samurai and change the word Samurai to Knight.




20-036H – Number 24

Number 24? This card is Number 36. They should get their facts straight.

All jokes aside Number 24 in the Royal Rumble is pretty good.


Ok, Number 24 is a great blocker. Just keep a Barrier Counter on him and block any attack that comes your way. Add a Barrier Counter at the beginning of the Main Phase, and you’ll always have a constant supply of Barrier Counters.

Just make sure you keep blocking, because once those Barrier Counters are 3 or more, Number 24 will become dull at the end of each of your turns. But, he should activate during the beginning of your Main Phase, so you should be good.

20-037H – Mateus (FFTA)

2 cost Summon that will either Freeze all of your opponents Forwards, or all of your opponents Backups.

Pick and choose, but the end result will always be the same.

Mateus will be removed from the game.

No way to save this one.

20-038H – Wicked Mask

Chris Isaak would have had a field day with this card.

“Such a Wicked Mask to play”

3 cost Monster that reroutes a Summon from one Character to another Character of your choice. I’m seeing plenty of Counters this set, even if they aren’t called counters.

After Wicked Masks enter the field ability is used, Wicked Mask stays on the field until you decide to turn it into a Forward.

And, let’s not forget – Back Attack.

20-039R – Rude

Correct me if I’m wrong, but you can play an ability if it doesn’t have the dull icon.

I’m 99% sure of that, so that means, Rude enters the field, Dulls and Freezes a Forward. After that you can use Haymaker to Break it.

Only drawback I can find with this card is that, you can only use Backups to pay for this card. Other than that, Shinra should be getting stronger this set.


20-040L – Rufus

Rufus, President of Shinra, doing Presidential things.

You can lower the cost to cast Rufus by 2 if both Reno and Rude are in the Break Zone. Making Rufus a 2 cost Forward with a 7K body.

Once Rufus enters the field, you can grab one of the Turks from the Break Zone, making Rufus a Free Card. And, we all like Free cards.

After that whenever Rufus attacks, you can choose from 3 different abilites. Dull and Freeze a Forward, grab a Turk from the Break Zone, or you can make your opponent discard a card.

Rufus is the President that keeps on giving, even after he has been elected.

Doesn’t Weiss (18-019R) have an ability that activates when your opponent discards a card. (hint hint)

20-041R – Reno

Just goes to show you that the Turks are here to stay.

You play Reno for 3 and pay the extra cost to give Reno Haste. After that you can attack with Reno, search for Rude and play Rude onto the field.

It’s almost Buy 1 get 1 Free.

This even works better if you play Rufus first.

Let’s take a look.

Reno and Rude are in the Break Zone. You play Rufus for 2CP and grab Reno from the Break Zone. You play Reno, pay 1CP and give Reno Haste. Reno Attacks and searches for Rude and Rude gets played straight to the field. That’s pretty much comes out to 4CP for 3 Forwards.

Bright Spark? Dulls 2 Forwards.

20-042L – Locke EX


Now I’m definitely dusting off that Setzer deck.

Locke comes in and you get to grab a FFVI Character from the top 4 cards of your deck. Which should be pretty easy to get since most of your deck should consist of FFVI Characters.

Once Locke is on the field, get as many FFVI Forwards on the field, and form a a party of 4 FFVI Characters. Do that once per turn and your opponent won’t ever have any Forwards to attack or block. Which should work in your favor. Cause, even if you form a party with only 2 FFVI Characters, you’ll still be dealing your opponent a point of damage.

Yes, I’ll take 3. Hopefully we get a Full Art here.

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Dawn of Heroes : Fiery Thoughts

20-001R – Ardyn

The Chief Minister starts off Dawn of Heroes, and it’s exactly what someone in charge will do.

What do I mean by that?

When Ardyn enters the field, you select 2 Backups that are now useless, as there entering abilities have already been used, and you can put them in the Break Zone, to play 2 new Characters onto the field. And depending what you get, well, it’ll be better than what you already have on the field.

Ardyn is one of those cards that can change the game in your favor.

“… you’ve got to ask yourself one question: Do I feel lucky? Well, do ya, punk?”

20-002H – Auron

Am I reading this right?

Can you use Auron’s ability to deflect the point of damage you’ll receive and just have Auron be dealt 8000 damage.

If so, then I might be wrong, because why would you use Auron’s ability to block a point of Damage, when you can just block the attack itself.

I think I figured it out now, it’s when one of your Forwards are dealt damage, Auron can come in like a guardian a take the hit himself, thus allowing the other Forward to survive the attack.

Either way, Auron will be blocking.

20-003H – Ifrit

A one cost Summon?

Yes, I’ll take it. Why, thank you.

You’re playing Mono-Fire? You’re playing Ifrit.

When you cast Ifrit, you can deal 5000 damage to one Forward. And, if you have more than 5 Fire Characters on the field, it becomes 5000 damage to 2 Forwards.

Or you can pick the same Forward twice and deal it 10,000 damage.

I’d say it’s worth having a few of these.

