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Hidden Legends Breaking Limits

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24-115R – Tenzen LB

The Samurai is back! This time with a Limit Break ready to go off whenever needed.

And, what a Limit Break.

Tenzen comes in and gives all of the Samurais +3000 power, Brave, and the ability to attack twice in the same turn.

And, we already know how Samurais run. Now just take that same deck, and play Tenzen whenever you can from the the Limit Break deck.

Your Samurais will take down your opponent so fast, that your opponent will mistake them for Ninjas.

After all is said and done, if your opponent still has some life, Tenzen sticks around with a 9K body.

24-116R – Snow LB

Snow comes in and searches for Lightning. Yes, he does search for Serah as well, but we all know that you’re going to grab Lightning.

And, that is all he does.

He’s not even a decent Meat Shield, coming in with only 5000 power.

What Kind of Sentinel is that?

If you need Lightning or Serah, sure. If not, then play Lumina.

24-117R – Zidane LB

4CP for a 5K body.

You’d think you’re overpaying, but this is a Limit Break card, and Zidane cannot be blocked by a 4 cost Forward or higher. Meaning that most of Zidane’s attacks can and will go through to damage your opponent.

Also, when Zidane enters the field, your opponent discards the top 2 cards of their deck, if they are of the same element, Zidane will draw you a card.

If you’re playing any kind of Wind deck, I would keep one of these in your Limit Break deck. It’s LB cost is very low, and we all know that you have filler LB cards in that deck just to pay for the cost of the cards you actually want to use.

24-118R – Selh’teus LB

Can you spell indestructable?


Selh’teus cannot be broken by your opponent’s Summons of abilities, whether they flat out break a Forward, or if they deal damage to a Forward.

The only way your opponent will be able to get rid of Selh’teus, is by blocking her with a Forward with more power than Selh’teus has. or by returning her to your hand, in which you can just play her again. I think.

I’m not sure if Selh’teus can be returned to your hand. Or what happens to it once it is targeted to be returned to your hand.

24-119R – Gilgamesh LB


No, that’s not Greg. Maybe it is, we all know about Gilgamesh and his inter dimensional travel.

When Gilgamesh comes in you can either break a 1 cost Forward, or remove 2 cards from your opponent’s Break Zone.

What to choose?

I’d say it depends on what is in your opponent’s Break Zone, and if your opponent has a way of bringing cards back from the Break Zone.

If you have no use for any one of these abilities, you can always just use Gilgamesh to pay for your other Limit Break cards.

24-120R – Warrior of Light LB

This is a cheap card. For what Warrior of Light does, he is extremely cheap, and I would do great in any tribal deck. Or just about any deck running a bunch of Standard Units.

Warrior of Light will protect all of your other Forwards from most of your opponents abilities.

Your Forward will not be chosen, and if they receive damage that damage will be a big fat 0.

2CP + 1LB will grant you this protection for your other Forwards, and you’ll also have an 8K body.

24-121H – Iron Giant (SOPFFO) LB

How is this a Hero, when all these Rares that we’ve just seen are better?

That is my first thought on Iron Giant.

Iron Giant comes in and you get to either deal 5000 damage to a 2 cost Forward, or deal a dull Forward 7000 damage.

There’s nothing really exciting here.


24-122H – Magna Roader LB

Magana Roader, choose one ability or choose both. It all depends on how many Wind and/or Ice Characters that you have on the field.

If it’s 4 Ice Characters, your opponent shows you their hand, and you discard one of those cards.

4 Wind Characters, and Magna Roader comes in with Haste.

If you have 4 Ice and 4 Wind you get both of these.

My question is, who is playing Ice/Wind?

24-123H – Vajradhara Wu LB

Coming from Wutai, Vajradara Wu (or Wu for short) can and will break one of your opponent’s Forwards. and after Wu will stick around as an 8K body.

How will Wu do this?

It’s quite simple really.

Wu will break a damaged Forward, or Wu will deal damage to another Forward equal to it’s power.

And, that is pretty much it.

I’d call Vajradara Wu a Summon that sticks around afterwords.

24-124H – The Ur-Dragon King LB

High cost means High Power, and that is what The Ur-Dragon King brings to the table.

