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Resurgence of Power : Break Like the Wind

18-035R – Arc EX

Play Arc, hopefully grab a card from the top 5 cards of your deck.

One thing is for certain though. Arc needs at least 4 different elements on the field to become useful. But, he should play well into a Warrior of Light deck. Faris will be a great addition to it as well.

When you finally have 4 Forwards with different elements on the field, all of your Forwards will gain 2000 power.


13-036R – Iris

Fits great into the Noctis deck that recently came out.

For 2CP Iris just keeps on giving, as every time a XV Forward enters the field, Iris will activate, allowing you to use her again for a Crystal Point.

Not only that, but you can use her ability to protect a Forward from one of your opponents abilities.

She will pay for herself after a couple of turns. Think of it as getting interest on the CP you paid to cast her.

18-037C – Delusory Dragoon

Comes in with Haste, and when he comes in he grants another Manikin Haste.

Straight to the point, and that’s about it for this Manikin.

3CP for this card isn’t all that bad either.



13-038C – Kytes

Sky Pirates making a comeback? Maybe, if Kytes has anything to say about it.

Simply Speaking, Kytes can go from 4CP to technically being cast for 1CP. As if you find a XII Character from the top 3 cards of your deck, Kytes will activate, allowing you to use him for a Crystal Point.

Now, if you decide to use his ability, right after he has been activated, you can Activate 2 of your Characters.

I can see Kytes being played and right away using his ability to activate 2 Characters. It can happen easily.

13-039C – Ranger

Not many Forwards or Monsters that cost 1CP, but those Monsters and Forwards that cost 1CP will be easy to Break with this Ranger in your hand.





18-040H – Cerberus

Cerberus has 3 on entry abilities to choose from, and depending on your situation, there will always be a good reason to play him.

1) Get rid of that pesky High Cost Forward that seems to be foiling your plans.
2)Activate all your Backups.
3)Draw a card.

After that you are more than welcome to turn him into a Forward with a 9K body. Just as long as you already cast at least 2 cards this turn.

18-041C – Colkhab

Colkhab does have an interesting ability, but I’m thinking why would any one choose Colkhab as the target of a Summon or ability?

Sure, he is more of a meat shield as his 9K body will show you, but other than that there isn’t really a threat that he poses. Maybe once your at 3 points of Damage and his power becomes 10K, but even then.

There are far more important Forwards that should be dealt with before Colkhab.

But, if you’re able to save a Forward from Extinction might as well.

18-042C – Zhijie

I’m thinking they made this card to make the Opus VIII Final Fantasy VII Starter Set more viable. Especially with the new Yuffie.

Zhijie allows you to search for FFVII Forward, and that is about all he does.

Only problem is that you can only use his ability after he has activated. This would have been a better card if it was an upon entry ability.


18-043C – Thief

Discard Thief, draw a card. And, that’s about it.

Cheap Backup to play.




18-044R – Sherlotta

5CP to search for a card. I personally think the cost is too high, but you can search for any card. No restrictions here. I do like that you can use Warp to have her come in for only 2CP. but you’ll have to wait 2 turns for that.

I do like the art though.



18-045C – Dryad

For 2CP you can easily Break a Forward, depending on how many Wind Characters you control.

But, do you want to pay the extra cost to draw a card? Doesn’t seem like a bad deal to me. Especially if they’re cards you have no use for.



18-046R – Gnash

“Kevin” Gnash comes in and delivers a Jackknife Powerbomb to an unsuspecting Forward or monster of cost 4 or more. That is if you decide to pay the extra cost, but then again why wouldn’t you.

That alone is worth playing this card.

But that’s not all, on your next turn you can use his ability to deal a Big Boot to a 2 cost or less Forward and break them as well.

18-047H – Bartz

Oh, man!

Just look at that. Bartz is as always a Freelancer first. Thus allowing him to be any Job any time he enters the field. Imagine playing let’s say Cadets. You throw Bartz into the field and say his 3rd Job is Class Zero Cadet. Of course you’ll be playing with a full board of Cadets.

Bartz will gain +2000 power for each Cadet Forward that is on the field, thus making him very hard to beat.

Also, when you choose his 2nd Element, Bartz receives protection, in that he cannot be chosen by Summons and abilities coming from a Character or Summon that has the same element as Bartz.

This is a very interesting card.

18-048R – Poppy

Perfect for Wind/Ice or Wind/Earth. If you don’t believe me just read the card.

Wind Forwards will be getting free strikes, since they cannot be blocked by a Forward of cost 3 or more.

Ice Forwards will gain +1K power and First Strike

Earth Forwards will gain +1K power and Brave.

And Multi-Element Forwards will gain 2 of these 3.

Just throw her in the Noctis Starter Set and you should be good.