20-004C – Warrior of Light

Warrior of Light comes in, and you reveal the top 4 cards of your deck. Put 3 at the bottom of your deck and remover the other one from the game. At first you would think that this is part of an extra cost to play this 2 cost Forward, but nope.

The removed card can be cast this turn. So, it’s like drawing an extra card, but you can only use it this turn.

This would have been a great card, if it read, you can pay the cost with any element.


20-005C – Garland EX

6 cost Garland here, to provide you with a decent EX Burst. Comes in with Brave and that’s about it.

High cost because Garland is just a common.

I’d probably just keep this card in a deck, just so there is a chance for Garland to pop up, when you get hit for damage.

Other than that ….


20-006C – Blacksmith

Blacksmith is the Backup you didn’t know you needed.

The more Forwards you have on the field, the better Blacksmith becomes. For once Blacksmith enters the field, all of your Forwards will deal 7000 damage to one of your opponents Forwards, when they attack this turn.

Imagine, you have 5 Forwards on the field, your opponent has as many as they have, and you just start taking them down one by one.

As long as they don’t have an answer, you’ll be good.

20-007L – The Demon

The Warring Triad is finally here. Now to get Kefka to unleash their power.

The Demon comes in and starts having fun from the get go. And, the fun doesn’t stop there You can also choose one of his abilities every time The Demon attacks.

Just look at these abilities, all set to cause destruction to your opponents plans.

You can either deal damage to 1 Forward, up to as many cards that are in their Break Zone. Plus all those Break Zone cards are removed from the game as well.

Or you can choose an Element and deal 7000 damage to all those Forwards.

Or, you can choose a Job and deal 8000 damage to all of those Forwards.

Mono-Decks and Job Decks watch out. The Demon is coming …. The Demon is HERE!!!!

20-008H – Kefka

I knew there would be a Kefka once I saw the Warring Triad.

Amano art? Check
Warring Triad? Check

Dancing Mad? You will be once you get this card to go off at the end of any turn.

Let’s just say, Kefka will use the Warring Triad to strike down your opponent, just like he struck down Mobliz.

9000 damage to one of your opponents Forwards, for each Magic Counter you remove.

20-009L – Zack

I remember reading somewhere. “Finally a Zack that can be played.” Or something along those lines. If you’re reading this and you are the one that said that, please let me know, so, I can add your name to the quote.

This one will fit right at home with AVALANCHE. You play Zack for 5CP, and every time he attacks you can deal a Forward 5K damage for each SOLDIER you control. Zack and Cloud, that’s 10k right there, and I’m sure you’ll be able to find a couple of SOLDIERs laying around somewhere.

When Zack leaves the field you can play a FFVII Forward of 4CP or less onto the field. With about 100 or so FFVII Forwards that cost up to 4CP there are plenty to choose from, Opus XIV Cloud, Tifa and Barret. If you’re still running AVALANCHE that’s an easy way to get them on the field.

And, let’s not forget Meteor Shots, where you can deal 7000 damage to all of your opponents Forwards.

Let’s keep an eye on this one.

20-010C – Samurai

What a reprint? I wasn’t expecting that. Let’s see what we wrote when Crystal Dominion came out.

“Exchanging 2CP for a Crystal.

Seems like an even trade. Now to find what we’re going to use these Crystals for?

Samurai has no abilities, that consume Crystals, but there are plenty other cards that do. Samurai’s job is to give you a Crystal and then hopefully you’ll find a way to Break Samurai so you can play your real Backups. ”

Huh? What was I even writing, I had to edit it to make sense. In my defense, we didn’t know what Crystals would be doing back then. … Half the time I still don’t know.

Because apparently, if you actually read the card Samurai can put itself in the Break Zone.

20-011R – Jecht

That is a young looking Jecht, looks like he’s Tidus’ age. Actually younger.

This is a great card.

When Jecht is sent to the Break Zone, you can search for a Fire Forward of 7CP or more to play onto the field.

And there are some great cards to play depending on what you’re playing.

Philia (13-129S), Cyan (15-006H), Ramza (18-015R) and The Demon (20-007L).

Which one you chose is up to you. I might go with Philia.

20-012C – Goldsmith

Cheap Backup, that will buff a Forward when Goldsmith enters the field, and when Goldsmiths enters the Break Zone.
+3000 and Brave.

Should be more than enough to take down a Forward, hopefully the attack will go through and deal damage to your opponent.



20-013C – Culinarian

What else would you expect? A cook needs Fire, and the more Fire you got in the oven the better.

If you got 3 Backups already on the field, this Backup is free.

Other than draft, I really don’t see much use for this card, but I’ve been wrong before. Watch a Forward show up where you discard a Backup for a great ability.



20-014R – Tifa

We got another Tifa, even though it is only a Rare card, the ability is pretty good.

Whenever a FFVII Character … I read that wrong the first time. For some reason I read attacks. But, it’s still great. Whenever a FFVII Character deals damage to one of your opponent’s Forwards, you get to choose a Forward, and take away their ability to block.