You’ll spend 9CP, 2LB and you’ll need 4 Earth Characters, and 4 Lightning Characters on the field in order to get The Ur-Dragon King’s full effect.

This 9K Meat Shield has 2 abilities that go off when it enters the field.

First one is that you can grab 2 Characters from your Break Zone, bringing Ur-Dragon’s cost down to 5CP. You’ll need 4 Earth Characters for this one.

And, second you can choose one of your opponent’s Forwards and The Ur-Dragon King will break it for you. You’ll need 4 Lightning Characters for this one.

If you have the cards on the field, and sufficient CP to pay for this, I would highly recommend it.

24-125H – Tonberry & Cactuar LB

I really wanted this card to be better.

It’s not bad, I was just hoping for Superhero powers.

What we get is a choice between 2 abilities. Who would have guessed?

First one, break a Forward of 3CP or less, which isn’t bad at all.

The second choice is, look at the top 2 cards of your deck and add one to your hand, while the other one goes to the bottom of your deck.

All we have to do is now is figure out which one is Batman and which one is Robin.

I’d say Tonberry is Batman.

24-126H – Ultima Weapon LB

Fire Water Burns!

Ultima Weapon is one of these Dual Element Limit Break Cards that you know will work.

I can actually just throw it in my Bomb deck, which is filled up with Fire/Water and have the perfect Limit Break to use whenever I feel like it.

Yes, just like most of the other Dual Element LBs, you’ll need 4 Characters of each element to get the full effect.

4 Fire Characters will allow Ultima Weapon to deal 9000 damage to a Forward. If you have 4 Water Characters, Ultima Weapon will break one of your opponent’s Forwards.

What’s not to like?

The cost? It’s only 6CP. Opus I Odin costs 7CP, and only breaks 1 Forward.

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Hidden Trials – Limit Break

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23-118H – Ardyn LB

The Chief Minister has grand plans.

Ardyn has found a way to bring himself back from the dead.

Simply put, when Ardyn enters the Break Zone, you can bring an Ardyn from your Limit Break deck onto the field.
The real question is, can you fill up your Limit Break deck with cards that aren’t LB? I doubt it, I’ll have to check out the rules to make sure.

This card is a turn 1 play.

As long as you have a Playset of Ardyns in your Limit Break deck, you’ll be good to go.

23-119R – Vincent LB

Well, Vincent looks like he’s ready to take on the Tsivets.

This is the Limit Break that Vincent starts the game off with, and that suggests that we will be getting the other 3 later on down the line.

Let’s take a look and see what Galian Beast does.

Vincent comes in with First Strike, and when he enters the field, you can throw a Fire Backup into the Break Zone, and deal one of your opponent’s Forwards 9000 damage. You’ll have a good chance at breaking it.

If my calculations are correct, we’ll soon have a Vincent deck equipped with all of his Limit Breaks. Might take a couple of years before we can get it, but it might be fun.

23-120R – Kuja LB

Kuja is a 5 cost Forward with 8000 power and the ability to get out of some of your opponent’s abilities, and maybe some of their Summons.


It’s simple, you can just dull Kuja to Dull the Forward using that ability.

Dull/Freeze that Forward and your opponent will think twice before targeting Kuja.


23-121L – Cait Sith LB

Sometimes the first time you look at a card, you think it’s great.

then you look at it again and think, Huh? How is this a Legend.

It’s a decent card, don’t get me wrong, but Freezing all of your opponent’s Backups, and having them discard a card is not what I’d call Legend material.

On a side note, Cait Sith needs you to control 5 Backups in order for his ability to go off.

I’ll take a hard pass on this one.

23-122R – Cid Highwind LB

Roll of the dice. Or is it a flip of the cards?

Cid Highwind comes in on the Highwind, and gives you an airdrop right before he enters the field.

Flip three cards and if you find a Backup add it to your hand. If not well just put all the cards at the bottom of your deck. You might want to use Cid, when you only have 3 cards left. And, you better win before you run out of cards.

Is it worth playing?

Probably. You can just add it to your Limit Break deck, just so you have enough cards in it.

