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Hidden Trials – Limit Break

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23-118H – Ardyn LB

The Chief Minister has grand plans.

Ardyn has found a way to bring himself back from the dead.

Simply put, when Ardyn enters the Break Zone, you can bring an Ardyn from your Limit Break deck onto the field.
The real question is, can you fill up your Limit Break deck with cards that aren’t LB? I doubt it, I’ll have to check out the rules to make sure.

This card is a turn 1 play.

As long as you have a Playset of Ardyns in your Limit Break deck, you’ll be good to go.

23-119R – Vincent LB

Well, Vincent looks like he’s ready to take on the Tsivets.

This is the Limit Break that Vincent starts the game off with, and that suggests that we will be getting the other 3 later on down the line.

Let’s take a look and see what Galian Beast does.

Vincent comes in with First Strike, and when he enters the field, you can throw a Fire Backup into the Break Zone, and deal one of your opponent’s Forwards 9000 damage. You’ll have a good chance at breaking it.

If my calculations are correct, we’ll soon have a Vincent deck equipped with all of his Limit Breaks. Might take a couple of years before we can get it, but it might be fun.

23-120R – Kuja LB

Kuja is a 5 cost Forward with 8000 power and the ability to get out of some of your opponent’s abilities, and maybe some of their Summons.


It’s simple, you can just dull Kuja to Dull the Forward using that ability.

Dull/Freeze that Forward and your opponent will think twice before targeting Kuja.


23-121L – Cait Sith LB

Sometimes the first time you look at a card, you think it’s great.

then you look at it again and think, Huh? How is this a Legend.

It’s a decent card, don’t get me wrong, but Freezing all of your opponent’s Backups, and having them discard a card is not what I’d call Legend material.

On a side note, Cait Sith needs you to control 5 Backups in order for his ability to go off.

I’ll take a hard pass on this one.

23-122R – Cid Highwind LB

Roll of the dice. Or is it a flip of the cards?

Cid Highwind comes in on the Highwind, and gives you an airdrop right before he enters the field.

Flip three cards and if you find a Backup add it to your hand. If not well just put all the cards at the bottom of your deck. You might want to use Cid, when you only have 3 cards left. And, you better win before you run out of cards.

Is it worth playing?

Probably. You can just add it to your Limit Break deck, just so you have enough cards in it.

23-123 – Deathgaze LB

That’s a lot to pay to Break a Forward. And, that Forward also needs to be a certain cost in order for this to be effective.

There are 270 Forwards that cost 5CP. Yes, that’s a pretty big amount, but how many of those Forwards actually see play?
And there are only 2 Forwards that cost 10CP.

Unless Bhunivelze, and Garuda start seeing some play, i’d say it’s best to leave this card at home.

Odin (1-124R) costs 7CP and let’s you break any Forward you want.

23-124L – Eiko LB

Have you ever thought that you wish you had a certain Summon at a certain point of the game?

I’m sure you have, we’ve all had.

Well, Eiko here, is here to help you search for that Summon, and once you find it you can remove it from the game.

Not much help there, but once that Summon is removed from the game, you can cast it without paying the cost.

That’s a little bit better.

23-125R – Noctis LB

Even though Noctis costs 6CP, this is probably one of the better Limit Breaks.

Noctis allows you to grab a Forward from your Break Zone. Yes, there are plenty of cards that allow you to do this. The difference is that, you don’t need to rely on luck to draw the card that will grab a Forward from the Break Zone. Noctis is ready to go whenever you’d like, as long as you have the CP to pay for him.

Other than that, he’ll be a 7K body, lingering on the field.


23-126L – Edge

Are you Serious? Yes, serious with a capital S.

This card is amazing.

Mono-Lightning and Ninja themed decks are going to dominate in 2024 and beyond.

Might be why I’ve been selling plenty of Ninjas lately.

Edge gives you an advantage for one turn. Every Lightning Forward and Ninja deals 7000 damage to one of your opponent’s Forwards. That might be good enough to wipe the board. It might be good enough to get you the game.

Either way, you’re going to do some damage. Just need to find a way to give Edge Haste.

23-127R – Nyx LB

If you’re playing Mono-Lightning, or Kingsglaive, just throw Nyx into your Limit Break deck.

You’re bound to have a Lightning Character or a Kingsglaive Character hit the Break Zone, and when you do, you might as well play Nyx, for the whopping cost of 1CP. 0CP if you have Regis already on the field.

And, that’s all Nyx does. a glorified Meat Shield, ready to take on your opponent’s Forwards with his 9K body.

10k if you already have Lulu (1-150R) on the field.

You can’t go wrong here.