Not it does not say Forward, it says Character. That means Forwards, Backups, and Monsters can be used to deal damage to your opponents Forwards. A simple ability from the back line to deal damage to a Forward will help you get passed that high powered Forward your opponent has, thus making it easier for your attacks to go through.

Somersault? Just a way to deal 8000 damage to a Forward.

20-015C – Morrow EX

Only 1CP if you want to wait a turn, and you probably will.

Why? When Morrow comes in due to Warp, you’ll be able to draw 2 cards. Even though you’ll discard a card when he enters, you’ll still be up a Crystal Point.

You’re getting paid to use this card. Might as well use it.

Let’s not forget Morrow comes in with Haste, and and a 7K body.

Yes, I’ll take it. I’ll find some use for it.

20-016R -Barret EX

This Barret won’t replace the Opus XIV Barret in the AVALANCHE deck. But, it will deal 3000 damage to one of our opponents Forwards x the FFVII Forwards you control.

It could be 3000, it could be 27,000.

I like that this ability can come up as an EX Burst. You might want a couple of these in your deck, just to have Barret pop out when your opponent least expects it.

Catastrophe, 10K damage to a Forward, and Barret doesn’t activate.

You get all this for 3CP.

I’ve seen worse cards for that price.

20-017R – Palom

Kind of looks like this card was drawn with MS Paint. And, I don’t mean that in a bad way.

At 2CP, Palom won’t steal the show this set, but it’s still a decent card if you got the Crystals. That’s why we need the Samurai reprint this set.

Palom will come in and deal a Forward 8000 damage, with the help of a Crystal.

I’m figuring Porom will have a similar enter the field ability, after that they can both be sent to the Break Zone to deal a Forward 10,000 damage.


20-018H – Phoinix

We’ll start off by saying, I haven’t gotten that far in FFXIV, before I stopped playing.

Monsters can be hit or miss.

Phoinix enters the field and deals 9000 damage to a Forward. Phoinix one doubles as a Forward, but at the cost of 4 cards from the Break Zone. Half the time if the cards are in the Break Zone, they’re dead cards anyway.

I might give this one a try.


20-019C – Hedgehog Pie

You can get 3 Hedgehog Pies on the field in one turn. As long as you got 2 cards in your hand.

After that Hedgehog Pie will sit on the field until the moment that you would like to use his ability to deal 5000 damage to a Forward.

And, since you’ll already have 3 of these on the field, you can spread the love.



20-020C – Montblanc

Simple Backup, has one job.

Deal 5000 damage to one of your opponents Forwards. Or 8000 damage if you have 5 or more Fire Characters on the field.

After that just chuck Montblanc to the Break Zone when Ardyn enters the field to get 2 new Characters.



20-021R – Red XIII

Talk about a beast, cause that is what Red XIII is the jury is out on weather he is a cat or a dog, or both maybe?

A 2 cost beast with a 9K body that will take care of most of your opponents attacks.

Of course you won’t be able to play Red XIII unless you have another FFVII Forward on the field, but that shouldn’t be too hard to do.

Only draw back is that. That you can’t play Red XIII without another FFVII Character, meaning you probably won’t be able to play Red XIII turn 1.

When are we going to get a card named Nanaki?

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From Nightmares – Full Colored Monsters Under Your Bed

19-107C – Vaan EX

Anytime you get a card that can Activate all your Backups, you get a card that is worth playing. Even if you don’t like Vaan.


(That’s probably the first Smiley I used on the Website.)

You actually get to chose between 2 abilities when Vaan enters the field, or off of an EX Burst.

Most of the time you will be activating your Backups, just because that’s what I would do. And when this ability comes off of an EX Burst you’ll probably be dealing a Forward 5000 damage.

19-108L – Zidane

Coming in with Haste, and an ability that he cannot be blocked by Forwards of cost 3 or more, makes Zidane, … Zidane.

This card is a mixture of previous Zidanes, which is a good thing. It’s a mixture of Opus I and Opus III. Which are both great Zidane cards, and that makes this one even better than the other 2 combined. Why? Because Opus I Zidane was 4CP or higher, and this one is 3CP. That’s a whole lot of Forwards added to the list of those that cannot block Zidane.

The other ability allows you to look at your opponent’s hand and discard a card from there. The only drawback to this card, is that your opponent will draw a card when you decide to discard one of his cards.

I’ll take 3 please. Full Arts if available.

19-109H – Cherukiki

What? Really?

Cherukiki, come on over and let’s get all these abilities rolling.

Even for himself (herself? I haven’t played much of FFXI so I’m not so sure.) As soon as Cherukiki comes in you can use the ability and find Kukki-Chebukki and Makki-Chebukki and play them straight to the field.

What? Did I read that right?

For 5CP you can play 3 Forwards onto the field?

Ranperre/Kain anyone? You can pay 3CP for Kain, discard active Ranperre, play Cherukiki for free, bring in Kukki-Chebuki and Makki-Chebukki and you’ll be able to use their action abilities. So, you’ll deal a Forward 2000 damage and they’ll also put the top card of their deck into the Break Zone.