18-049R – Yuri

You better have a bunch of Crystal Chronicles Characters if you plan on using Yuri. Well at least another 2.

Yuri cannot be chosen by Summons or abilities. Because he has Self-Protection. But only when his Crystal Chronicles friends are around. If not then he’s just a regular Joe.

But, whenever he attacks, or enters the field, he can activate 2 Crystal Chronicles Characters.

A friend indeed.

18-050L – Yuffie

I really like this card. Had a chance to play with it during the Midnight Pre-Release.

For 5CP Yuffie comes in. She already has Haste so she can attack right away. But, I would let her sit back and attack after all the other Forwards attacked.

Once she attacks, she gains +1000 power, and cannot be chosen by Summons or abilities. Not only that, but she also activates all your Forwards. No more worrying about who is going to block, when they all can.

And Doom of the Living, her special ability is a damage dealer. Dealing 24000 damage to your opponents Forwards. Of course you’d have to choose the Forwards and then divide the 24000 among them.

I’ll take 3 and Zhijie to look for her.

Also a gold stamped auto wouldn’t hurt either.

18-051C – Leafkin

How is this a Common?

It allows you to play a 5 or 6 cost Forward straight from your deck, without paying the cost. Sure, you’ll need to have 3 points of damage to do so, but still.

People would still be playing this card even if that Forward was just added to your hand. Not many cards will allow you to go and search for any Forward you like.

You can splash a card like Behemoth K in a Mono-Wind deck, and that’s only the first card that popped into my head.

I’m sure this card will see plenty of play. I’ll take it and search for Yuffie while I’m at it.

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Resurgence of Power : Ice Opinions

18-018R – Alhanalem

2 cost Backup that can easily remove a Character from the game. If your opponent finds a way to play a card onto the field, simply Dull Alhanalem put Alhanalem into the Break Zone and remove that Character from the game.

Does this ability work with Warp?

Guess we’ll have to find out.


18-019R – Weiss

Weiss is an interesting card.

Every time your opponent discards a card because of your Summons or abilities, you’ll be able to choose one of their Characters and Dull and Freeze it. There’s plenty of cards in this set that will allow you to use Weiss effectively. And from previous Opera as well.

Fits perfectly into a Discard deck.


18-020C – Quistis

Card with a purpose. Just one purpose, but it does it well.

Play Quistis onto the field. Choose one of your Forwards and have that Forward attack. When that Forward attacks it will do so with +2K power and your opponents will randomly discard a card from their hand.

All that is left for Quistis to do is block an attack and hopefully she’ll be drawn from your deck so she can do it again. And then do it again.

And if Weiss is on the field, you’ll also Dull and Freeze a Character.

18-021R – Cu Chaspel

Cu Chaspel can have some use. Especially if your opponent has no cards in their hand. That way whatever card they grab from the Break Zone, they will have to discard it as you get to keep that card and discard another card.

Cu Chaspel should work good with a Discard deck.

And after your opponent discards a card, Weiss gets to Dull and Freeze a Character.


18-022C – Black Mage

Discard Black Mage, draw a card. And, that’s about it.

Cheap Backup to play.




18-023H – Krysta

Krysta enters the field and your opponent discards a card.

Other than that Krysta can turn into a Forward if your opponent has 2 cards or less in their hand.

Pretty decent if you ask me. Weiss makes this card better when he enters the field.



18-024C – Shiva

For a 1CP Summon this card is actually very usable.

Shiva comes in Dulls and Freezes a Forward.

Now if you pay the extra cost of removing 10 Ice cards from the Break Zone, you can instead, Break that Forward.

Should come in handy late in the game when you have a bunch of cards that you won’t need to re-use, that is if you had a way to get them back.

18-025C – Chime

A 2 cost Backup that might be able to save one of your Forwards.

Dull Chime and give one of your Forwards +1000 Power and First Strike. Hopefully evening their Power and with First Strike your Forward will come out on top.

Only drawback is that your opponent has to have 1 card or less in their hand.



18-026L – Teodor

Now this is a very interesting card.

Sure, you might look at the high cost to play Teodor, but you can actually play him for 2CP with the Warp ability. For 2CP you can play Teodor, you’ll just have to wait 2 turns before he comes in. And, your opponent might have a way to stop him from coming in.

But, if he does come in, your opponent will Discard 3 cards. 2 cause he enters the field and 1 because he entered using Warp. And that means, he will also have +2000 Power, Haste and First Strike. Since you hand can only have 5 cards at the end of your turn. If you take away 3, they’ll be left with 2, and that is what you need to have Teodor gain his buffs.

I like this card. Might have to use it soon.

18-027C – Nooj

High cost, but when he enters the field, you can Break a dull Forward and have your opponent discard a card.

I mean, I don’t see any drawbacks to this besides the cost. But, what did you expect? Nooj is just a Common that can do some damage. Hence the cost.