23-123 – Deathgaze LB

That’s a lot to pay to Break a Forward. And, that Forward also needs to be a certain cost in order for this to be effective.

There are 270 Forwards that cost 5CP. Yes, that’s a pretty big amount, but how many of those Forwards actually see play?
And there are only 2 Forwards that cost 10CP.

Unless Bhunivelze, and Garuda start seeing some play, i’d say it’s best to leave this card at home.

Odin (1-124R) costs 7CP and let’s you break any Forward you want.

23-124L – Eiko LB

Have you ever thought that you wish you had a certain Summon at a certain point of the game?

I’m sure you have, we’ve all had.

Well, Eiko here, is here to help you search for that Summon, and once you find it you can remove it from the game.

Not much help there, but once that Summon is removed from the game, you can cast it without paying the cost.

That’s a little bit better.

23-125R – Noctis LB

Even though Noctis costs 6CP, this is probably one of the better Limit Breaks.

Noctis allows you to grab a Forward from your Break Zone. Yes, there are plenty of cards that allow you to do this. The difference is that, you don’t need to rely on luck to draw the card that will grab a Forward from the Break Zone. Noctis is ready to go whenever you’d like, as long as you have the CP to pay for him.

Other than that, he’ll be a 7K body, lingering on the field.


23-126L – Edge

Are you Serious? Yes, serious with a capital S.

This card is amazing.

Mono-Lightning and Ninja themed decks are going to dominate in 2024 and beyond.

Might be why I’ve been selling plenty of Ninjas lately.

Edge gives you an advantage for one turn. Every Lightning Forward and Ninja deals 7000 damage to one of your opponent’s Forwards. That might be good enough to wipe the board. It might be good enough to get you the game.

Either way, you’re going to do some damage. Just need to find a way to give Edge Haste.

23-127R – Nyx LB

If you’re playing Mono-Lightning, or Kingsglaive, just throw Nyx into your Limit Break deck.

You’re bound to have a Lightning Character or a Kingsglaive Character hit the Break Zone, and when you do, you might as well play Nyx, for the whopping cost of 1CP. 0CP if you have Regis already on the field.

And, that’s all Nyx does. a glorified Meat Shield, ready to take on your opponent’s Forwards with his 9K body.

10k if you already have Lulu (1-150R) on the field.

You can’t go wrong here.

23-128R – Beatrix LB

Here’s another Knight for the Queen’s Guard.

God save the Queen, and the Forward that will be sent to the Break Zone whenever Beatrix attacks.

As long as you have 3 Knights on the field, Beatrix will be good to go, breaking a Forward once per turn.

It’s as simple as that.

Play Knights, Play Beatrix.

23-129H – Lunafreya LB

Look at the top 5 cards of your deck, and find the one with an EX Burst. Once you add it to your hand the EX Burst will go off.
This can be a great play where you grab a card with a great EX Burst that you can play right away, giving you double the EX, double the Burst. Double the damage. Double Trouble.

Or, you might get a card that you don’t need or want at that point in the game.

Now, I don’t know if these Limit Break cards are bounceable, but if they are, imagine what you can do if you keep bouncing Lunafreya.

23-130H – Luso LB

5CP to play Luso, who also searches for a Standard Unit, of a certain Element. That Element is chosen by you when Luso enters the field.

After that, whenever you play a Standard Unit onto the field, Luso gains +4000 power, giving him a 9k body until the end of the turn.

And, if you’re using Frimelda, you can play a Standard Unit each turn, giving Luso a constant 9K.

And, that’s all I got. I can’t focus anymore.

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Hidden Hope – Take It To the Limit

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22-112R – Zach LB

Zach out first Limit Break card, and I can’t say it’s anything special.

Zach comes in and deals a Forward 3000 damage.

Not much of a Limit Break per se.

Zach will stick around on the field as a body, So, 3CP isn’t terrible, but I’m sure there are better things to do.


22-133L – Mont Leonis LB

Now, this is more like it.

Even though I never liked Mont as a character, this is a card I would play.

Now, this will only work if you have 5 Fire Backups on the field when you bring Mont in.

For 8CP, you can grab a 3cost Forward and a 5 cost Forward from your Break Zone and play them straight to the field. They will both come in with Haste as well.