That’s a whole lot of something for only 3CP and a Ranperre.

19-110H – The Emperor

Warp and the abilities will follow.

The Emperor’s abilities will only trigger if he comes in due to an ability. And, Warp counts as an ability, 2CP of any element to play the Emperor. You don’t even need to have Earth or Ice elements in your deck, you can just throw in the Emperor to any deck and he’ll still work.

The two abilities you can choose from are removing all the cards in your opponent’s Break Zone, or grabbing a Forward from your Break Zone.

Either way The Emperor is a 2 cost when he Warps, with a 9k body.

19-111L – Prishe

You’ll pay an extra Crystal Point to get Prishe’s first ability to go off. Is it worth the extra CP to deal a Forward 8000 damage? I would say so. After that Prishe will enter the field on your next turn, and she will Dull and Freeze a Forward and a Backup.

And, that’s about it. I’m having a brain fart, and can’t think of anything else to write.




19-112C – Larkeicus

As per usual, Larkeicus deals with Monsters. Why is this? I don’t know. I should play Crystal Chronicles to find out. I remember buying it back in the day on the GameCube, but that’s a story for another day.

Larkeicus comes in and let’s you recycle a Monster from the Break Zone, bring that Monster out, and play him straight to the field. You can even play that Monster you just used to pay for Larkeicus.

What I like about this ability is that you don’t need the Monster to be of the same Elements as Larkeicus or the deck your playing. You can splash Monsters from all elements, and be able to play them on the field, straight from the Break Zone.

The Doctor is in.

Let’s not forget that Larkeicus is also a Forward. Block with him, and play him again to bring back another Monster.

19-113C – Gilgamesh

Cue, Battle on the Big Bridge.

Everyone’s Favorite, Gilgamesh.

Haste and Brave, and a Warp cost of 2.

It’s a decent play for 2CP. You can throw him in a Wind/Lightning deck, when you don’t have anything else to put in.
Hurricane, for a Gilgamesh card and 3CP you can Break a Forward.

Not bad, if I say so myself. Cause who doesn’t like Breaking Forwards. I just got an idea for a t-shirt. Maybe we’ll get into the T-shirt business as well.

19-114L – Cloud

The chase card of the set.

That’s if you get lucky enough to pull the Gold Signature.

By itself, Cloud is a good card, that can come in a Break 2 of your opponents Forwards. 6 cost with 9000 power.

I’d say it is worth it. Even at 6CP. And, if you already cast 2 cards this turn, you’ll only be paying 2CP for Cloud to come in and cause mayhem.

Will this card change the FFVII engine, or will it just make a new deck completely?

19-115H – Veriaulde

2CP/7K body, Veriaulde is a … I don’t even know.

But, Veriaulde can be devastating to your opponent, if they don’t have an answer for him.

You can be sure that when Veriaulde comes in you will be removing 5 cards from your deck. Once you do that, you’ll have a Guinea Pig Counter on Veriaulde, and once he has a Guinea Pig Counter, every time Veriaulde attacks, you will dull all of your opponents Forwards. Leaving them open to all of your attacks.

And, that is definitely not all! I even used an Exclamation point right there.

At 3 points of damage, Veriaulde gains Haste, which means you don’t need to wait a turn to attack with Veriaulde, and start taking down your opponent, as soon as he comes in.

19-116C – Paine

Paine brings the pain to your opponent’s Break Zone.

Ok, that was terrible.

Paine enters the field and you get to remove 2 cards from your opponents Break Zone, if you already control at least 3 FFX Characters. Which you most likely will. If you’re playing Paine you will be playing some form of YRP. Which used to be a great engine.

I still think older Paine’s are better.

19-117H – Hilda

This is a beautiful card.

Princess Hilda, hopefully it’s not the Lamia Queen, is a great card for a FFII deck. And, depending on Scott she could be good, or really good.

So far there are only 2 Scott’s to choose from. Neither are that great, but might be of use in a FFII deck.

Her second ability is better, allowing you ta grab a FFII Forward from the Break Zone. And, since these are action abilities, you can use them once per turn. If you find a way to activate her, you can use it more than once per turn.

I can see some interesting things with this card.

Now, if we can only get a better Scott.

19-118L – Yuna

Why does it seem that some Characters only get good cards, and others always seem to get a bunch of crap printed?

Yuna here is the former. It is a good card, that gets even better once you have 5 points of damage.

When Yuna enters the field you get to send one of your opponent’s Forwards back to their deck top or bottom, the choice is yours.

At 5 points of damage, you can also search for a FFX Character and play it onto the field.

Now imagine what you can do if you can find a way to bounce Yuna with Opus VI Rinoa?

19-119L – Unei

Here we all thought Unei was an old woman. She’s a Magus so that allows her to transform.

6 cost Unei, comes in with 9000 power. You can reduce the cost by 2 when you removes 2 Summons from your Break Zone, Earth or Water or both.

When she enters the field, you get to return one of your opponent’s Forwards and one Backup and return them to their hand.