23-128R – Beatrix LB

Here’s another Knight for the Queen’s Guard.

God save the Queen, and the Forward that will be sent to the Break Zone whenever Beatrix attacks.

As long as you have 3 Knights on the field, Beatrix will be good to go, breaking a Forward once per turn.

It’s as simple as that.

Play Knights, Play Beatrix.

23-129H – Lunafreya LB

Look at the top 5 cards of your deck, and find the one with an EX Burst. Once you add it to your hand the EX Burst will go off.
This can be a great play where you grab a card with a great EX Burst that you can play right away, giving you double the EX, double the Burst. Double the damage. Double Trouble.

Or, you might get a card that you don’t need or want at that point in the game.

Now, I don’t know if these Limit Break cards are bounceable, but if they are, imagine what you can do if you keep bouncing Lunafreya.

23-130H – Luso LB

5CP to play Luso, who also searches for a Standard Unit, of a certain Element. That Element is chosen by you when Luso enters the field.

After that, whenever you play a Standard Unit onto the field, Luso gains +4000 power, giving him a 9k body until the end of the turn.

And, if you’re using Frimelda, you can play a Standard Unit each turn, giving Luso a constant 9K.

And, that’s all I got. I can’t focus anymore.

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Hidden Trials – By Lightning

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23-077H – Azul

The Tsivets are coming strong, and Azul is about to kick some butts.

Azul has Counter, he will Counter any damage dealt to him to one of your opponent’s Forwards.

For the cost of 1 Crystal, Azul can also cast Berserk on a Forward. And, when he does, Azul gains +2000 power.

I’d say that’s a Crystal well spent.


23-078C – Alisae

Alisae is like a bloodhound. She’ll help you find the card you need, but only if you can show her what you’re looking for. And, the only way to do that is to already have a card with the same name in your Break Zone.

The only thing Alisae can’t search for will be Standard Units and Summons, everything else is fair game.

I’m sure she has some use, but there are plenty of other cards that’ll search better then she does.


23-079R – Estinien

I mean he’s no Opus VI Estinien, or Dawn of Heroes either, but Estinien is still a decent card to play.

Coming in with Haste, Estinien has the ability to attack from the get go, but you already knew that. So, why would we mention that?

It’s simple. Every time Estinien attacks, you get to grab a Scion Forward from your Break Zone. Making Estinien a great play, right away.

And, that’s not all!

At 3 points of Damage Estinien gains +1000 power. Add in Opus I Lulu and Hidden Trials Krile, and you’ll have a Forward that attacks for 11,000.

And this is just a Rare card.

23-080R – Odin EX

If this comes off of an EX Burst it’s great.

If it doesn’t it’s too expensive, and the Opus I Odin, along with the Opus I reprint from Opus VIII. is a couple of CP less.

Why would you play this one? Because you can cast it for 3CP if you remove 6 Lightning cards from your Break Zone. If you have no way of getting them back, then go right ahead.

Breaking a Forward still is a broken Forward your opponent can’t use.

23-081C – Puppetmaster

2 Cost Elemental Lightning Backup.

Puppetmaster is ready for action with his Puppet right behind him ready for orders.

Puppetmaster comes in and dulls a Forward. As with some of the other Backups of this set, he has greater power when you have a full line of Backups on the field. And, when that happens, Puppetmaster dulls all of your opponent’s Forwards.

I’m noticing a lot of great plays being brought in towards the mid-end game.



23-082H – King

Is this a new thing, where we remove cards to reduce the cost of casting a card?

Because King turns into a 1 cost Hero, if you remove 4 cards from your Break Zone.

And, whenever King attacks, you can discard 2 cards and Break a Forward of your choosing.

King’s cost evens out as the 4CP you save from removing the 4 Characters from your Break Zone.

There’s plenty of ways to get rid of cards, Lightning might become even more fast paced.

23-083H – Queen

Your Savior, Your Queen.

This is a great card. Cadets will be one the rise solely based off of this card.

At the small cost of removing 3 cards from your Break Zone. Queen will give a Class Zero Cadet a 2000 power buff, plus damage dealt to that Forward by your opponent’s abilities will become 0.

This card kinda makes me want to remake that Cadets deck I had made back during Opus XIII.

23-084C – G’raha Tia

At 5CP and 9000 power, G’raha Tia is just a regular Common card.

When he enters the field, and you have another G’raha Tia in the Break Zone, you can remove it from the game and deal 4000 damage to 2 of your opponent’s Forwards. You will also dull them as well.

If this card cost a little bit less, I would say that it’s better.



23-085R – Krile (XIV)

Look at the new card you’ll be putting in your Scions deck.