It still is a lot to pay, but you do get a lot in value from it.

8CP, 3LB points, and a Backup that you control.

As a last ditch effort, I will say that it can work. I mean that’s what Limit Breaks are supposed to be. Huge attacks, when you’re on your last legs.

22-114H – Viktora LB

Not bad.

I guess I’ll need to actually play a game with these Limit Break cards. Finding time is the problem.

Viktora needs, a discard deck around her, and you don’t need me to tell you that.

Luckily, Ice has the tools you’ll need to make Viktora a great play. Just like a Dragoon getting ready to Jump.

If your opponent has 2 cards or less in there hand, when Viktora enters the field, you get to choose a Forward and deal it 7000 damage.

And, if your opponent has no cards, Viktora gains +3000 power.

Much better than Zack.

22-115R – Serjes LB

Serjes, the lancer.

Now this was a decent Character in War of the Visions.

And, that is what this card is as well. Decent. Not great, not bad.

When Serjes enters the field, you can either Dull or Freeze a Forward.

And, then he’ll stick around as an extra body on your front line.


22-116L – Ace LB

Ace is looking like he will be a powerful card. Once Ace enters the field, Ace deals 1000 damage to all of your opponents Forwards. Just think for a second of what Ace can do if you’re playing Chocobos.

And, that’s not all cause when Ace attacks, you can reveal the top card of your deck, and if it’s a Wind card, which it will be if you’re playing Chocobos, you’ll add it to your hand.

Sure, Ace costs 8CP, but you’ll probably get that CP back, with the extra cards you’ll be drawing.

22-117R – Yuri LB

Yuri comes right in, and searches for Chelinka and Yuri brings Chelinka straight to the field. That way we’re bringing Yuri’s cost down a little bit. Sure, there are only 2 Chelinkas that you can choose, because her cost needs to be 2CP or less.

You’ll most likely be playing Chelinka (22-046R), and if you have another Crystal Chronicles Character on the field, Chelinka will give Yuri Haste, and you’ll be able to attack with Yuri right away.

Las, but not least, if you have 5 Backups on the field, Yuri also gains +4000 power, making him an 8K body.

22-118H – Shantotto LB

Shantotto, going back to her roots.

Shantotto comes in and breaks all the Forwards and all the Monsters. Every last one of them except for Shantotto herself.

If you’re in a pickle, go ahead and cast this Mage. 4CP + 7LB. That’s all of the rest of the cards in your Limit Break deck. Last ditch effort to save yourself.

If you’re just looking to get rid of all of the Forwards, just play Opus I Shantotto instead.

Or you can have both in your deck and use whichever one works better for you.

22-119R – Maat LB

Maat comes right in and gives all of your Forwards +1000 power and Brave.

That might be enough to finish the game for you, and if you end up striking out, at least you’ll still have Forwards that will be able to block.

Maat comes in with Brave himself.

This is a Limit Break card that I would gladly add to my deck.


22-120H – Cloud LB

Of course, we have cloud in the first set of Limit Break cards, what’s next Lightning?

Cloud comes in and Breaks a Forward, 3CP or less. After that Cloud will stick around with an 8K body, wheeling and dealing damage to your opponent.

And if you’re feeling a little CP rich, you can use Limit Burst.

For 4 Lightning CP and a Cloud card, you can Break one of your opponent’s Forwards and also deal your opponent 1 point of damage as well.

Do that 7 times and you won the game.

It’s possible.

22-121R – Lightning LB

Well, I was right. Lightning was next.

And when she enters the field, she will look for a Lightning summon.

And that is about it.

You’d think they’d have Lightning do something better.



22-122L – Tidus LB

I’m trying to think if this is worth it.

If you don’t pay 3CP does that mean you can’t choose any of these effects?

8CP, to Send a Forward to the bottom of it’s owner’s deck, a Backup to the top of it’s owner’s deck and draw 2 cards.

I can’t think of a reason to play this card, but I know I’ve already sold a few of them, so someone thinks that it’s a good play.


22-123R – Leo LB

Would you like to draw a card?

Well there’s better ways to get yourself to draw a card than Leo.