It’s a decent play to disrupt your opponent for a turn or 2 until they get their board back the way they wanted it.

Unei also has an action ability, in which you can grab a Summon from the Break Zone.

You can keep grabbing back some of those Free Summons and use them over and over.

19-120C – Garnet

Garnet has one job. And that is to grab a Summon or two from your Break Zone.

After that she is just a body on the field, who will hopefully keep your opponent at bay with her 8000 power.

She can come in with Warp as well.



19-121H – Meia

Meia is a good card, buffing all of your MOBIUS Forwards, other than Meia with +1000 power and Brave. That in itself is a good enough reason to play Meia.

Other than that you will reveal the top 5 cards of your deck and grab not 1, but up to 2 MOBIUS cards and add them to your hand. Thus possible making Meia a 1 cost Forward with 9000 power.

What’s not to like about that? Any card that buffs your cards is a yes for me.


19-122C – Zack EX

You will not play Zack unless you Warp him in.

First of all, it’s a 3CP difference. Paying 5CP to deal 7000 damage to a Forward is too much. You can do more damage with a well placed Summon.

Now, if you do Warp Zack in, he is worth every Crystal Point you pay. All 2 of them.

First off he will deal 7000 damage to a Forward, and when he enters the field, he has Haste, First Strike and Brave.

So, even if he just comes in and attacks. you will most likely deal your opponent 1 point of Damage. After that just keep Blocking until Zack is broken, just so you can Warp him in again.

19-123H – Anima

This is a great card. I like it and I like it some more.

Anima come in and your opponent is racing against time to get Anima off the field before his ability is activated. Once it’s activated it could be game over for your opponent.

Anima comes in and you remove 2 cards from your Break Zone.

After that at the end of your turn, you remove the top card of your deck.

Then at the end of your opponents Turn you remove another card from the top of your deck.

One more time, at the end of your turn you remove the top card of your deck.

Once you have 5 or more cards removed by Anima’s ability, you can bring them all to your hand. And start playing them like you’ve had them this whole time.

Best part is that you’ll wipe the board of all of your opponents Forwards, leaving you with up to 12 cards in your hand, ready to bring the Pain!

19-124L – Y’shtola

Y’shtola must be the reason I’ve been selling a bunch of Opus XIII Urianger over the weekend.

Y’shtola comes in, and if you like she can deal you 1 point of Damage and you in turn can deal your opponent 1 point of damage. It’s an exchange.

Not just that, but whenever anyone takes a point of damage, you’ll choose 1 of your opponents Forwards and deal them 4000 damage.

Now I’m tempted to go look at the Opus VIII FFXIV Starter Set, and see how well it fits into that deck.

19-125H – Mog

Free Mog!!!

Free him into your deck, of any color that you’d like, as long as you have FFVI Characters!!!

And when Mog attacks, they all gain First Strike!!!

What’s not to like?

I just bought a FFVI Playmat with matching sleeves, And I will make myself a FFVI themed deck. Mog and Kefka will be a part of it. Sabin and Edgar as well.

19-126C – Shadow Lord

From the elements I see here, Shadow Lord is just a tall glass of Ice Cold Ice Water.

And his abilities say the same as well.

Shadow Lord comes in, your opponent discards a card, while you draw a card.

Simple as that, but, he is a little pricey. 6CP with no way to reduce the cost. Well, you’ll say it is a Common, what did you expect?

It’s the high cost that might stop us from using this card.

19-127L – Relm

Another VI card, although this one isn’t Free, it still is good.

For 2CP, you can either grab a monster from the Break Zone and play it onto the field, or you can Double Cast a Summon.
Anyway you look at it, you’re getting some value out of this card.

You’re either playing a Monster and Relm for 2CP.

Or you’re playing Relm, and since you just played an Ice Forward, and a Water Forward, you can go right ahead and cast Shiva and Leviathan for Free, and when they enter the Break Zone, you can remove them from the game and cast them again.

That’s a lot of firepower for 2CP.

I’ll take 3 please.

And, why does it look like Relm is driving a Go-Kart with wings?

19-128L – Warrior of Light

The OG WoL, The one with no name, besides the name you give him.

The first Quad-Elemental card, and it is a good one.

We mentioned that with Refia this set, you have a great reason to run a Warrior of Light deck.

Now, with Warrior of Light, you have a better reason to run this deck. Run the 2 together and, you got something on your hands that will keep activating itself.

And, that is what you’re looking for.

Stop your opponents from destroying you.

Warrior of Light is basically a Free card, cause he activates all your Backups, and he can only be played by Backups.

He comes in with Haste, First Strike, and Brave. 10,000 power. You name it Warrior of Light has got it.

Let’s see what people come up with for this card, I’m really curious to see what Warrior of Lights can do.

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From Nightmares – Water and High Tides

19-086R – Ashe EX

More like the Ashetiveator.

I really like this card. As long as you have a copy in your hand and a couple of CP available, you can keep reactivating a Forward once per turn.