Nothing beats a 1K buff across your board. Especially when it comes to the Scions and they already work well together.

And if you still need a little bit of extra power, Krile can give a Scion another 1000 power when it deals damage to a Forward.

Can’t go wrong with that.



23-086H – Thancred

Thancred, reporting for duty!

Thancred is ready to go from the get go. (If you already have some Scions on the field.) He’ll break one of your opponent’s Forwards as he enters, and he’ll bring back a Forward from the dead as he enters the Break Zone.

Almost like a Viking, but different.

Scions being Scions.



23-087C – Jack

Yeah, you’re not going to play this card.

Unless there is another card that stated “this and this” if there are so many cards in your Break Zone.

I’m also pretty sure that the other Jacks are much better, I can say that without even looking for them.

Even at 2CP, I wouldn’t play this card.

At least the art is nice.

23-088L – Serah

Mono-Lightning XIII deck Incoming.

Your opponent will be using all their resources to get rid of Serah here.

Once she comes in all of your opponents Forwards will lose 2000 power, and if you have at least another 2 FFXIII Forwards their power will go down by 5000. And, this does not end at the end of the turn. As of my understanding, they lose that power until Serah is removed from the field.

That means that most of your opponent’s Forwards will be unusable. Sure, there will be ways that your opponent can raise the power of their Forwards, but Serah also has Dispel. Dispel removes any power gains that your opponent has given their Forwards until the end of the turn.

I’ll take 3 with all the bells and whistles.

23-089C – SOLDIER Candidate

Now, this is a Candidate I have a use for.

2CP/5K body, with Haste.

If you remember, I have built an all Haste deck, and this one fits perfectly into it.

2CP is perfect for it because you’ll only need to discard 1 card, since I don’t play any Backups. 5000 power isn’t bad, because you’re hoping to win in 2 rounds. And, half the time your opponent will not have any Forwards on the field.

And, most of the low cost Haste cards are Standard Units, SOLDIER Candidate will gain +3000 power, giving her an 8K body, the perfect “Candidate” for a Meat Shield.

23-090C/15-095C – Ninja

You know the drill.

“You’d think they’d at least try and get the serial numbers to match.

Would’ve looked a lot better reading 20-099C/15-099C.

Not that big of a deal but, at least you gain a Crystal when Ninja comes in.

After that you can send Ninja to the Break Zone, and deal a Forward 1000 damage.


Maybe if it wasn’t a reprint I’d be more excited.”

23-091C – Fencer (XIII)

There’s a lot of good Monsters in this set.

Fencer is ready to Break a Forward on command, as long as you have an extra Monster on the field, because that extra Monster will be part of the cost you pay for Fencer’s ability to go off.

It’s a cheap play, and as long as the Monster you send to the Break Zone has done it’s job, you’ll be good to go.


23-092R – Black Widow

This Monster is interesting.

You’ll need 2 or more Monsters for Black Widow to become a Forward. And when Black Widow does become a Forward, when it attacks, you may put another Monster into the Break Zone, and that will allow Black Widow to deal 9000 damage to a Forward of your choosing.

You can splash Black Widow into your Monster deck with Relm, and after that Black Widow will slowly get rid of your Monsters to play more Monsters.



23-093C – Mog (XIII-2)

This Moogle makes that XIII Mono-Lightning deck easier to make.

Always good to have a couple of searchers, and this one is better, because you can get rid of Mog once he finds what you’re looking for.

Mog comes in for 2CP, and just hangs out until it’s time for you to use his ability.

After that, you can play Mog once more, and he’ll do the same thing once more.

Yes, this card is needed.

23-094C – Y’shtola

How is this a Common?

If you’re playing a Scions deck, you will be dulling your opponent’s whole front line.

And, this only costs 3CP.

All I see is, you play Y’shtola, and block with her as soon as possible, in order to play her again.

Find a way to grab her from the Break Zone as well, and you’ll be golden. Just like the S(ci)un of the Seventh Dawn … Ok, maybe that wasn’t that great.

23-095R – Rosso

Rosso, the Crimson.

Vincent is in trouble here.

The Tsivets are coming for him and all of his allies, and Rosso is coming hard. For every time she attacks, she deals 4000 damage to one of your opponent’s Forwards.

And, if you have a stash of Crystals, you can use them to give one of your Tsivets Haste, allowing them to go from the get go.
Tsivets might finally have some decent cards to get a fun deck going.


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Hidden Trials – By Earth

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23-058C – Dark Knight

Oh wow, these Standard Unit Backups in this set are powerful. Sure, you need to have 5 Backups to get the full effect, but these Backups only cost 2CP.