18-028C – Nero EX

This is a great card. Works well with Weiss as Nero searches for Weiss.

That means after you find Weiss, Nero becomes a 2CP Backup. Which in itself is great.

If Nero is on the field when Weiss enters the field your opponent discards a card, allowing you to make use of Weiss’ ability and letting you Dull and Freeze a Character they control.

I’ll take 3, and 3 Weiss.

Should be good for a Shinra deck. Or maybe just a Tsivets deck.

18-029R – Hein

Hein comes in at a high cost, but if used at the right time can help turn things in your favor, if only for a turn.

This 5CP/8K body comes in and Freezes 4 Characters. Sure, they already need to be Dull for this ability to do anything, but it’s still a decent card to play at the right time.

Other than that Hein has protection against any Summons or abilities that can break him without dealing any damage.


18-030H – Physalis

For a 2 cost that can potentially have 8000 power, this is a pretty good card in fire (… er Ice?) power. But, that isn’t the reason you’ll be playing Physalis. Well, not the main reason.

Physalis allows you to discard a card and potentially play a better card as you’ll remove the top 2 cards of your deck,and then you’ll be able to play them this turn as if they would have already been in your hand.


18-031C – Rune Fencer

The extra cost is worth it as you’ll Dull and Freeze one of your opponents Forwards when Rune Fencer enters the field and each time Rune Fencer attacks.

Sure, it’s a 4 cost Common, but you’ll be able to use the ability once per turn.




18-032C – Phantasmal Girl

The card you need to protect your Manikins.

As long as you have 2CP ready to go, Phantasmal Girl will cancel out any Summons and abilities that target your manikins.
And at only 2CP, this card is a no-brainer. If you’re playing with Manikins, that is.



18-033R – Yuna

Pair this one with Rune Fencer. Once Yuna enters the field, your opponent will choose 1 Forward they control. Then you get to Dull and Freeze the rest of their Forwards. After that Rune Fencer wither comes in or attacks, and you’ll Dull and Freeze the remaining Forward. Leaving your party to attack without any blockers to fear.

Great Whirl is also a good reason to play Yuna. It might cost 4CP and another Yuna to cast, but once it’s done, you can just Dull Yuna and cast it again without paying a single CP.


18-034R – Lasswell

Played in conjunction with Yuna and Rune Fencer. Lasswell comes in and since all the Forwards will have been Dulled and Frozen Lasswell will allow you to draw a card. You don’t even need to play Lasswell the same turn you played Yuna and Rune Fencer. You can play him the turn after and still reap the rewards as all the Forwards will be Frozen.

Now 5000 power might not be a lot, but at 3 points of damage, Lasswell gains +2000 power.

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Resurgence of Power : Fire Thoughts

18-001C – Achuka

Achuka almost sounds like the beginning to Kokomo.

First card in the set, Achuka might be a decent backup, but doesn’t look like something that I would use. Then again, I can’t always see how good cards are from the beginning. Sometimes I do, but not always.

Achuka here deals damage when he enters, and then you can dull him and deal some more damage. The damage increases if you have 3 points of Damage.

Achuka, Jamaica, yeah I wanna take ya to a Chocobo.

18-002C – False Stalwart

Simple, comes in with Brave. 2 cost with a 5K body, which can turn into a 7K body, with the help of another Manikin.

Not much to write about, but it’s cheap cost might make it worth it.

Wasn’t there a card that was good with Manikins? Exdeath? Opus 2? I believe it was.



18-003C – Machinist

Discard Machinist draw a card. And, that’s about it.

Cheap Backup to play.




18-004R – Cleome

A Symphonian Musician? That’s a first. She does have Bard skills and with those Melody Counters she does Buff your Forwards and deals damage to your opponents Forwards.

She is also a Forward herself.

Not a bad card for 2CP.


18-005C – Salamander

Simple Fire Summon that delivers 5000 damage to all of your opponents Forwards.

Remove 10 Fire cards from the Break Zone to make it 7000 points of damage.

Now if this card would have been an EX Burst, it would have been amazing.



18-006C – Zell

Coming in with Haste, Zell can attack right away and if you buff him up to over 10k Power, every time he attacks he deals 8000 damage to one of your opponents Forwards.

Don’t have anyway to buff up Zell?

He comes with an ability that if you discard 2 cards, Zell’s power goes up by 3k.



18-007C – Selphie EX

Selphie actually costs 2CP as you’ll be getting back a Fire Forward when she is played onto the field. So, if that Fire Forward was just a card you chucked to help get her on the field then, you have just played like I would if you didn’t know what else to do.

Other than that she is a Backup, with the ability to give a Fire Forward you control +3K Power.

You can also get that Fire Forward of off an EX Burst.