The way I would do it would be. I would enter the Attack Phase. And when that attack goes through, I would play Ashe and activate that Forward so it can block.

You can actually play Ashe twice per turn. Play her in your Main Phase 1, return her to your hand during your Attack Phase and then replay her during your Main Phase 2.

The more I think about it, the more I like this card.

19-087R – Wol

Wol can’t attack, but he sure can block.

Weighing in at 2CP/9K power. He will take out some Attackers.

But, it’s Chef’s Knife that we really like. It’s 9000 damage to a Forward that cannot be reduced by other abilities.

So, once per turn you can use Chef’s Knife, then play Ashe, then use Chef’s Knife again, then play Ashe, and use Chef’s Knife once again. But, that will on;y work if you have 3 Wols in your hand. And you can. You can actually have up to 24 Wols in your deck. That’s almost half your deck. Keep your enemy at bay with this Tonberry Suit.

19-088C – Aerith

Aerith has one job, and that is to grab a Light card from the Break Zone. Other than that she’ll just hang out and give you 1CP per turn.

That’s pretty much it for this Aerith, not the best Aerith.

There’s probably a lot of better plays, unless you really need that Light card.



19-089H – Gau

I’m not going to say it this time.

I’m not. I’m going to try not to.

Gau, is actually pretty good, for what he does.

For 2CP you get a Forward that can come in during your opponents turn and buff another Category VI Character +1K power for every Category VI Character you control.

Throw him in there with the Dream Stooges, and Kefka, and you have a Forward that can block anything your opponent throws at you and survive it.

After that you can put Gau back into your deck and draw a card. Gau is wild like that. He’s a Wild Child.

19-090C – Clavat

Water’s Multi-Elemental Forward.

And by that we mean, if you pay with at least 3 Elements. Each element has had one of these cards, and Clavat is no different.

When she enters the field, if you did pay with at least 3 Elements, your opponent chooses one of their Forwards and sends it packing. Straight to the Break Zone.

Other than that Clavat will allow you to draw a card, and then discard a card when she enters the field.

19-091R – Sapphire Weapon

Another Free Card, this set is spoiling us.

Every Element has a way to cast cards for Free. And, we like free. Even the guy in the back, with the Cloud Signature card in his back pocket. You know he likes FREE too.

It’s not that often that you can play a 9k Body for free. But Sapphire Weapon here can. As long as you have at least 5 Weapon cards in your Break Zone, Sapphire Weapon can come in for free.

You have yourselves a Water deck, just throw in Ruby, and Emerald and just chuck them to pay for other Cards. And when Sapphire show up, you know it’s coming in with a Vengeance. Or something like that.

If Sapphire Weapon gets broken somehow, no worries. You’ll draw 2 cards when you put Sapphire Weapon into the Break Zone.

You might even get lucky and draw another Sapphire Weapon that you can play for free.

19-092C – White Mage

Well, you can sort of count White Mage as a free card, but you still have to pay for it. 2CP, and if you have 3 points of Damage you get to draw a card.

Once she’s on the field, you can use her ability to return one of your opponent’s Forwards to their hand.

Just a little reminder. You’d probably want to get rid of a Forward that doesn’t have an enter the field ability.


19-093H – Strago EX

This is interesting, I think I already like this card.

Every time Strago enters the field, or is broken, you get to reveal the top 4 cards of your deck and hopefully you’ll find a FFVI card sitting there that you can add to your hand.

This also works when Strago is found when you take Damage.

And, let’s not forget about Revenge Blast. For each point of Damage you have received, your opponent’s Forward will lose 2000 power.

And with 5 different Stragos available, you might have a hand full of Stragos at 6 points of Damage. At that point you can spam Revenge Blast and take your opponent to Pound Town.

19-094R – Sanctuary Keeper

Who needs Ashe when you have Sanctuary Keeper?

For 3CP, you can have a constant Activation per turn. Not only that, this Activation comes with a +2000 power buff.

You can actually use both Ashe and Sanctuary Keeper, with 24 Wols and spam that Chef’s Knife. My deck is slowly coming into fruition. I’ll have that deck ready in no time.



19-095C – Sophia

Sophia is the opposite of Sanctuary Keeper.

At the begining of the Attack Phase, Sophia reduces the power of a Forward by 2000.

If you’re already buffing one of your Forwards by 2000, that is a 4000 power difference. Sure it’ll only worked that way if each of you only have 1 Forward on the field, but you get what I’m trying to say. Or not say.


19-096C – Tidus EX

Well, for being a high cost card, you’d think you’d get more than just drawing a card or returning a Forward to their owner’s hand.

I’m not seeing it.

The only thing I like is that it can come off from an EX Burst. Which should be a good enough reason to have some in your deck, as you can always use them to pay for Opus I Tidus’s ability.


19-097C – Tonberry

I was trying to come up with a different way to start this, but couldn’t.

Tonberry comes in like a Monster and out like a Forward.

When Tonberry comes in you draw a card, then discard a card to make him a Forward. Tonberry is technically a 4 cost Forward, but you only have to pay for 2CP as he provides the other 2CP himself.