Dark Knight comes in and gives a Forward. +1000 power and Brave.

If you have 5 Backups, then all of your Forwards gain +1000 power and Brave.

You can go all in swinging left and right with all of your Forwards, and then still have the resources to block your opponent’s attacks.


23-059C – Ignis EX

Noctis Is Down!! Hurry Phoenix Down!

That pretty much sums up Ignis.

When he enters the field you can grab a FFXV Character from your Break Zone, and add it to your hand. Not just Noct, but any XV Character that resides in there at that moment.

Best part is that this ability also comes off as an EX Burst.

Might be worth it … it’s always worth it if your grabbing cards from the Break Zone.

23-060L – Vincent

Beautiful card.

Though shall not pay 7CP to cast Vincent. Though shall pay 1CP to Warp Vincent. Vincent is Warp 6 meaning that 3 full turns need to pass before Vincent will enter the field. But the Warp Counters will reduce by one each time a Final Fantasy VII Character enters your field.

A ticking time-bomb, that once it goes off, you will Break one of your opponent’s Forwards and one of their Backups.
If you didn’t Warp Vincent, then you’ll just Break the Forward.

A Vincent worth playing?

23-061H – Warrior of Light

This is great.

If you have the CP, you can play a Standard Unit from the Break Zone at the begining of the Attack Phase. Doesn’t matter whose Attack Phase it is either! Yours. Your opponent’s. You can play that Standard Unit and buff up your defenses, add an attack, or play that Dark Knight from earlier, and give +1000 power and Brave to all of your Forwards.

You can also search for 2 Standard Units when Warrior of Light enters the field and send them to the Break Zone, so they’re ready for you whenever you’ll need them.

You can also splash any element with these Standard Units.

23-062H – Emet-Selch

Here’s one way to search for a high cost Forward.

And when you play a high cost Forward onto the field, Emet-Selch will deal another Forward 8000 damage.

And, that’s about it.

Other than that Emet-Selch costs 4CP, with a 8k body.

At least his ability to deal 8000 damage to a Forward goes off every time a high cost Forward enters the field. Maybe bounce that high cost Forward.

23-063C – Gladiolus

Gladiolus is ready to deal some serious damage, as long as his buddies are around.

Does that mean that this Gladiolus is a better play then the other Gladiolusi (? Gladioluses?)?

Probably not, but it might be fun to play in sealed, if there are more FFXV Characters in this set.

Gladiolus gains +1000 power and Brave if you have at least another FFXV Character on the field. Which you most likely will, or you won’t be playing Gladiolus.

Dawnhammer, Gladiolus’s Special ability that will 99% of the time break a Forward of your choosing.

23-064R – Golem

Would you like to see this Golem’s 3 card trick? He’s been hanging by the Korner with a Kardboard box and 3 cards. Would you like to try your luck?

I bet you do.

Choose a Forward, any Forward.

Now let’s flip over these 3 cards.

Grab one of the Forwards, return the other 2 to the bottom of your deck, and deal your Forwards Power as damage to the Forward that you have chosen.

Didn’t find a Forward?

Well, you’re out of luck.

23-065R – Gogmagog

Two heads are better than 1. 2 Monsters are better than one, too. And Gogmagog, is better with another monster on the field.

We already know that Gogmagog turns into a Forward with another Monster on the field.

So, let’s talk about what Gogmagog can do. Gogmagog can bring itself back from the Break Zone, as long as you remove a Monster in play from the game.

Should be good in any Monster deck.

23-066R – Jessie

Need a quick buff?

Jessie has 2 abilities that will buff you Forward.

The first one, she’ll buff any Final Fantasy VII Forward by 1000 power.

And secondly, If she buffs Cloud, Cloud will gain +2000 power.

Talk about favoritism.


23-067R – Shantotto

Do you recycle?

If so, Shantotto can help you get some recycled goods.

Shantotto comes in and grabs 2 Summons from either Break Zone. After that they are yours to keep until the end of the game, casting them whenever you need to.

This works good for you, as if your opponent is known for removing cards from your Break Zone, you can keep a couple of Summons that you know you’ll need later.

It’s like a side, side deck.

23-068C – SOLDIER Candidate

Earth’s Candidate to become a full fledged member of SOLDIER.

These are all pretty decent 2 cost Commons.

SOLDIER Candidate, come in and acts like Atlas?

… or was it Titan?

Well, SOLDIER Candidate comes in and you choose a Forward, and they deal damage to each other.

Might be a good way to get rid of a Forward.

23-069C – Narashima

Just like SOLDIER Candidate, only this time you choose your Forward that you want to trade blows with.