18-008H – Two-Headed Dragon

Two heads are better then one.

Every time a Fire Forward attacks choose a Forward your opponent controls and deal it 400 Damage. Straight to the point. Especially of you are playing Mono-Fire. Everyone attacks and you slowly start to chip away at your Opponents front lines.

Attack to bring them down. I’m sure you’ll be able to turn things around if the Two-Headed Dragon is on the field.

18-009H – Tidus

Other than the Kingdom Hearts attire, I don’t see why this card is a Hero. For the cost of Tidus I’m pretty sure you can find a better card to play to deal 8000 damage to one Forward.

Not a big fan of this one.



18-010C – Berserker

Staying true to the Berserker Job. Berserker must attack. As that is the only thing Berserker can do. He goes Berserk.
He also comes with First Strike. Allowing him to deal damage to your opponents Forwards before they get a chance to.
Also when he comes in you can pay a Fire CP and choose a Forward that must block.

Who’s ready for a Berserker deck? I wonder if there’s enough Bereserkers to get this going?

18-011R – Paine EX

Do to the cost I would say that this card is to be solely used for it’s EX Burst. AM I right or Am I wrong?

I mean 6CP for a 9K body is a lot, but this is just a Rare card.

Unless you’re just counting on removing Forwards from the game instead of sending them to the Break Zone, But that’s what Yuna is for.


18-012L – Faris

This card is interesting to say the least. Your opponent will be thinking twice before they attack. As when Faris or a Warrior of Light is dealt damage, you get to choose a Forward your opponent controls and deal it 3000 damage.

Imagine what would happen if they use a Summon or ability that deals damage to all your Forwards. You might be getting rid of a couple of their Forwards to say the least.

I wonder what other Warrior of Light cards will be in this set.


18-013R – Fang

Fang looks like she is always just a Rare. I’m waiting for the day where they’ll give her her own Legend card. But today is not that day.

Fang will buff all your XIII Forwards by 2. Including herself. She is basically a 2CP/7K because you will probably be playing a XIII focused deck. Why, you ask? It’s simple really, every turn Fang -can reduce the cost of casting a XIII Forward by 2.

But, why is she a thief? My, guess is because of Lightning Returns. But, it still doesn’t make sense. She should be a Commando or a Dragoon. But, what do I know?

18-014R – Meeth

We already knew that we’ll have Multi-element cards this set, and Meeth here is a card that can make use of it.

He’s a 2 cost Backup that will allow you to search for any card other than a Backup if you discard a Multi element card.
I can see use of this one.


18-015R – Ramza

See, this is how good cards come along. Especially with the Warp mechanic. Ramza can be easily cast for 2CP, if you want to wait a couple of turns until he enters the field.

And, when he does, you get to bring in another Knight from the Break Zone and play it onto the field. Just like that you can play 2 Knights with the combined cost of up to 12CP for a measly 2CP. Even if they counter Ramza coming in it’s only 2CP that you lost. You can try again.

And we haven’t even gotten to his ability. Dull 4 active Knights and Break one of your opponents Forwards, and deal them 1 point of Damage. What else could you ask for? This should have been the Hero, and Tidus should’ve just been a Rare.

18-016C – Lulu

2 cost Backup. Most will skip this card. Including me. There are better Lulu’s out there although they aren’t Fire.

But, if you like this card you can dull and discard a card to deal 3000 Damage to a Forward. 5000 if it’s a Multi-Element.



18-017R -Rain

“Here comes the Rain again.”

He’s ready to come in on turn 2 for 3 CP.

And when he you have 3 points of Damage, Rain gets a 1k Buff, and he deals a Forward 5k damage.

Not bad for a card that you can play for 3CP. Even 5CP is worth it for this card.

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Midnight Pre-Release : Resurgence of Power

Resurgence of Power is just around the corner. You may or may not have seen the cards yet. I haven’t seen all of them, but we did get a chance to check them out at last night’s Midnight Pre-Release.

A new mechanic came into play, called Warp. You pay the cost which is 2CP. I haven’t seen any that are more than that. You remove the card from the game, and then depending on the number, I’ve seen 2-5 you wait that many turns before you play it onto the field. You’ll ask, why not just play it onto the field in the first place? The answer is, that the Warp cost is significantly lower than the play cost. You can play a 9CP character for 2CP if you’re willing to wait before it comes into play.

Now your opponent can see the card, and when it warps, they’ll be able to respond to the card being played.

For some reason I decided to build a 6 element deck, Which did not work as planned. I thought having Cait Sith (XI), which let’s you pay CP for any element at 3 points of Damage. But, but by the time that I had 3 points of damage, my front lines were almost as good as a wet paper bag. I stood no chance in winning. The only time I was getting the cards I needed was when we were playing a casual match.

If you’d like to grab a kit look no further as we have them up on the site already.