But, when Tonberry deals damage to a Forward the Forward is broken regardless of power. He has the real Chef’s Knife, not Wol.

19-098C – Yuna

When Yuna comes in, your opponent selects the card Forward that will be sent to the Break Zone. You’ll be able to remove a Forward, but since your opponent gets to pick which one it might not always work in your favor.

This is one way to get rid of Opus XVI Tidus, but I don’t think your opponent will choose that card when Yuna enters the field. Unless, if it’s the only Forward on the field.



19-099R – Josef

Are Rebels becoming a thing?

I mean Josef here looks like a good card, especially since you most likely will be playing Firion, which will make Josef a 3CP/9K body Rebel/Monk with a sword. Wait, Monks use swords? Maybe Josef uses it for his Rebel side.

“Rebel, Rebel,
You’ve torn your dress”

Maybe that’s what the sword is for.

Where was I? Ah, yes. And, with Firion still on the field, every time Josef attack, you get to draw 1 card. Who doesn’t like drawing cards. I’ll play Josef and attack for no reason just to draw a card.

And, that’s not all. No, Sir. When Josef enters the field you can also play a Category II Forward from your hand onto the field. Any FFII Character as long as it is 3CP or less. It doesn’t even need to be a Rebel, Rebel.

19-100C – Larsa

A 2 cost Backup that really is a 4 cost.

You’ll probably be discarding a card in order to search for that XII Forward that you’re really looking for. If that Forward is on the field you probably have no use to play this card.

Sure you can reduce damage dealt to a Forward by 2000, but I believe there are better Larsas than this one.


19-101R – Leviathan

The Water God comes in as a Free Summon.

No Sacrifices needed.

Leviathan comes in, you return 1 of your opponents Forwards to their hand, and they can’t play it until the end of their next turn.

What I like about this is that they’ll have a dead card in their hands. They won’t be able to play it, and if they draw another one they’ll have 2 dead cards. They might even discard it for CP just so they can play another card.

Might come out in your favor, or you’re just delaying the fact that they can play a Forward with an enter the field ability, that might turn things in their favor. But, this is a card game, and we need cards that will give us a breather when we can get it.
Yes, Free Summons are still good.

19-102L – Refia

If you needed a reason to run a Warrior of Light deck, well now you got one.

Refia will activate all the Warrior of Light cards you have at the beginning of each of your attack phases. That means you can go all out, and attack with all your Forwards, and then during your opponents turn, you will have all your Forwards activated, just in time to start blocking.

Also, once per turn, you can dull 4 Warriors of Light, and put one of your opponents Forward back into their deck. Top or bottom, you get to choose.

And, let’s not forget about the artwork. This is a beautiful card. Only complaint is that this one didn’t come as a full art.

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From Nightmares – Earth Monsters Under Your Bed

19-052C – Undead Princess

Undead Princess is a cheap Forward to play that can block any attack. Even though she only has 2000 power, she can still block an attack to save you from taking damage.

But, Undead Princess I don’t think Undead Princess is meant to be played as a Forward. You can put her into the Break Zone to give a Forward +4000 power until the end of the turn.

And, once she is in the Break Zone, you can remove her from the game and give an Earth Forward +2000 until the end of the turn.

Undead Princess rises from the grave once again to give you a Buff.

19-053C – Vanille

This is a decent card.

When Vanille comes in, you can go through your opponents Break Zone and remove a card from there. Doesn’t matter which one, just grab a card and remove it. This is good when your opponent has a way of grabbing cards from the Break Zone.
What I really like though, is her ability.

When your opponent casts a Summon, you can dull Vanille, and if they don’t pay 2CP you can cancel the Summon.
Either way, if your opponent pays and it goes through or it gets canceled it is a win for you.

19-054C – Vincent

It looks like we’ve been getting more Vincents in the last couple of sets.

Theatrhythm Vincent is a Backup that deals 5000 damage to a Forward when he enters the field.

And, when you reach 3 points of damage, you can put him in the Break Zone and deal 7000 damage to a Forward.

I always like Backups that have a way to send themselves to the Break Zone, that way you can play another Backup with an enter the field ability.

19-055R – Eiko

Eiko is a Coupon Code. Instead of paying the cost to cast a Summon, you can just dull 3 active Summoners and cast the Summon. You can choose any Summon up to a cost of 7CP. That’s almost all the Summons in the game except for 5.

This also means you can play Summons that are out of your elements. As long as you have Summoners on the field, you are good to go.

Plus, Eiko is only 2CP.


19-056C – Graff

Are you playing Mono-Earth?

Then you should be playing Graff.

When he enters the field you can Break a Forward. Any one you’d like.

This effect will only go off if you only paid with Earth CP.

Still a good way to get rid of a pesky Forward.


19-057L – Kefka

You heard about Free Summons, what about a Free Forward?

Kefka, the Dancing Mad Mage, is here and he can be played for F-R-E-E.

Just like that if your opponent has 3 or more Forwards on the field, Kefka will come in for Free.