Only difference is that you can play Leo at any moment, because you already know that you can just grab him from the Limit Break deck.

Still, Leo will probably just be used to pay for other Limit Breaks.

Like Maat.

22-124H – Little Leela LB

This is a better Limit Break card.

Better than most of the cards we’ve seen in this set.

Little Leela comes in at 5CP with an 8k body.

You’ll say so what, nothing special about that.

And, I’ll say yes, but whenever Little Leela attacks, you will choose one of your opponent’s Forward and it will lose 7000 power until the end of the turn.

Now that makes it better. Better than Leo, better than Zack, better than Yuri, and I hate to say it but, better than Lightning.

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Hidden Legends

And, out of nowhere, the new set is announced!

Here we have it. Hidden Legends, with Final Fantasy XVI art on the box featuring Clive!

126 cards.

126 cards? That’s it? This might be the smallest set yet. Let’s see. 18 cards per element and 4 Light/dark cards will leave us with 14 Limit Break cards to finish off the set. That would be my guess, because I don’t see them printing anything less than 10 Limit Break cards.

We’re also getting a new Gold Stamped Signature, featuring .. you guessed it Clive. It is a good looking card. 4CP, 8000 power and the new Priming Mechanic, which we do not know what it is yet. But, it costs 2CP. One Fire CP and 1CP of any Element.

Clive also gives +1000 power to all the Eikon Forwards and Dominant Forwards. Which will probably be an FFXVI exclusive job of sorts. I don’t know, I still need to play FFXVI.

And when Clive deals damage to your opponent, you can draw 2 cards, but you’ll discard your hand first.

The other sample cards shown are Basch, Gilgamesh LB, Bahamut, Relm, Nono, Velis and Zidane LB. But, the card I’m most excited about is Tonberry & Cactuar. We don’t know what it does yet, but they better have a Full Art version of it, because it looks amazing.

Let’s not forget the Legacy cards that are making their way back. Minfilia (6-079L), Akstar (18-107L) and Unei (19-119L).

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Breaking the Limit?

Final Fantasy TCG – Anniversary Collection Set 2024 (that’s a mouthful) is just around the Korner. If you haven’t gotten your Pre-Orders in yet, we have some still available.

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What’s on the Soap Box today?

Limit Breaks.

If you can remember they first showed up back in Final Fantasy VII when Cloud took enough damage and unleashed Braver for the first time. Running towards the enemy and then jumping up like a Dragoon, and bringing his sword down as he’s falling to strike at the enemy causing damage.

I had you there for a second.

We’re actually going to talk about the new mechanic that will be introduced in Hidden Hope.

Limit Break cards will actually be set in a side deck that consists of up to 8 cards. These Limit Break cards are only for your side deck. And, can be played at anytime you would normally be able to play them. You’ll be almost like a Black Mage, with spells ready to go. As long as you have enough MP that is. That MP is your side deck as well. Once you pay the cost to cast a Limit Break, you’ll also need to pay for the Limit Break cost as well. You can just take a look at how Toriyama has explained it.

Let’s take a quick look at these cards now.

Zack – 22-112R

Zack enters the field and deals 3000 damage to a Forward. After that he just sticks around the board, hacking a slashing, blocking and attacking. Until he breaks, and gets sent back to the Limit Break deck, but not before stopping by the Break Zone to confirm that he is actually broken.

Ace – 22-116L

Ace is looking like he will be a powerful card. Once Ace enters the field, Ace deals 1000 damage to all of your opponents Forwards. Just think for a second of what Ace can do if you’re playing Chocobos.

And, that’s not all cause when Ace attacks, you can reveal the top card of your deck, and if it’s a Wind card, which it will be if you’re playing Chocobos, you’ll add it to your hand.

Sure, Ace costs 8CP, but you’ll probably get that CP back, with the extra cards you’ll be drawing.

Viktora – 22-114H

With Viktora, you’ll want to keep your opponents hand at zero. Make them spend every last CP that they have. And, since Viktora is already a Dragoon, and most Dragoons are Lightning. Ice/Lightning is already good at this, Simply adding Viktora to your side deck will make your main deck that much better.

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