If you got an overpowered Forward, with plenty of buffs, well then this card is for you.

If you ask me, I’d pick Opus VII Fang, with 6 FFXIII Characters on the field, including Opus I Lebreaue. What’s that 11K?

I’m sure you can find a better Forward, but since Narashime is already a Category XIII Character. I stuck with that.

23-070H – Hythlodaeus

At first look I thought we were getting some Organization XIII cards. Then I realized we aren’t.

But, that doesn’t mean this isn’t a good card. In fact I think it’s great.

If Emet-Selch is on the field Hythlodaeus becomes a 3CP Forward with a 9K body.

That’s what you call a cheap Meat Shield. And, that is not the reason you’re playing this one.

You can use Hythlodaeus’s ability to put both her and Emet-Selch into the Break Zone. Then you shuffle your deck reveal the top 4 cards and play all the Characters onto the field.

If you’re lucky and all of your high cost Forwards pop up, you’ll be golden.

Just hope you don’t find any Summons there.

23-071C/15-080C – Geomancer

You know what time it is?

Copy/Paste time.


Standard Unit.



Maybe a Geomancer actually mines for Crystals.”

23-072 Brionac

A 5 cost Forward with 9000 power. Pretty normal for a Common, but during your Main Phase, you can remove 2 Earth cards from your Break Zone, from the game, and Brionac will gain +2000 power and Brave.

Brionac also has an ability that will deal 9000 damage to a Forward, but you’ll need a Crystal for that one.

If all you need is a Meat Shield, to block your opponent’s attacks, Brionac might be a good fit for you.

Best case scenario you find Brionac when you cast Golem.

23-073C – Prompto

Monster Hunter, or Monster Tamer?

Either way Prompto does things to Monsters that not many people do.

He takes pictures.

And those pictures will either Break a Monster, or Bring one back from the Break Zone.


Yeah, I got nothing.

23-074C – Wrieg

Here we are.

You can play Wrieg right before you play Prompto.

You’ll get your Monster back, and have a Forward and a Backup to show for it.

Is it worth playing?

I’d say that depends on if the Monster has an ability that goes off when it is put into the Break Zone.

At the very least, you’ll draw 2 Cards.

23-075R – Layle

A self sustainable Forward.

Layle comes in, gains a Crystal.

Layle attacks, gains a Crystal.

Layle attacks again, gains a Crystal.

Layle uses the Crystals when he is attacking and break a Monster or a Forward.

All this for 2CP.

23-076H – Regis

Regis might cost 7CP, but you get so much in return for that.

Regis comes in and you can grab a Final Fantasy XV Forward (of cost 5 or less) from your Break Zone, and play it straight to he field.

That alone will make Regis worth playing, but if you have already received 5 points of damage, you can go ahead and double that. This allows you to grab 2 XV Forwards from your Break Zone and play them straight to the field.

3 Forwards on the field for 7CP? Sounds like a good deal to me!

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Hidden Trials – By Wind

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23-039R – Asura

1CP and a Full Art, cant go wrong with that.

When you cast Asura, you activate all of your Forwards. Plus all of your Forwards can’t be returned to your hand and their power can not be decreased until the end of the turn.

You can either play this at the end of your turn, after you attacked with all of your Forwards. This way if you go all out thinking that you’ll win the game, you can still cast Asura and you will be able to block during your next turn.

I’m sure there’s better ways to play Asura, but that’s how I would play it.

23-040L – Adelle

This is wonderful.

Mono-Wind + Adelle = Hard to beat!

With Adelle, you can go all out with all of your Forwards, and if your plan doesn’t work out, you can attack with Adelle and use her ability to Activate all of your Wind Characters.

That way you’ll have your front line ready to block when your opponent decides to attack.

But, maybe they won’t , once they see all of your Forwards activated.

Only drawback is that Adelle won’t activate during your next turn, but since you’re running Wind, I’m sure you’ll find a way to activate Adelle.

23-041C – Jornee

A 2 cost Backup that that shall buff a Forward, and give it some protection as well.

Sure, that Forward needs to cost 3CP or less. But, once per turn, Jornee will give that Forward +1000 power and all damage dealt to that Forward by your opponent’s abilities will become 0.

I mean 2CP, for some damage control is worth it if you ask me.

And, if you don’t, then try it for yourself.


23-042C – Vaan

Well, this looks like a decent Vaan.

Vaan comes in, gain a Crystal

Vaan attacks, gain a Crystal.

Life of Crime, double the damage dealt to a Forward by Vaan.

Use the two Crystals Vaan gained from earlier and deal 8000 damage to all of your opponent’s Forwards.