That means you can splash Kefka into any deck without worrying about finding a way to pay the cost as he will be free. Free like a bird, he’s going to fly straight onto the field with a 9K body.

Not only that, but when Kefka is sent to the Break Zone, you can play a Summon from your Break Zone for free as well.
That’s double the free, with no Crystal Points down.

And, let’s not forget about that Amano art.

Yes, I’ll take 3 please.

19-058R – Jenova SYNTHESIS

Big Body, Big ability, and a last name full of capitol letters. I meant CAPITOL letters.

Jenova Synt … SYNTHESIS (you have to yell it out to get the full effect.) comes in and deals damage to all the Forwards your opponent controls, If you have 5 Backups, it’ll be 8000. Pair this with From Nightmares Matoya, and you might have a board wipe.

5CP 9000 power. Could be useful


19-059R – Aster Protoflorian

You should be ready to pay 7CP to play Aster Protoflorian. If you don’t you might as well play a different card. You need to get both of his abilities off when he enters the field cause after that all he’ll do is be a decoration on your field.

He’ll also count as a Category XIII Character for certain abilities in the Starter Set.





19-060C – Animist

Animist doesn’t do much till you have 3 points of Damage.

Animist does have an ability that lets you play a Monster of 2CP or less straight to the field. That way you can play a Monster without worrying about paying the cost.

And, at 3 points of Damage when Animist enters the field, you can search for a Monster of 4CP or less and add it to your hand.




19-061H – Doga

Looking at the card it took me a second to realize that it was drawn from the top.

Doga will fit good into an Fire/Earth or Earth/Lightning Deck. Or any Earth deck if you have a way to produce Fire or Lightning CP.

When he enters the field, Doga allows you to discard a Summon for to Crystals. You can use those Crystals to cast his abilities. One is to deal 7000 damage to all of your opponents Forwards, the other is to Break a Forward.

As long as Doga stays active, this is a good card to play.

When I first read this card I was thinking how can you fit this into a deck, but then I remembered that there are Backups that pay for different elements. Let’s take Tyro for instance and Class Tenth Moogle.

19-062R – Nacht EX

If you’re Warping, Nacht is a cheap play. If not, he costs 6CP.

Nacht is basically an Opus VI Titan with a body. Once he enters the field you pick 2 Forwards. One of yours and one of your opponent’s, and they deal damage to each other. This ability also comes off of an EX Burst.





19-063H – Barret

This Barret can be put in the AVALANCHE deck, but is it a better card than the Barret that is mostly used?

Probably not, but it does have some good things going for it.

If you’re playing a lot of Multi-Element cards it could be of use as when you cast a Multi-Element card you’ll deal 4000 damage to all the Forwards your opponent controls.

After that when he is put into the Break Zone, you can search for a Forward other than Barret and add it to your hand.

19-064R – Fenrir

Your Earth Free Summon.

Free is free. So, you might as well play this.Break a Multi-Element Forward or Break a Light or Dark Forward. The choice is your when Fenrir is cast.

There’s some use for it against some decks, but what about the decks that don’t have Multi-Element Forwards or Light/Dark Forwards?




19-065C – The Deathlord

The Deathlord will bring you closer to your death.

Or something like that.

I thought I found a good Combo, but then I realized it said Characters so you can’t cast Fenrir.

But, you can pull out a Kefka from the Break Zone, and play him straight to the field, if your opponent has more than 3 Forwards on the field. Now the other card can be anything you’d like, but I’m pretty sure there is something good here.

And, I’m sure someone already figured it out.

19-066C – Behemoth

Monsters, Plenty of Monsters.

We like this Monster, well I do at least.

When Behemoth enters the field you can Stop a Forward. They won’t be able to attack or block until the end of the next turn. But, they will be able to cast abilities.

Behemoth can also become a Forward once per turn, for the cost of 1 Earth CP. A 7K body for 1CP isn’t bad at all. Sure you’ll need to pay each turn, but you’ll usually have an extra CP laying around.

19-067C – Monk

Here’s a quick buff to all your Forwards. +2000 power can go a long way, add in Enna Kros from Opus I and you’ll have a 3K buff. Not only that but, you can play up to 3. That means that, technically you can have a 7K buff for all your Forwards.

Is there a way to pull it off? Paying 12 CP in one turn?

Let’s see. 5 Backups plus 7 cards in your hand, 3 are Monks so that leaves 4. Those 4 cards in your hand will pay for 2 of the Monks, while the 5 CP from your Backups will pay for the third. And you have one Backup left, which you’ll probably have no use for.

It can happen. Is it worth it? Probably not, but it would be fun when you pull it off.

Oh, and if you pay for the Monk with 3 different elements, you can choose a Forward, and Monk and the other Forward will deal damage to each other, possibly breaking a Forward.

19-068R – Rydia

A 5 cost Backup, that searches for a Job Summoner, and a Summon.

Both need to be of different elements.

Other than that, the art looks good, almost reminds you of Amano’s work. Sort of.