And, they say a Life of Crime doesn’t pay.

23-043R – Venat

A 2 cost Backup, that can search for herself and play herself straight to the field.

Of course, that ability means that you’ll be searching for Venat (23-115L) and you;ll get 2 Crystals for it.

For me, that is worthless as, I will probably never play the other Venat.

Or you can just keep Venat on the field, and use her first ability to cancel a Summon whenever needed.

Now that, I can use.

23-044R – Silver Dragon

I see a pattern here. Monsters that need a Monster to become a Forward.

Silver Dragon becomes a Forward with 9000 power. Which is pretty decent, considering you only paid 2CP for it, but Silver Monster also has the ability, to protect your Monsters from your opponent’s Summons and abilities.

Meaning that you should throw Silver Dragon into any deck running Monsters and Opus XI Relm, as she searches and plays Monsters on to the field, without having to worry about CP.

Yes, Add it to your Monster deck.

23-045C – Samovira

Another Monster.

Samovira is a Winged Demon, waiting on the sidelines until it’s time to unleash his fury on a Forward, or a Monster.

It’s not much to get him on the field, but you’ll have to send Samovira and one other Monster into the Break Zone. Which in return will allow you to Break on of your opponent’s Forwards 5CP and up, or a Monster.

It’s almost like an even trade.

23-046C – SOLDIER Candidate

Another SOLDIER in training.

Just like the other Candidates, this SOLDIER Candidate gains +3000 power if you have a couple of Standard Unit Forwards in your Break Zone.

Now the question I have, is do SOLDIER Candidate’s abilities apply only to each individual card, or do they all get the effects?



23-047H – Tyro

The Record Keeper returns, and this time he’s grabbing a card from the Break Zone. You’ll need 3 elements in your back line for this to work. If you do, (which you will, because you won’t be playing Tyro if you don’t) Tyro becomes a Free play.

Tyro will also protect one of your Forwards that is being targeted by a Summon, ability or an attack, by reducing the damage dealt to it, all the way down to 0.

I can see it being used, but I don’t see me using it.


23-048C – Dr. Mog

“Calling Dr. Howard, Dr. Fine, Dr. Howard, Dr. Mog!”

Search for a Moogle, does that mean Moogles are a thing now?

Are we going to get Killer Moogles from Outer Space?

So, many questions, we need more Moogles.

Dr. Mog also activates a Moogle with his ability.

Good King Moggle Mog might be making a comeback as well.

23-049C – Ninja

We’ve seen plenty of Ninjas already.

This one is a Backup that costs 2CP, and depending on when you play him, you can a decent card, or a really good card.
Ninja will make a Forward unblockable by a Forward that costs 3CP or more.

Ok, not bad.

But, if you have 5 Backups on the field, all of the Forwards that you control gain that ability.

Allowing you to have a semi-open path to your enemy.

23-050H – Noel

It’s not Warp, it’s Ludicrous Speed!

Noel might cost 5CP to play him, but he can come in easily with Warp. You might not even need to wait a whole turn. If you have 3 Final Fantasy XIII Characters on the field, as soon as you get into your Attack Phase, you will remove 1 Warp Counter for each XIII Character on the field.

You can end up playing Noel for 1CP.

After that Noel comes in with Haste and First Strike, and he’s ready to attack with 9000 power.

He’s gone plaid!

23-051L – Hope

Coming in at 3CP with 7000 power.

Hope is a great card, and you probably will never attack with Hope.

All Hope is going to do, is come in to play, pay (x), search for a Final Fantasy XIII Forward and play it onto the field. This is a great way to splash some more elements into that XIII deck that you know you will be building.

Once the new Forward comes in to play, all you’ll need to do is dull Hope, remove him from the game, and bring him back during your next Main Phase 1. You will then pay XCP once more and search for a XIII Forward and play it on to the field, and repeat.

Don’t forget to add Nora EX (1-079R) and Bartholomew (7-060R) to your deck.

23-052R – Maina EX

Finally, Ninjas have a way to search for Ninjas.

4CP to search, making Mainas cost 2CP.

And then Maina also brings protection, for one of your Ninjas, against your Opponent’s Summons and abilities. Simply by dulling 2 active Ninjas.

Let’s make a Ninja deck that will make Vanilla Ice proud.

“Go Ninja, Go Ninja, Go!”

23-053R – Meteion

A rare Backup, that will activate all of your Backups.

And give you a card as well.

Sure, you’ll have to put Meteion into the Break Zone, but she will have served her cause, and then you can play another Meteion, because this one is gone.

All this for 2CP, not bad at all.


23-054C – Yuffie

There are Ninjas everywhere, and Yuffie is ready to go.

2CP, 5K body, and the ability to draw a card every time a Ninja deals damage to your opponent.

Plus if you have a couple of Wind CP ready to go, you can just attack with Yuffie, and if anyone tries to block her, just use those 2 Crystal Points to make Yuffie unblockable.

Almost like Opus IV Locke but, instead of paying with a card of the same name, just use two generic Wind Crystal Points.
I can see this being used.

23-055C/15-058C – Dragoon

Reprint of a Reprint.

Dawn of Heroes, Crystal Dominion.

“Crystals and more Crystals.

Use this reprint Dragoon to generate one Crystal and then use his ability to get him off the field.

See, I actually wrote something this time.

No Copy/Paste.


I might Copy/Paste this for the next one though.”

23-056C – Luso

Need a way to bring back a Character from the Break Zone?

Luso here might be able to help.

Luso comes in and let’s you grab a Character of 2CP or less from the Break Zone and play it straight to the field.

And Luso’s abilities don’t end there. You can turn Luso into a Monster Hunter, where he will Break a Monster, but Luso will also end up in the Break Zone.

It’s a decent card, has good abilities when Luso enters and exits the field.

Deserves a shot.

23-057H – General Leo

A General needs his army, and so does General Leo.

Only difference is that General Leo’s army is a lot smaller than your average army. General Leo can handle the battle with only 3 soldiers.

When General Leo’s army is on the battlefield, they will give the General +2000 power and protection from your opponent’s Summons.

Other than that, General Leo will also allow you to play a card of 2CP or less from your hand onto the field, when he enters the field.

A leader among low cost Characters!

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Hidden Trials – By Ice

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23-020C – Red Mage

Red Mage enters the field, and your opponents discards a cards.

The only question is, will they choose the card that they will discard, or are you going to choose the card that they will discard.

The answer lies in how many Backups you have on the field. If it’s 4 or less your opponent will choose. If you have 5, well, the choice is all yours.

Get rid of that one card that you know your opponent has been searching for this whole time.

23-021C – Weiss

Are Tsivets going to be a thing?

They will if Weiss has anything to say about it.

Weiss searches for a Tsivet, yes you have to pay a Crystal for the search, but what else are you going to do with those Crystals. You can’t hoard them forever.

And once another Tsivet enters the field, Weiss will now have +2000 power and Brave.

And, that my friend is not a bad thing.

Unless your name is Vincent.

23-022R – Aemo

Play this card.

Have your opponent sit back and watch as you neutralize their hand, and they lie lifeless on the side of the road as you dissect their board.

Bit much?

That’s pretty much what happens when you use Aemo’s ability.

Cheap Backup, but that ability is .. what’s the word … Bonkers.

Once your opponent removes his hand from the game, you have free reign over the board.

Unless they have enough active Backups on the field, and active Forwards, they will not be doing much this turn.

And, at the end of the turn, they get their hand back.

But, once the damage is done, it’s done.

I’ll take 3. And 3 more just in case.

23-023H – Anima, Eikon of Eikons

Powerful card.

But, it has very limited use.

In order for Anima’s ability to go off, both you and your opponent must have 0 cards in hand.

Is it likely that this will happen?

Yes, If you’re playing Discard, you can have your opponent down to no cards, and then you’ll use up the rest of your cards to play Anima.

Dull/Freeze their whole board, and you won’t have to worry about their next turn either.

23-024R – Shiva EX

Dull/Freeze a Forward.

And if somehow, that Forward deals damage to one of your Forwards or to you, that Damage becomes 0.

Now, I don’t know how a Dull and Frozen Forward can deal damage to you, but I’m sure we’re going to find out shortly.
If not now, then next set.


23-025C – Shelke

Here is where your supply of Crystals will come from when you’re running Tsivets.

Shelke should be the first Tsivet you play, if possible.

Shelke will be the one that gives Weiss a Crystal to search for another Tsivet.

And, since you’ll have 2 Tsivets on the field, Weiss will gain +2000 power and Brave.

You can give Shelke that other Crystal, to give herself +3000 power until the end of the turn.

It’s a Common, it’s 2CP, it’s worth it.

23-026C – Jegran

4 cost Common Forward, 8000 power.

That’s your standard cost for a Common with 8000 power.

Jegran has the ability, once put into the Break Zone, to either Break a dull Forward or have your opponent discard 2 cards.

Either way, it’s a bit of help if played at the right moment.


23-027C – Jihl Nabaat

Jihl Nabaat, will hang out on the backfield, producing a single Crystal Point, until the time you’ll need to use her ability.

And, what ability is that?

Jihl Nabaat will break a dull Forward, for the cost of a PSICOM Character, and 2 Ice Crystal Points.

There’s plenty of PSICOM Characters that you can use for this.

And, Jihl shall stay on the field, for when you’d like to use her ability once more.

23-028L – Cecil

Move over Batman, Cecil is the real Dark Knight.

As you can see, all of Cecil’s abilities deal damage to you. Is it worth using these abilities, or even playing Cecil? Well that depends. Do you need to inflict damage upon yourself in order for your deck to get that much stronger.

If the answer is yes, then yes you should play Cecil. Just imagine your back is pinned to the wall, and all of a sudden you reach 5 points of damage and you cast Dark Flame. Most likely, wiping out your opponents front line.

All that’s left is for you to come in a get the win.

23-029R – Zenos

Zenos has your opponent’s Break Zone on lock down.

Every time a card leaves your opponent’s Break Zone, your opponent discards a card. It doesn’t matter where that card goes. It could be removed from the game. It could be added to your opponent’s hand, it could be played straight to the field. Whatever the reason, if a card leaves your opponent’s Break Zone they discard a card from their hand.

And, let’s not forget when Zenos enters the field, you get to remove 2 cards from your opponent’s Break Zone.

Guess what happens after that?

23-030C – Serah

Pick one of two, or two of two.

Depends on if you have a Commando on the field.

Serah comes in and you can Dull/Freeze a card, and your opponent discards a card from there hand.

No Commando, no worries. Just add Fang. There should be a Fang in this set. I haven’t seen it yet.


22-031C – SOLDIER Candidate

I always wanted to build a SOLDIER deck. And, when I finally do, SOLDIER Candidate will be in it. 3 copies of it.

As long as you have a couple of Standard Units in your Break Zone, SOLDIER Candidate becomes a 2 cost Forward with 8000 power. Cheap, Effective, Meat Shield. What else would you want? You could stop here and it would be a decent card, if only to block your opponent’s attacks.

But, we’re not stopping here, because when SOLDIER Candidate enters the field, you will Dull/Freeze one of your opponent’s Forwards.

I’ll take 3.

22-032H – Drautos

I don’t remember who this is.

But, this does look like a great card.

You’ll need to have 1 or 2 cards in your hand, in order for you to cast Drautos.

For 2CP this is far from bad. It’s actually pretty good. Drautos comes in with a 8k body and Brave. Meaning you’ll be swinging, and swinging because Drautos will still be able to block.

Plus, he comes in with some added protection from your opponent’s Summon and abilities. If they deal damage, that damage will become 0.

22-033C/15-038C – Knight

Reprint of a reprint. We’ll just put down what we wrote during Dawn of Heroes.

“Ice Reprint Standard Unit.

Just find what I wrote for Samurai and change the word Samurai to Knight.”




22-034R – Pacos Amethyst

For some reason I want tacos right now.

Monster Tacos!

Pacos Amethyst won’t do anything except wait around, unless you have another Monster on the field.

If you do Pacos Amethyst becomes an 8k body on your front line.

And if your opponent wants to get rid of Pacos by targeting it with Summons or abilities, well then your opponent will have to discard a card from their hand.

It might be worth it, if you target it with Opus XI Relm.

22-035H – White Tiger l’Cie Nimbus

5 cost Forward with an 8k body, that also searches for a “Brave” Forward.

White Tiger L’cie Nimbus, or Nimbus for short. Does search for a Forward with Brave. Nimbus also has Brave himself.
Nimbus also cannot be chosen by your opponent’s abilities, making Nimbus a meaty Meat Shield that can also attack.

Nothing special, just a big body that searches for a “Brave” body.


22-036C – Flan

1CP to have the option to dull a Forward whenever you’d like.

And if you like your Flan with extra Flan, you can remove 3 Flans from your Break Zone, and Break that Forward that Flan just dulled.

It’s the cycle of Flan.




23-037R – Lightning

This whole time I thought that Lightning was a Legend.

Then I read the card, and thought that is not legend material.

And then, I realized Lightning is a Rare card.

Lightning doesn’t do much when she comes in, but at the begining of each Attack Phase Lightning will dull one of your opponent’s Forwards.

It’s not bad, it’s not great, but the art is amazing.

Why else would they put the Golden Signature on this card?

23-038H – Lady Lilith

“Luck be a Lady tonight”

You’ll be lucky if you have 3 Crystals, cause Lady Lilith will seduce one of your opponent’s Forwards with that Crystal and bring them over to your control.

That’s all there is to say.

I might have to go ahead and redo my deck. So, many cards are coming out that allow you to take control of your opponent’s cards.


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